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The 949 Smash Thread: RIP PacWest


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2008
yeah i've played beta and i like it a lot too.i just want the actual game to be out so i can pay my $50 and relive middle school haha


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
a lot came up today

i'm behind schoolwork

so i'm going to have to cancel today



Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2009
Hey all, I haven't been smashing at all or paying attention to the socal scene or anything, what's going on this weekend?


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
so ppl still wanna smash lol

i'm hosting but won't play much

i have charles and chris coming

anyone can come


Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2007
Irvine CA
Maybe. I might get some new glasses tomorrow. I'll be sure to post when I get them.

What style of frame should I get?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
no smashfests for me forever cause i now have a job.... =/
and work every friday.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
work at 5....
doing poop at 11 till iono, so maybe acouple hours inbetween
stab, nice avatar beeteedubs


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
Hey, can someone explain to me how you to the play by yourself camera glitch?
Like a legit explanation? :]
ok, so what you have to do is....

go into melee mode (or fixed camera mode, depends if you want a moving close up or not, either way is good).. i would recommend doing infinite time, because 4 stocks can cause freezes when you lose your stocks (and time just makes more sense for practicing)

then, select your character, and click your character's name so a list of the nicknames comes up.

this part, you dont HAVE to do, but itll make it a lot easier: select the nickname RIGHT above "name entry" [which should be the last option]

then, click the character's name again, but this time press and hold b AS FAST AS YOU CAN right after you press A to click the character name. if you did this part right, youre holding down b, but nothing happened in the game (you didnt go back a screen, lose your cursor on your character, nor did the nickname list go away)

then quickly HIGHLIGHT (but dont click) name entry.

now this is the hardest part (but its not too bad once you get the timing down IMO)

since youre holding down b, if you wait a few seconds, youre going to go back to the melee menu screen. what you want to do is press A on name entry EXACTLY when the screen is about to go back to the melee menu screen. if you do it right, then instead of going back to the melee menu screen, youll end up on stage select. and VOILA! youre done.

a couple pointers:
-if you hear the sound that means its going back to the menu screen, that usually means youre pressing A slightly too slow. what SHOULD happen is youll hear the beginning part of the sound, and then youll see stage select (that or i get excited and dont hear the last part of the sound haha)
-i believe the timing is close to frame perfect, so good luck! it should be RIGHT before you hear the sound for the screen going back (at least thats how it works for me)
-also, i should have done this instead of typing this whole thing out (but it was kinda fun) go look it up on youtube. its called the name entry glitch or something like that. thats how i learned to do it.. i dont have time now, but ill put up the link later if i do have time

anyways, good luck! i can generally do it on my first or second try, but sometimes it takes me a while before i get it.

if you have any questions, let me know! im not the best at explaining things...

on a side note: i think im still decent at starcraft 1 (cause i occasionally play and watch my peeps the koreans tear **** up on youtube).. so im excited to see what SC2 brings me... once i get my hands on my friends computer over summer, its going down... :D


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2010
Irvine, CA
awjdajdawl, sorry. I don't think I can go. :[
MM next week!

edit : Incronaut@ I can do it like 1/20 of the time now! thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! :]


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
@chris wtf i've never even heard of that haha
yeah dude! its how lovage's beserker video was done!

its probably the best way to practice if you want a stage to yourself with the c-stick working as aerials as well (or if you dont have two controllers)

@antopark no problem dude! i dont think i ever met you irl yet rofl


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2008
@chris wow theres so much i have to learn about this game -___- haha

so after playing a little bit the last couple days,i've realized how much of a hassle it is for me to play against defensive players.i think its because im a little defensive myself haha.but ok so as somewhat of an idea of how i play (i hope im accurate :p) i like to dd around while i think and get into my reads,and for the most part try to grab or aerial while theyre caught in the lag from their approach.so yeah pretty much the problem is,if they DONT approach,i feel like im overworking myself to get a stock lead so they have an incentive to come at me.my way of getting over this problem right now is dd'ing somewhere close to them and just throwing out random nairs or whatever so that they try to shield grab and thats when i go for them (the lag from their grab). its pretty fun pressuring shields with knees and jabs and all that,but in tournament,having fun might not always equate to the best option.sooooooooo anybody have any advice for me???? *stares at dave*..i posted this on the falcon boards but the fail at answering serious questions if youre not well known i guess haha

ps: i play falcon..soooo yeah you'd probably need to know that if you were to give me advice haha
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