Shout out time!!!!!!!!!!!

<------ Wth is that? LOLOLOLOL.
First, let me shout out to all the people that beat me:
Trahh : Good job in beating me. I got a little too comfortable after game 2, let it go to my head. Solid Falco, didn't expect you to be that good. Get you next time (:
Shroomed: You already know the Mario dittos can be a little weird, but I personally find it fun as hell in the end. Better than playing against a top tier. I'm getting closer and closer to beating your Doc, just wait until I level up for Evo. Hope to see you there. By the way, we should team sometime! Double Mario would be cool =p
L: Our last match was one hit away for each of us, you clutched it out nicely. I'll definitely practice on the things I missed. I guess this was revenge for last time at SB where I beat you there. Why did we have a deathpool? -____-"
PewPewU: Your Marth is really good, but I feel like you should pick up more on people's habits. I got away w/ a lot of things. Punish me next time =P Haha. I like how you stood up and gave hi 5's when Tai made it back to the stage xD I was dying laughing, haha. Congrats to getting 1st in teams (:
OkamiBW: Our matches are getting closer even though I didn't take a game this time. Starting to figure out what I have to do against you. And good stuff to you and Axe for beating Manacloud and I, we were still too fresh to know what to do. If it's possible, we'll get you two next time!!
69%: Nice Link! Link's tough for Mario since you control the air very well. Nice solid play, but I choked at the end w/ my last recovery D: I have to learn how to get that last kill against people, lol. PS - Our pool was very difficult. LOLOLOL.
Alex19: Sorry that we had to play even though we practiced together before. The only reason I wanted to play on the livestream is to get my Mario recorded and bring some hope to the community that a Mario has a chance in this game too. Nice job w/ the final kill, I have much to learn ;p
Now for everyone else in singles:
Gem: Your Marth was very defensive if I remember correctly. Keep everyone out! That's Marth's game. Then attack when you find an opening and GRAB. Those are the tools in becoming a very, top-notch Marth. You got my scrubby ass next time
PikaZoo: You need to work on your mindset, you know you have the skill. And I think you do too. But good set and sorry for beating you D: Next time, maybe you'll destroy me! We'll see (: Practice your anxiety, I do. Find the best way: Roller Coasters, Phobias, etc(confront them w/ a low and steady heartbeat).
ajtwist: Good matches w/ you man. I remember who you were but I don't remember if you were a Sheik or not o__O Either way, GG's my man<3
Anto Park: We both went in there knowing we didn't have a very good chance of making it out, but at least we made them work for their wins

We'll both make it out next time we have a deathpool.
Nawnscents: Get 2-0'd *****! Lol, you suck big penis for not showing up for day 2 =/
Zeo: Your Falcon keeps getting better! You need to go in more though! Don't be afraid or wait for your opponent to go in first all the time. Falcon always needs to go balls deep against everyone, but other than that, you did pretty good vs Shroomed. Next time you'll beat both of our Mario's, haha.
Manatee +
Peligro: You guys had a tough team for anyone! Lol. Good stuff to Manatee for resting my Falcon game 1. You guys wrecked us on Yoshi's Story. But somehow we brought it back when I switched to Fox. Good stuff you two, I wanna see you two make it further next time (:
Axe +
OkamiBW: You two are a good team! Manacloud and I had a hard time adjusting to both of you, but at least we got our match recorded I think (: GG's to you guys! And congrats placing well in teams.
Prinny +
Swordsaint: Lol, the highlight for us is when Manacloud shot a missle then naired one of you, and you got hit into it and died. Best combo ever xD But good job to you two!
Coolkid +
joejoe: You guys had a good team and gave me a lot of trouble. Shout outs to both of you for getting better. Especially coolkid for beating Sung and other players I can't remember atm (:
Stab +
Sung: Omg! That match was very difficult. Idk how we pulled it off to be honest. You guys are a very good team, but somehow we clutched it. That was probably our best win! You guys will destroy us next time though, we just got lucky.
Shroomed +
Fly: You guys were way too good, but it felt more of a one on one kind of team. Which is fine, but we couldn't handle you two one on one xD hahaha. GG's though.
