Endless Nightmares
Smash Master
This is the first thing I've ever seen in this thread that I absolutely 100% agree with.AlphaZealot said:The tier list is a measure of how characters stack up in tournament play according to the current metagame.
So, no, character potential has nothing to do with the list, at least in the sense that you are trying to predict how a character will evolve to be played a year from now.
The list is just a current representation of how things play out on the tournament scene as a result of the metagame. Falco's game has been evolving over the last year and as a result we have seen Falco shoot up a few notches. Fox's game has undergone that same evolution. Meanwhile very little has been added to Sheik's metagame. Chu Dat started a revolution with Ice Climbers, but it was slow to catch on, which is why the previous list has the Ice Climbers lower than this new list. The new list actually takes into account that other people are playing the Ice Climbers, not just Chu Dat (meep, azn lep, among a few others).
This list is the RESULT of tournament play. Keep that in mind. Many people seem to be saying that this list will influence people, while it is really the opposite way around, the list is influenced by the competitive community. On the noncompetitve newby level the tier list may seem to be counter to logic or just a popularity contest, but it really isn't. Certain characters are played more frequently than other characters because they have more going for them.