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Legality Tentative: MBR Official Ruleset for 2012


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I'm just kind of used to the 4P spawn since I always want the green shield (and I usually get it 'cuz I will unplug controllers if it comes down to it) so I prefer to just like... do something else. Decide to not attack for the first 2 seconds. I dunno. But I want my green shield.

I don't really care for the stages either. I still don't think Rainbow Cruise and Mute City were that bad but I kind of prefer them being gone to being around.

If you want me to beat people then play friendlies with me so I can practice with good people and get better. With any luck I won't be emo this time. M2K's not going to ROM, right?


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
I don't mind not having stage bans (even if that means playing Doc's dumb *** on FD grrrr...). It's just unfortunate 90% of players never get to play bo5s anyway.

I have used neutral start a couple of times. All of the other times I abuse my knowledge of port spawns to get the bottom. :troll:


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yo I've just watched 20 minutes of M2K warming up, can we please enforce that 2 minute warm up rule? I think cactuar brought it up

Edit: this yet? People are talking about it, if we put a rule that the timer is set to one or two minutes during a warmup we won't have this problem. If people think this shouldn't be a rule I'd like to hear some thoughts, it's a simple fix for a problem related to tournies running long and just plain obnoxious on stream, especially warm ups in between matches, 2 per set?


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
we need a new rule for doubles involving pauses.

i was watching apex teams and sfat an scar were playing against leffen and ice, scar and sfat were down a game and playing game 2, when scar paused the match trying to steal a life from his partner. at the time scar had two stocks and sfat had one, so scar spawned anyways. leffen calls scar out on the pause and scar was forced to throw his last stock away. basically it just seems like too harsh of a punish, was it a stupid mistake? yes, but i think they should adapt the rule to give you one warning on the first pause if it happens again, sure one stock seems fair, a third time? maybe forfeit the match or something. but the thing is they should be playing with pause turned off anyways so if anyones worried about the pause occuring they should check and make sure its off in the first place.


The Business

Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2012
we need a new rule for doubles involving pauses.

i was watching apex teams and sfat an scar were playing against leffen and ice, scar and sfat were down a game and playing game 2, when scar paused the match trying to steal a life from his partner. at the time scar had two stocks and sfat had one, so scar spawned anyways. leffen calls scar out on the pause and scar was forced to throw his last stock away. basically it just seems like too harsh of a punish, was it a stupid mistake? yes, but i think they should adapt the rule to give you one warning on the first pause if it happens again, sure one stock seems fair, a third time? maybe forfeit the match or something. but the thing is they should be playing with pause turned off anyways so if anyones worried about the pause occuring they should check and make sure its off in the first place.

the rule is fine.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
leffen or ice shoulda checked for pause if they were worried about it imo. these guys are some of the best players in the world, and even they make this stupid mistake. its a bad game design to make start the button to steal lives



Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
My ruleset designates pause should be disabled. If you and your opponent forget to disable it, it falls under Gentleman's Agreement so you don't have to SD if you don't want to.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
But everyone on stream was suiciding after hand jobs/warmers so I thought pause was off. Either way the rule is fine, it basically goes back to bones' rule since it was left up to gentleman's and leffen called him out on it.

Grape Ape

Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Kings Park
It was not left up to gentleman's. Gentleman's was not in effect at apex, there was an announcement on the pa system saying so.



Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
I think you misunderstood me, KrIsP. From what I heard, ScarFAT didn't want to SD a stock, but it's in the rules that if you accidentally pause you have to. In my rule set, if someone accidentally pauses, they don't have to SD because you agreed to pause being on when you failed to turn it off before the match (a pseudo Gentlemen's Agreement).

I'm pretty sure that announcement was only in reference to top 8. He didn't want the top 8 playing by different rules because they were on stream and it's supposed to be professional. At the end of the day, you can't prevent Gentlemen's Agreements. The whole idea is that both players agree to something else and do that instead. Unless the TO is standing next to you about to DQ one of you for picking Flat Zone, no one would even know.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
In my rule set, if someone accidentally pauses, they don't have to SD because you agreed to pause being on when you failed to turn it off before the match (a pseudo Gentlemen's Agreement).
So, hypothetically speaking, how would your rule set deal with a player who decides to start spamming pause in the middle of a match? And if the answer's somewhere along the line of "spamming pause is obviously not allowed" then where would you draw the line?


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
Atl North
The line would be drawn after that first match of continually pausing lol

The opposing team would never leave pause on again. :troll:



Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
So, hypothetically speaking, how would your rule set deal with a player who decides to start spamming pause in the middle of a match? And if the answer's somewhere along the line of "spamming pause is obviously not allowed" then where would you draw the line?

The line would be drawn after that first match of continually pausing lol

The opposing team would never leave pause on again. :troll:

^It was a bit of a troll, but he's right. What if people left the timer off and someone stalled for well over 15 mins despite being down a stock? People would just say he shouldn't have agreed to no timer. The same logic goes for pause.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
What if they pause and refuse to unpause? What then? I mean, save for literally yanking the controller out of their hand, what stops them from making the game literally unplayable?

thats why bones0 rules aren't taken seriously.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
What if they pause and refuse to unpause? What then? I mean, save for literally yanking the controller out of their hand, what stops them from making the game literally unplayable?

thats why bones0 rules aren't taken seriously.
LOL I actually hadn't thought of that. I guess they'd have to just go get a TO to settle it. It'd pretty much be equivalent to agreeing to Freeze Glitch being legal with no timer and then SDIing too high to get grabbed.

