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TFS: Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN. **** Melee


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
otg, best of luck with where the road takes you.

like the great philosopher prog once said, "It isn't the man that makes the road, its the road that makes the **** this gps what am I doing in Jersey."

Nah, but in all seriousness, do you.

In sadder news, we may be seeing the end of scientology.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
seriously though, we'll miss ya, but life > smash, so get on with your life. or not and stay here and play smash, whichever you feel like.
I have a lot to think about. I'm considering saving up more $$ before I go which means I would stick around longer, but tbh Idk how much more I can take.

otg's midlife crisis (we all know he won't live past 40)
So funny you say that cause with the current lifestyle I lead, I probably wont live past 40. I would consider travelling to Europe, but it's pretty expensive. I'm thinking about going to one of the poorest places in the US and just ballin out.

Banana Bread stays praying on our downfall.
That's cause they know we're gonna tap.

Nah I'm past my prime. I'm like a 10 beer queer now.

otg, best of luck with where the road takes you.

like the great philosopher prog once said, "It isn't the man that makes the road, its the road that makes the **** this gps what am I doing in Jersey."

Nah, but in all seriousness, do you.

In sadder news, we may be seeing the end of scientology.
Why is scientology ending?


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
LOL.. not at all, I could play hbox for hours. If you can pick me up i can go >_<
Lol ok, why aren't you going to No Johns tho? I could potentially pick u up but I'm not sure if I can guarantee you a ride home tho..... Maybe we could try and figure something out with the Pelham Bay bus station or something?

The rumor is Lebron James to the Knicks. Whats ****ing good Boston?
Yeah I heard about that last night, ****?


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Sidenote TFS really needs to start playing ArcNatural. It's SOOO SEXY EVERY session.
Fixed for accuracy.

I used to hate FoD now I don't mind it. Mainly because I instantly recognize when I'm going to edgecancel and my l-canceling between the small platforms is pretty solid now.

I wish I didn't have work tomorrow :( I'm holding up pretty much everyone from MA because of it.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
It's a great stage. Lots of spontaneity, which I like. I think its mostly off because of teams and then not realizing it when we start playing singles but I'll make a point to watch out for that.

Can't wait to play Arc.


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
From a financial standpoint, Lebron and the Knicks are a perfect fit. $tern knows the revenue that'll be generated with the revival of a Miami/NY rivalry (with Riley coaching the Heat again?). Lebron wants to be a billionaire, NY is one of the top markets. Plus, think of the merchandising, etc. As amazing as a Heat/Lakers rivalry would be, the big money comes from intraconference beef, look at the Pacers/Knicks, Lakers/Kings, Suns/Spurs, Magic/Cavs.

For winning...it'll be interesting. Amare is great, we know what he can do in D'Antoni's system. Gallinari looks like he can develop into a Nowitzki type. If Sergio ends up being the starter at PG, he is the perfect pass first shoot second PG that the system needs. And who knows, T-Mac is a free agent now, but he could definitely be a spark off the bench if he wants a paycut.

[wandering monk]


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Fixed for accuracy.

I used to hate FoD now I don't mind it. Mainly because I instantly recognize when I'm going to edgecancel and my l-canceling between the small platforms is pretty solid now.

I wish I didn't have work tomorrow :( I'm holding up pretty much everyone from MA because of it.
It's going to be fun to play again Arc, I'm more excited to play you then anyone else tbh. you have no idea what kind of psychological warfare TFS puts up when the going gets tough.

Back to you Alu.

It's a great stage. Lots of spontaneity, which I like. I think its mostly off because of teams and then not realizing it when we start playing singles but I'll make a point to watch out for that.

Can't wait to play Arc.
Yeah the only reason it's turned off is because we play teams like 99% of the time on my cube. But yeah, let's def make it a point to put it on, I don't have any personal hatred towards it.



Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Knicks would have 5 mill left after another max contract. Idk, I think T-Mac would have to be willing to take 5M at this point in his career. I think he could be a great player still with the major pressure off of him (say, like Grant Hill's revival in phoenix). What would be sad is letting David Lee go since he's nasty but I guess I could settle for lebron. :p

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
It's going to be fun to play again Arc, I'm more excited to play you then anyone else tbh. you have no idea what kind of psychological warfare TFS puts up when the going gets tough.
*****, arc is our secret weapon.

dude can't get ****talked cuz he can't hear ****!

get it


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Lol ok, why aren't you going to No Johns tho? I could potentially pick u up but I'm not sure if I can guarantee you a ride home tho..... Maybe we could try and figure something out with the Pelham Bay bus station or something?

Sure.. or maybe one of the other regulars can give me a ride back.. I guess we'll see.


Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2007
The dale
Sidenote TFS really needs to start playing on FoD. It's turned off in like every friendly session.
Good call, Nick. I'm definitely with you on that idea. It's a good stage for samus too, so it's all good.

two things:

1. who wants to play today?
2. working on a couple of unnamed projects, finally decided to throw an introduction together. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zggzPhc_z9c
I've watched this 9 second video three dozen times already...and I'm still not sure wtf scientology is.....



Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Smashjin, any chance you could give vanz a ride home tomorrow night? Like im def having a smashfest but i REALLLLY don't want a lot of people over becuase Im already housing like 12 people (now apparently I gotta house wife and husband and ****).


Smash Rookie
Jun 22, 2010
Smashjin, any chance you could give vanz a ride home tomorrow night? Like im def having a smashfest but i REALLLLY don't want a lot of people over becuase Im already housing like 12 people (now apparently I gotta house wife and husband and ****).
yo are we carpooling for the tourney this weekend? keep me updated man


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
The fact that Lebron is FROM Ohio makes him leaving so insane. I think he's going to regret that choice. He'll be a major villain now in most places instead of the fan favorite.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
Centerville, Massachusetts
The fact that Lebron is FROM Ohio makes him leaving so insane. I think he's going to regret that choice. He'll be a major villain now in most places instead of the fan favorite.
Not that I follow basketball or anything, but he was gonna be the villain in some eyes no matter what I think. Whichever team he didn't go to was gonna be bitter lol. Leaving his home team was rough but it's hard to blame someone for changing teams for certain reasons too.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Not that I follow basketball or anything, but he was gonna be the villain in some eyes no matter what I think. Whichever team he didn't go to was gonna be bitter lol. Leaving his home team was rough but it's hard to blame someone for changing teams for certain reasons too.
As a Knick fan, I'm completely over the fact that he didn't choose NY. However, as an NBA fan it looks incredibly cowardly to jump ship from his hometown and the team that drafted him to join a super team to win cheap championships alongside the second best player in the NBA. This isn't KG and Ray Allen in the twilights of their careers, this is a guy with most of his career left.

What you are talking about is only a short term dip in popularity. Sure the teams who were in the running feel snubbed right now, and maybe he loses some fans in those cities, but we're talking about one of the most popular athletes in general, across the country. If he signs in Cleveland, or to a lesser extent anywhere else where its clearly not a formation of a super team, the rest of the country would have lost no respect for him. So now he has not only pissed off the cities he has snubbed, but he has lost a ton of respect across the country among fans who had no investment in this free agency.


This is a great article that really sums it up. I'm sorry but I really care about this.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

he wants to win a title, he's willing to pay for it. you can hold that against someone if you want to, but as a pro athlete, your window of opportunity is only so large and if you wait your whole career trying to make something out of nothing only to try to get a title later in the twilight of your career, you're putting your dreams of earning a championship in the hands of others. I dunno, I get how people think it's a cop out and hold it against him, but I really can't blame the guy for trying to get his while the gettin's good.

and just note this is me talking without the context of listening to his special on ESPN or paying attention to what he's been saying. I'm just talking as a general sport's fan based solely on his final decision.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Well if he wants to win a title so much, why doesn't he just take the league minimum salary (of 300K or whatever) and go play for the Lakers? He makes 28 mill in endorsements so, why not? The point is that championships are not just championships. Winning one in Cleveland on his own would be worth multiple championships in Miami in the eyes of the public.

