Fortress | Sveet
my paragraph before:I think he more importantly wants to emphasize that players close in skill of all skill levels benefit from playing a best of five over a best of three. This means that you're likely to suffer less from a single bad decision or short-term worse play.
I also think it's a little unfair to dismiss worse players as though they're unimportant. Without them, we won't have much of a tournament in the first place. I know you don't care who wins between two terrible players, but those players certainly do care, and it's not a good idea to dismiss their complaints. Keep in mind that these players you don't care about essentially make up a tournament. Without all the bad players, what would a national tournament be? It would just be a local tournament with lots of advertisement.
Keep in mind, moreover, that it's possible to be shafted by a best of three system even at high levels of play. A best of five system accounts for this.
mostly refers to the mentality you are showing, that the tournament wouldn't exist without the bad player who keep coming back. But a tournament isn't a learning ground, its a proving ground. Its cutthroat. It is supposed to be ruthless and one mistake can and shout cost you a set. Melee is a dying (some would say its already dead) game, sadly, and it shows sometimes in the mentality of the majority of melee players who are increasingly hobbyists and even the best players expect to be at a financial deficit.The fact that tournaments are being viewed more as social gatherings than cutthroat competitions really says a lot to the death of the game. Its sad to say since I love melee, but no sponsorship = no money = less competition.
If the lower level players care about that best of 3 set they should play better and win it. Don't beg for more games in order to "prove" you are better. More games really doesn't mean anything if you are below a certain skill.
The tournament doesn't care about the noob. The noob cares about the tournament either through its love of the game or stops coming. The TOs and high level players need the noobs, sure, and they should do their best to increase their desire to return, but they should not do so by altering the tournament format (in my opinion).