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Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
I'm being retro for a moment and going back to the zard vs bowser breakdown...
@joe- Zard doesn't have to be completely vertical to create wind...it can still be angled and therefore sustain it's flight...

Now...time to stop being retro....
Snake vs. Wolf

Well...snake's got the weapons... and he does have decent physical strength and close quarters combat experience (although VERY minimal MGS is a stealth game dudes...) Wolf has close to none close quarters experiences because if he is not in the wolfen it's usually a blaster battle between him and the starfox crew...so Wolf is at a definite loss here even with his claws and teeth...(how do ya think cops handle overly aggressive animals?)....plus snake has the some pretty snazzy evasive skill to get out of the way and find cover...hence part of his awesome stealth in MGS...and don't forget the sleeper hold...game over...

Depending on how you want to put firepower I would say wolf wins in that category (I'm assuming we exclude snakes C4 and grenades) Wolf has that blaster...and he can charge it... that's some heavy fire power, while snake may have his Iunno...machine gun...(Star Fox Assault) Wolf has that armor that'll protect for a good while against bullets and other munitions...

that's all I can think of for the moment.. but with that I'm leaning towards snake..


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Yorkton, SK
I'm back, and quite possibly the most obsessive MGS person I know. Breakdown to come.

And I'm back. To be brief, but explanatory, I will post both for Solid Snake and Big Boss (Naked Snake), so as to at least nullify the 'what if this Snake" that might pop up.


Special Forces FOXHOUND: some of the world's top soldiers, including the Inuit shaman Vulcan Raven, a strongman who can survive incredible conditions, who wields a harrier jet chaingun; Sniper Wolf, a beautiful and deadly Sniper, one of the world's best; Revolver Ocelot, interrogations and handgun specialist, feared for all his abilities, including the ability to ricochet bullets to hit around cover; Decoy Octopus, the most convincing spy the world will ever know, so detailed as to alter his own body chemicals; Psycho Mantis, a powerful telekinetic and telepathic manipulator; and Liquid Snake, the twin brother of Solid Snake, whom shares the same codename, designed from the Les Enfants Terrible project to create the ultimate soldier.

During the Shadow Moses Island incident, Solid Snake was called from retirement to infiltrate the top-secret military base by old friend Roy Campbell, treated and armored by Doctor Naomi Hunter, and assisted by Mei Ling, world-leading telecommunications specialist. His mission; Defeat the insurgency on the island, Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND included, and destroy Metal Gear. He was forced to begin his mission unarmed with OSP (On-Site Procurement).

During this incident, Solid Snake procured and accumulated numerous weapons of all sorts; C4 plastic explosives, Frag grenades, NIKITA guided missiles, STINGER homing rocket launchers, SOCOM pistols, and more. He shows great experience with all these weapons, using them to their fullest; crippling tanks, eliminating genome soldier threats, and even disabling the might Metal Gear, a top-secret walking tank capable of launching nuclear missiles. He even went toe-to-toe with the Cyborg Ninja, a crazed Spectre of his old friend Gray Fox, who held the highest rank ever in FOXHOUND; Gray Fox had fought him once before on Zanzibar Island during Big Boss's attempt to create a warrior's paradise: Outer Heaven. They fought, hand-to-hand on a minefield; only Snake walked away.

Snake is clearly deadly in hand-to-hand combat, possibly the best fighter seen on the planet; specialized CQC techniques developed by some of the deadliest soldiers to walk the earth (see BIG BOSS down the page) allowed Snake to fight armed opponents bare-handed, leaving him never short of a way to defend himself. His dueled Frank Jaeger, the famed "Gray Fox" and won; he did the same when Gray Fox came back as the crazed Cyborg Ninja. He defeated his rival and brother Liquid Snake under the same pretexts. He would later on do the same to Liquid Ocelot (spoilers withheld).

Snake to date is unmatched in hand-to-hand combat; his incredible genetic structure and genius level IQ of over 180 (180 still base number, IQ tests vary by 30 points on average), combined with incredible conditioning and specialized training in the most devastating hand-to-hand combat style to date makes him unbelievably tough. Whether the use of blades or bare hands, getting close to Snake is a mistake; throat-cuts, crippling joint locks, devastating body blows, throws, and the ever-awesome rear naked choke (a move that can leave his opponent's neck snapped or simply subdued into unconsciousness) are among his hand-to-hand arsenal.

As a Sniper, he bested Sniper Wolf twice at Shadow Moses with his own long-range ability, and later did the same against B&B Corps members Crying Wolf and Raging Raven. His body and will did not yield to electric shock treatment that Ocelot imposed on him, nor the horror that was the microwave room during the Arsenal Gear mission. His will and mental defenses also lead to him defeating Psycho Mantis twice. Through use of ballistics and explosive weaponry he destroyed and disabled tanks, Metal Gear REX, and Metal Gear GEKKOS. He even piloted REX against the sleek-designed REX-killer, Metal Gear RAY. And won.

Throughout Solid Snake's career, he's been proven to have no equal. Even if the Patriots had caused his life to be manipulated, by no means did many of his opponents know that factor.


Cobra Unit: the alliance of legendary soldiers who name themselves after the feelings they carry into battle. The Pain, a horrifying man who can manipulate and command Bees and hornets to do his bidding, transforming them into weaponry if need be; The Fear, a deadly stealth fighter who can move swiftly and quietly, able to contort his body into impossible shapes; The End, the legendary old man who was rumored to not only be the best Sniper, but the first; The Fury, a spaceman whose own hatred for everything is rivaled by the intense heat of his flamethrower; The Sorrow, a psychic medium who could contact the dead; and the Joy, a fighter worthy of recognition, also known as The Boss.

