wow i guess all this is harder than i thought... i dont know how to do a double gct or whatever or what a dynamic sd loader even is.. i just made my gct byw copying the code putting it in a txt file then loading it thourgh the cheat manger app in hombrew then made it a gct file through that? but im confused is this guide for playing the codes through a retail disc on gecko or playing them through a usb loader? if anyone could help me with these questions it be GREATLY appreciated..
Ok, I'll give you the complicated guide:
Many good programs are closed source. Open source is released for old versions but new versions aren't always released open source. Gecko OS is like this. Its latest open source version is 1.07b I believe, if not its 1.07.
Anyway, this means any program with codes built in has Ocarina or Gecko OS 1.07 built in, not one of the newer versions. Because of this, all USB Loader's, backup loaders and other things with built in codes can't handle more than 256 lines, while the latest regular GeckOS version, which works for discs and channels, can handle any number of lines.
However, 1.07 has SD support, which is very useful and helps people load longer codes. There are 2 ways to do this: Snapshot loading and double .gct.
Get the
Brawl+ Tweaker and go to the loader codes and export either the Dynamic SD Loader or the snapshot hack one. For the snapshot hack, your gonna need to get Wii keys. You would export the snapshot code to the codes folder and use a Brawl+ or long code .gct and convert it to a .bin file, and put it in the snapshot folder named "al_[something].gct". Go into the game, go to the album, go to SD snapshots and open the garbled image and you have those codes activated.
The other method is very simple if you have textures set up. Simply export the Dynamic SD Loader 1.1 to your codes folder and put the long code .gct in your pf folder, with both being named RSBE01.gct (depends on region but it could be RSBJ or RSBP). Now, when the game starts, the long thing will be loaded.
Now, texture codes for snapshot hacking have to be put in the loader .gct because they have to load on startup for a few things.
Okay, now I have a new question.
The textures didn't work the first time, so I went back into my pf folder and found that my textures for link were named "fitlink00.pcs". Does it have to be "FitLink00.pcs"? (Is it case-sensitive)
Nope, it isn't case sensitive.