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The 949 Smash Thread: RIP PacWest


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
I wanna play smash tomorrow but no one ever wants to play.

**** Irvine. I'm not even part of it anymore now that I moved


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Irvine, CA
I made a post on facebook about people who come to my house and now I'm copy and pasting it here...

I'm not accusing anyone I tagged in this note but It's the best way to get your attention

everyone who comes to my house:

We have 3 bags of clothes that we're going to give to good will unless someone claims them.

WATERBOTTLEsSSSS stop tearing off the little blue tab and throwing it on the floor. Seriously, you don't have to tear the blue tab off completely to drink through the top. Or at least throw the the blue tabs in the trash

AND FINALLY, that smell that I've always been talking about in my room has been found by Jenny. Someone left old food from wholesome choice (I think) behind the rock band drums in the corner of my room. I'm sure it's been there for a while because the stench was quite pungent.

So people need to be more responsible about their trash among other things or I'm going to have to be more particular in which people I invite over. Not just the people tagged in this note but everyone, I know I don't have everyone as a facebook friend.

I'm sure there are other things I could write but this is just what we've discovered in the last 15 minutes



Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
who gets food from wholesome choice? ***** STAB

I already know stab's going to call me a **** so I just want him to know I'm kidding


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
I left my grey sweater hoodie at your place cameron

please don't throw it away, I'll pick it up tonight

I also agree what Connor said: Fuking Stab


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2010
might hold some smash stuff this weekend, who's interested? ive already got 2gc/4tv's just need 2 cubes.


Smash Lord
Aug 19, 2004
Hi guys!

I doubt anybody knows who I am anymore, but I'm a very oldschool melee player that was one of the top eastcoasters back in 2005 even though I never considered myself that good lol. I haven't played more than a few times since 05 due to putting time into other activities, but recently I've had a strong craving to play melee again from time to time. The last time I played was In January (I THINK it was Jan) at a small brawl/melee tournament where Fly Aminita and Connor 2 and 1 stocked me and I barely pulled a 2-1 win off TKD (last stock and I think 72 percent on my end). I'm not bragging or trying to john, I'm only stating this so people know I'm not complete garbage lol. I pretty much never brag because I do my best to remain humble and focus on my weaknesses. Plus, I don't even have melee with me in CA, so I am going to have a LOT of weaknesses =P

I play pretty much every character since I get bored using only a few. I am probably best with the characters that require the most strategy and least tech skill. I'm thinking of focusing on Ganon because he's a lot of fun, not too technical, and needs to be played relatively strategically (spamming the fairs tilts and neutral a's will only get you so far haha). If anyone has suggestions for the most strategic/non tech skill requiring character, I'm open to hearing your opinions and trying the character out more often.

I also live in downtown LA. As far as I know, I'm the only brawl or melee player that lives in the area, but I hope I'm mistaken! I also live a few blocks away from the staples center (I see people are going to the anime expo). If anyone wants to come by, let me know! I'm not planning on going to the anime event, but I'd be happy to have a good smash player over if they can bring a cube and extra controller (I only have a terrible white one my friend bought me for 5 bucks LOL).

But yeah, I just thought I'd introduce myself briefly. I'd love to make it to a smashfest sometime if you guys hold them frequently. I won't be able to play too often due to work and grad school though.


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
At first I was going to say "AZNFORCE MADE A POST?!?!?!?!"

I'm coming down there on Saturday for Anime Expo, PM me your address so I'll go play with you =D My cell is 408 507 2931.

I kinda wanna play smash at AX for no reaons


Smash Lord
Aug 19, 2004
Sweet! I'll send you a text and we can set up a time. We could even plan a smashfest at my place! I just spoke to Ajax and he is likely interested too. I'm sure we could find people from Anime Boston to come if you can recruit some good players haha.

Edit-Connor, are you coming to the expo? If so, come play melee with us lol.


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
I've never been to AX and I honestly just wanna hang out with people and make fun of bad costumes.


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
it sounds fun to hang with everyone, but it is going to cost me $45 for one day... i'd rather save up

not all of us can be like certain asians in irvine and make fake passes
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