I feel like I'm missing a team, but oh well. GG to you too if I missed you
Other Shout outs:
Ken: It broke my heart to see you lose =( I hope that didn't affect you that much. No johns ;D
Scar: For being an asshole and beating Ken xD Haha, good stuff man =p
Khepri: For being my hero by running through: Toph, Tai, and Darrell. Good stuff getting 9th!!!!! I was so loud whenever you played, hahahaha.
Toxic Reflection: For almost beating Trypt, then Trypt was like, "I'm a Sheik, I got dis son!" Lol.
1: For improving your game! And good try vs SideFX.
Captain Fabulous: For not making it out of poos and playing like sh**(according to nips) putting yo ass on blast, lolololol.
Hairy Nipples: I hate to see you lose man D: Especially vs Toph and S2J. Good stuff though, you did very well =p It's been fun Jake, see you around<3
Wobbles: For having that level 3 sarcasm and being a very informative player. You only one stocked my IC's with your Mario. Not so hard right? ;3 Trolololol.
J666: For probably being the worst team mate ever and fighting verbally against each other more than we're fighting against the opposing team, hahahaha.
Studmuffin: For doing well, but came short w/ that 2nd seed D:
Jackpot: Not sure if you made it out, but good stuff in beating The Germ. You're getting better
Dayman: ENTER the next tournament! That was a shame to see you go but not enter D:
Rickety: You're Sheik is too good, our crew had no chance xD haha.
Maple: Thanks for the mercy and going Link, even though your Link is hella good nonetheless =)
2Jar: For improving once again and always being a cool person. Stay free in teams<3
PracticeMan: I know you could do better! Hope to see you soon, you're always too fun to play/hang out with :D
Girlxx: You have a lot of improving to do w/ your Marth, but it's so nice to see a girl try getting better in Melee. It's such a rare thing to see, we should definitely hang out next time you come down. Hit a ***** up! Lol =p
Mango: For being Mango and winning like always =) We should play sometime man, I live in Cerritos. Haha.
Bimbo Mexico: For clutching it vs. Stab and almost beating Scar but DAT SIDE-B D:
Eddy Mexico: Just for having you in mind, we all miss you man<3
Fist: For being a cool guy (: Didn't see how you did in pools, but let's play next time you come down.
Bizzaro Flame: For beating S2J and getting a 3 stock? Holy sh**! Lol. You're always one of the people I enjoy watching.
Boscoman: For being part of the SCHC(SoCal Housing Committee) Lol (: You're too cool man.
Sniper: For giving me some warm-up practice and still attending tourneys. Lol, manacloud remembered you =)
SacaSuMoto: For not finishing our last match. Your Sheik vs my Falcon. I was about to bring that back too xD haha.
Wieners: For representing that Mario. Mario 'till we die! Haha. I will improve, so I hope you do the same
KoopaTroopa895: Don't you live in LB? We should play sometime, I live in Cerritos, not too far.
Combofest: For betting on Khepri and I in teams, we won you a dollar. Haha.
Aceflight: Didn't see any matches you played unfortunately, but I heard you got a lot better. Let's practice Melee and SF together!
Sung: Holding it down for SoCal and beating Silly Kyle I believe. You're too much fun! Especially when you get hype, haha.
Baka4moe: You did well, but that YL was unexpected right? Didn't get to see all the matches, but pretty sure that caught you off guard.
Darrell: I couldn't understand if you were being serious or not after I made the comment, "I told you he Khepri was good". Either way, that made me a little uncomfortable, so I'm gonna bring you out of your comfort zone next time in tournament. But nice comeback on FoD, it was a 3 stock deficit.
And last but not to say the least shout outs to my man:
MANACLOUD: you were such an amazing team mate! I'm so glad I am the last person you ever teamed w/. I remember the MLG days when you and ChuDat would work so well to get into finals. Knowing that, I didn't want to disappoint you. That's why I tried so hard and listened to all the scheming/advice you gave me. Sorry for not making it into the finals this time my friend. But I've never had such a great team mate before(besides Khepri or Nips), thanks for going out w/ a huge bang and in the end we got into Losers Quarters, which isn't too bad. You held your own, I didn't carry the team at all, you carried me! Good job in showing everyone that old school, basic tactics are all you need in the metagame today like I knew all along. Now no one can disrespect you and Ken.
Thank you again Mike, you're the