Of course, the whole idea is that people should just remember turn off pause to avoid these situations. ;P


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
I know the new ruleset now adheres to an extremely minimal stage list, but at locals I still use a different ruleset, helping to accommodate newer players. That said, I'm wondering if you could clarify why some stages are banned. Some of these have been banned since the dawn of time, but I've been relooking everything.

1. Green Greens
2. Great Bay (Doubles eliminates circle camping)
3. Onette (Cars prevent infinites)
4. Fourside (seems fine for doubles)
6. Mute City
7. Corneria
8. And even... Icicle Mountain (while RC is legal)



Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Green Greens: apples randomly do pretty hefty damage; blocks randomly save people from KOs off the top

Great Bay: water makes it difficult to see during edgeguarding; turtle randomly saves people; Tingle is an extremely dangerous stage hazard

Onett: cars randomly interfere with players (randomly interrupting stage hazards is not a pro...); walk-offs lead to degenerative gameplay because it's impossible to judge distance in bubbles

Fourside: might not be too bad in teams, but the distinct barriers make approaching really dumb, and having to get around two players could be a serious issue (the barries being the gaps on either side, or the large tower in the middle); imagine stuff like Falco shooting FH lasers at the top area with Marth waiting to uair anyone who tries to jump over

MKII: Birdo is a *****; walk-offs are awful

Mute City: cars randomly hit people

Corneria: Arwings; I also think the stage randomly drifts, but I've never heard anyone else mention it

Icicle Mountain: randomly changes directions which can make a huge difference depending on where you are


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
Good points and I agree with most of it, but Mute City was legal until not too long ago without anyone citing the cars. People didn't ban it because Armada had too many counterpicks?

Also Tingle? What am I missing here?



Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Good points and I agree with most of it, but Mute City was legal until not too long ago without anyone citing the cars. People didn't ban it because Armada had too many counterpicks?

Also Tingle? What am I missing here?

Mute City--people definitely cite the cars because of the random element. I think I've also seen people argue about grab-able ledges as substantially altering gameplay enough to be yada yada yada. Personally I am a little bit pro-MC but I understand the reasoning behind axing it.

Great Bay--Bones neglected to mention the single most prevalent point against Great Bay, which is that its design essentially makes it possible for the faster character (especially one with projectiles) to indefinitely circle camp the slower character. It's a Fox-breaks-the-stage stage.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Great Bay--Bones neglected to mention the single most prevalent point against Great Bay, which is that its design essentially makes it possible for the faster character (especially one with projectiles) to indefinitely circle camp the slower character. It's a Fox-breaks-the-stage stage.
Obviously, you neglected to read the part where he said "doubles eliminates circle camping."


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Obviously, you neglected to read the part where he said "doubles eliminates circle camping."
You are correct, I missed that entirely. Basically read your post and not the actual list of stages in his initial post. Whoopsies.

Still, not necessarily true, could theoretically circle camp once it came down to a 1v1 setting. Though I suppose that must not matter since some tourneys have DK64 on for doubles and off for singles.

Regarding doubles, my own personal argument against Great Bay is that it's too small and weirdly oriented to be conducive to doubles play. When the turtle is gone, there's exactly no room to do anything.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2011
Madison, WI
There are a handful of stages that are banned because they have an unbeatable strategy. However, there are tons of stages that are banned just because they don't have the kind of gameplay that most players want or they reward different skills than what most players think should be important.


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2011
Green Greens: apples randomly do pretty hefty damage; blocks randomly save people from KOs off the top

Great Bay: water makes it difficult to see during edgeguarding; turtle randomly saves people; Tingle is an extremely dangerous stage hazard

Onett: cars randomly interfere with players (randomly interrupting stage hazards is not a pro...); walk-offs lead to degenerative gameplay because it's impossible to judge distance in bubbles

Fourside: might not be too bad in teams, but the distinct barriers make approaching really dumb, and having to get around two players could be a serious issue (the barries being the gaps on either side, or the large tower in the middle); imagine stuff like Falco shooting FH lasers at the top area with Marth waiting to uair anyone who tries to jump over

MKII: Birdo is a *****; walk-offs are awful

Mute City: cars randomly hit people

Corneria: Arwings; I also think the stage randomly drifts, but I've never heard anyone else mention it

Icicle Mountain: randomly changes directions which can make a huge difference depending on where you are
Have you ever played Mute City bones


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Yeah, I have. I'm assuming you're referring to the fact that it brings up the little alert, but that hardly prevents people from getting hit by cars because they were mid combo or being tech chased or something.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
I don't get your point, Varist. I'm all for Mute City, but the cars are not the same every time. Haven't you ever seen them pile up and delay each other? It doesn't happen consistently as far as I know. He isn't referring to where the cars come or when, but how they actually zip by.

If anything is worth mentioning in his post, it's how he doesn't understand how Corneria moves (it does, it sways back and forth). I guess if your point was his reasons are not why the stage is actually banned then I concede your point and it's a fair one. Frootloop has the best explanation, and yeah people were whining about Peach/Jiggs "getting a free win" with Brinstar + Mute.
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