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TFS: Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN. **** Melee


Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2007
The dale
I hate going out to tourneys, but I might have to make an exception for this one in order to witness/participate in the crew battle. otg, is there room in your car?


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
I got dollar bills for everybody in BB. I'm also supposed to MM Yedi's ness which could potentially result in me quitting smash if I lose.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.

I hate going out to tourneys, but I might have to make an exception for this one in order to witness/participate in the crew battle. otg, is there room in your car?
I could do that. We should figure out a driving situation cause I know that you, niko, hbox, yaneev and jason would all want to go and would need rides. Could we potentially get two cars going and/or Mass steps up and helps with rides?

I got dollar bills for everybody in BB. I'm also supposed to MM Yedi's ness which could potentially result in me quitting smash if I lose.


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
the following is brought to you by tfs: scientology:

**** this weather.



Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
the following is brought to you by tfs: scientology:

**** this weather.

Yo, it is way to ****ing hot outside.

Who is playing me today. Lets go people.

Edit: Prog play me so I can **** Yedi.
I would probably play.

hmmm, mogwai is considering playing smash again since his house is almost in order...
Can we play at your place? If so what time, and I needz an address plox. I think prog wants to play too.

I can **** all of TFS.

All I need are some roofies.


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
We could probably play at my place.

45 Strawberry Hill CT
Stamford CT 06902

Would probably be best to just park as far up on Morgan St (my old street) as possible and just walk there.

Who all wants to play today?
i'm definitely down for it.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
I'm actually kinda hyped for this. Haven't played anyone from TFS in a long time.

OTG: It looks like we may have 3 extras that we are trying to find out if you can house (the 5 originally plus Spawn/Kyu/MoFo).

I talked MoFo into coming if you have room.

I can't wait to actually play someone from TFS that's not OTG lol. Since OTG is the only one I have played.

We should all MM1$ or something to make sure I play all you guys. Fox/Marth are my mains if you guys want to pick.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I'm actually kinda hyped for this. Haven't played anyone from TFS in a long time.

OTG: It looks like we may have 3 extras that we are trying to find out if you can house (the 5 originally plus Spawn/Kyu/MoFo).

I talked MoFo into coming if you have room.

I can't wait to actually play someone from TFS that's not OTG lol. Since OTG is the only one I have played.

We should all MM1$ or something to make sure I play all you guys. Fox/Marth are my mains if you guys want to pick.
Arc, you're the man. A gentlemen and saint amongst thieves and killas. I'll try my best to get people to come out.

6:30? 7:00?

I'd say 6:30 works for me, but w/e, works for you guys. I don't wanna have too many people over cuz I don't wanna turn my housemates off of smashers, but a 4th would be cool, Prog, you in?
I'll grab niko around 5:30-5:45 or so and roll thru. Do we need to bring a setup?

Prog Edit:

Thursday is probably no good for me, but Friday.... oh boy. That's all Imma say. I'll try to find a 4th.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
We'll bring it anyway just incase.

Niko, you should IM me or call me or something.

also wes, last thing. I hope you have two tv's cause I can't bring one of mine tonight, we're still bringing a cube tho.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Actually, you could probably come to my place. I think I have the house to myself til the 17th, and then the 18th im going on vacation myself.

Also, thanks again for hosting tonight wes. Place is mad fresh.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
This thread is lamer then FDR's legs.

I'm double posting because I have something kinda serious I wanna talk about. I've pretty much made the decision that I'm getting the **** out of Westchester asap. I'm considering just dipping out all together and just letting the road decide where I end up. I'm way too discontent with the boring 9-5 existence I have now and frankly besides the good friends that I have, I have 0 incentive to stay here. Now this really sucks, cause I love all of you guys and this is probably the most reckless and ******** decision someone like myself could ever make, but I just feel too compelled to do this. It just feels right and it makes sense to me, and I'm one to follow my gut.

Call it the republican in me.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Judging by your use of punctuation marks, it's not the drinker in you.

Also, go where you gotta go, so long as you don't run outta money and end up homeless in like Omaha or something.

And so long as you eventually come back to smash with heads. TFS'll go wherever you take it, even though it'll basically always belong down where you are now.

Best... Nationwide Tour?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
This thread is lamer then FDR's legs.

I'm double posting because I have something kinda serious I wanna talk about. I've pretty much made the decision that I'm getting the **** out of Westchester asap. I'm considering just dipping out all together and just letting the road decide where I end up. I'm way too discontent with the boring 9-5 existence I have now and frankly besides the good friends that I have, I have 0 incentive to stay here. Now this really sucks, cause I love all of you guys and this is probably the most reckless and ******** decision someone like myself could ever make, but I just feel too compelled to do this. It just feels right and it makes sense to me, and I'm one to follow my gut.

Call it the republican in me.
do what you gotta do man.

but don't double post about it in a social thread or I'll be forced to give you a warning!

seriously though, we'll miss ya, but life > smash, so get on with your life. or not and stay here and play smash, whichever you feel like.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
This thread is lamer then FDR's legs.

I'm double posting because I have something kinda serious I wanna talk about. I've pretty much made the decision that I'm getting the **** out of Westchester asap. I'm considering just dipping out all together and just letting the road decide where I end up. I'm way too discontent with the boring 9-5 existence I have now and frankly besides the good friends that I have, I have 0 incentive to stay here. Now this really sucks, cause I love all of you guys and this is probably the most reckless and ******** decision someone like myself could ever make, but I just feel too compelled to do this. It just feels right and it makes sense to me, and I'm one to follow my gut.

Call it the republican in me.
Kinda had the same thing happen to me, cept I didn't go anywhere. Working blows so much.

That being said, now I need a job. :mad:


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Wilbraham, MA (Springfield)
otg's midlife crisis (we all know he won't live past 40)

buy a motorcycle or get a hobby or something you fool

but if you're looking for a new experience, yada yada

i'd recommend backpacking through europe for some time, coming back to your original life style, and making bold decisions after

rome wasn't built in a day, ya know
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