I also want to state that I believe he thinks he is making a great marketing decision, purely because he is going to win championships and therefore look like a champion. Something else I read compared it to Jordan's free agency in 1990, when he was 27 and had never won a title. If Jordan had decided to join the Pistons or the Knicks at that point, of course he would have won titles, but would he be the megastar celebrity sports marketing machine that he is today? Not a chance...

By leaving Cleveland to join D Wade, he has given up his franchise player status. Now he's going to play Scottie Pippen's role for D Wade. He thinks championships will solidify his legacy in the NBA, but just by making this move he has significantly downgraded his status in the NBA.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
Centerville, Massachusetts

he wants to win a title, he's willing to pay for it. you can hold that against someone if you want to, but as a pro athlete, your window of opportunity is only so large and if you wait your whole career trying to make something out of nothing only to try to get a title later in the twilight of your career, you're putting your dreams of earning a championship in the hands of others. I dunno, I get how people think it's a cop out and hold it against him, but I really can't blame the guy for trying to get his while the gettin's good.

and just note this is me talking without the context of listening to his special on ESPN or paying attention to what he's been saying. I'm just talking as a general sport's fan based solely on his final decision.
Wes kinda said everything I would have.

On another note I might not make it up tonight -_-, getting stuck working.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I think he thinks he's creating a dynasty with Bosh and Wade. And I think he's probably right, pending injuries.

That will probably make him less popular and earn him less money from marketing, but with how much money he makes already, who ****ing cares? I dunno, I just see so much analysis that's money-centric on this, and I just don't get why so many people are so hung up on projections of the guy ending his career with 500 Million in the bank account instead of a cool Billion. Either way he's rich as hell and if he wants to play with his Olympics teammates who he trusts and thinks are going to net some championships, that's fine by me. Sucks for the rest of the Eastern Conference, but what are you gonna do about it? There aren't rules against making a super team.

I dunno, I guess if you see his motivation in terms of money, then yea, it's terrible move, but I don't think that's even a big factor behind his decision.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Wes's line of thinking seems more of the kind of thing D Wade himself should be worried about. But D Wade is not Lebron James. The guy is estimated to be worth between 25 and 40 wins to any given team! Plus he's only 25 years old! Kobe is getting old and its already become blatantly clear that Lebron is the best player in the NBA. He is a player who is unquestionably going to win championships no matter what at some point. Now they will be valued less than they otherwise would have. He sold himself out.

Edit: He's choosing to be a villain instead of a demi-god, plus taking a massive long term paycut. How do you possibly see him happy with this decision in the long term? I think he basically panicked, doubted himself, and that he'll end up pretty pissed at himself at some point.

Double Edit: It just sounds like you don't really care and feel like "hey man let him do what he wants to do," and that's fine. The reason I'm pointing out that this is a horrible move for Lebron James himself is because its also a horrible thing for the NBA overall. Everybody lost on this.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
that "guaranteed to win championships" line is bull**** and you know it!

come on, this is ridiculous, just because everyone wants to compare the man to Jordan doesn't mean he can do the exact same thing as Jordan and have the same success. Plenty of fantastic players play their whole careers "honorably" or "loyally" or w/e you wanna call it and just never pull a championship off. Look at Stockton and Malone, one of the best 1-2 punches in NBA history, absolutely perfect pick and roll. They stuck with the Jazz their whole careers and never once got a championship (ironically robbed of their best chance by a Jordan comeback... *swoon* how inspirational of Jordan). Reggie Miller stuck with the Pacers through thick and thin, never once got a title. You can argue, "oh but those guys weren't the best player in the league," but you have to get what I'm saying... Devotion and great play alone don't lead to championships and **** can happen and you can wake up 10 years down the line realizing that you haven't won your championship and you're now a half step too slow to lead your team over the next Heir apparent to the Jordan throne. And that's not even considering that at any moment you could be the next Pete Maravich and just suffer a career ending injury.

I guess what I'm saying is that Basketball careers are like lives... they're shorter than you think and you never actually know when they're going to end. so how are you gonna hold it against a man when he's trying to do what he can to win today?
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