That's exactly how I felt first playing HoN! I thought it was just because it's all new. There's just a lot of **** you have to know. And when you don't know the enemy's abilities, cooldowns, mana costs, range, or anything it's completely unpredictable. It was hard even though most of the heros are very similar to DotA heroes.
LoL is more intuitive to play? Literally everything would be new though, even the way towers and pushing work and the flow of different stages of the game.
Really, the "MOBA" genre tests game knowledge more than anything. Basic execution is nothing too difficult, it's like MMO PvP and Starcraft at the same time (Warcraft 3 Hero control). The rest of the game is just situational awareness and an optimization game for managing shopping and item builds.
Early game is different though. Feels almost like a fighting game except you're mainly poking and getting hits on the creeps until a teammate sneaks up on your opponent for a gank. I wish the whole game were like that, that's why I like 2v2 so much.
So what separates pros from casuals is situational awareness and decision making (like when to attack and when to run away) that comes from experience, and the ability to last hit and deny.
I agree, basically it's all decision-making and less tech skill (reaction is still big honestly), except you forgot teamwork is the most obvious thing that is overlooked. Teamwork is way different in league than in smash for example, it would take 100x longer to get good teamwork down in league than in melee. For example (there are many more but heres one), understanding strengths and weaknesses of team comps takes a long time to understand. It's not as simple as, Fox does damage while Peach survives and disrupts. There are a lot of strategies to beat each kind of comp. And within each category of comp there are many variables bc there are multiple champions that can fulfill multiple roles
But I was instantly able to stomp ppl in League because of how good everything was set up even though I had no idea what the other champions were doing. Like I had no idea what to buy or what was even in the jungle but the tooltips and stuff like that were very clear and that made it so just figuring out what to do wasn't as hard. The Moba learning curve is still there, it's just easier to understand your own champion. It's like in HoN you have to learn, how to learn, how to learn. Instead of league you know what to do but just have to put time into it
Every dota player looks at LoL like the Brawl of the genre.
Yup, that's what I thought for a long time, I would play it and bash it at the same time lol. But now I realize how good it is.. a lot of old dota/hon players who tried out LoL have changed their minds, and of course a lot of the top players now were former dota/hon players and they say they would never go back.
You could say SF4, MvC3, and Starcraft 2 are also "brawlites" of their predecessors, but they are still incredibly good and FUN games that made eSports more popular. I won't argue that there is more mechanics in any of the newer games, but that does not make them bad by any means.
Also... nothing is ever as bad as Brawl. Not even close baybeeeeee