Naked Snake, who would soon become the legendary soldier Big Boss, was trained by the Boss personally. Together, they developed the fighting style CQC (Close-Quarters Combat), devastating, unprecedented, and unparallelled.

Snake at the time of the Virtuous Mission was to infiltrate Soviet Russia and rescue rocket scientist Nikolai Sokolov, a leader in the world of nuclear research. During the Virtuous Mission, Snake had encountered Shalashaska, later known as Revolver Ocelot, and his group of highly trained russian GRU soldiers. Defeating them with CQC and a handgun while outnumbered and surrounded, he met his contact EVA and proceeded and almost succeeded in rescuing Sokolov; if it weren't for The Boss' defection, revealing herself to be in Russia with him and defeating him.

During Operation Snake Eater, Snake once again had to infiltrate Russia to rescue Sokolov and assassinate Colonel Volgin, who was himself staging a coup d'etat. Having to disarm and eliminate threats such as KGB, GRU, and the Cobra Unit, Naked Snake's achievements would mirror his son's later on. Having met and dueled Ocelot again, who at the time was skilled but inexperienced and cocky, he became the inspiration for ocelot to become "Revolver Ocelot" later. Naked Snake, too, did battle in a sniper duel with the End, and won. Naked Snake outsmarted and outgunned the Pain and the Fear; Naked Snake's resolve to do his duty helped him to get past the Sorrow's spectre and his trials; He outplayed the Fury and survived the fire to tell a tale later; He was captured and shot in the eye. Yet despite his visual impairment, he continued to maintain a stedy shot and skillful combat prowess.

During the later parts of his mission, Snake had defeated Volgin, an electrically-charged monster of a man in close combat, and the Boss herself in a duel of CQC and gunplay. He even destroyed the mechanical monstrosity that was the Shagohod with the help of EVA's driving and the use of RPG missiles.

((No, I haven't played portable Ops, I haven't had the chance to. ;_; I know the story, but not enough in detail.))

Big Boss's genes were the base of the Les Enfants Terrible project, meaning his genes were that of the closest humanity could get to the perfect soldier. Later, it is revealed, that Big Boss had survived his fight with Solid Snake (during the events of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2). Even in old age and dying from FOXDIE, Big Boss managed to defeat his own son, also aged at an accelerated rate, in one last moment with CQC, disarming him to explain himself.

As a note on armor, I will point this out; multiple times do both of them get shot and tortured, and Big Boss was able to treat himself with lack of armor, while Solid Snake's sneaking suit had mild bullet and heat protection; he crawled through a microwave, after all.

Much dilemma comes up on the subject of Big Boss versus Solid Snake, though. Wouldn't that be interesting? In either case, whether it is Solid Snake and his more celebrated successes or Big Boss and his deadly and perfected presence, any opponent should fear a man who goes by the name of "Snake".

Beren Zaiga

Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2009
Lets look at things from both sides of the table. Starting with Snake, then Wolf.

Snake - The stealth man.

Overview: At first glance, Snake seems to be just a brute with stubble and cool grey eyes, with the physique of a frequent bodybuilder. However, Snake's appearance is a deception in the fact he can be just as deadly as the next guy, and do it better.

What he has: Snake has a variety of things going for him that make him a formidable foe to just about any combatant, from his weapons down to his smarts, Snake is a dangerous opponent indeed, and not one you would want to meet in a dark alley. Snake has:

- a 180 IQ, a genius, meaning his has a great expanse for improvising what is around him to his advantage, if there is anything useful at all.

-Snake's physique exudes strength, his highly muscled body points to a man whom has trained many days to get as strong as he is, giving him a natural toughness.

-Snake is very proficient with different kinds of weaponry, but mostly deals with foes with his hands, even so, his proficiency makes him an even deadlier combatant.

- Snake is privy to the art of stealth, and this is his greatest asset, too bad it only works once against an opponent, because once you alert your opponent to your presence, your cover is blown.

-Snake's stealth suit is made for stealth, allowing for quick maneuvers and acrobatics. Unfortunately, it is not likely that it holds a Kevlar vest or anything underneath it.

Conclusion: Snakes abilities and assets make him a tough cookie to crumble, and would not be likely to be taken out by your average fighter by any stretch of the imagination.


Overview: Once glance at Wolf tells you he is deadly, and would likely kill the average person with ease that would baffle the everyday person, and maybe some strong opponents. Wolf also brings many assets with him.

What he has: Wolf is an experienced fighter and pilot, thanks to the many years of experience he has fighting Fox's father, James McCloud, as well as other enemies whom have crossed his path, though it is not often seen that he takes it to ground hand-hand combat, it would be folly to think he has no hand to hand experience. Wolf has:

-A bullet proof vest that he wears, which is his signature attire that is well known among people of the Lylat System, this armor also acts as a slight cushion against physical blows.

-A blaster, that, like Falco, is optimized for his use, the claw protrusion also makes it a ready melee weapon if he needs it..

-Wolf's natural claws are sharp, and he surely knows how to use them in a fight, this proficiency with his natural weapon makes him all the deadlier to most opponents. His teeth are also proficient weapons if need be.

-Being a canine, Wolf has an acute sense of smell and hearing, making people trying to be stealthy almost negated as he sniffs them out, and then tears away at them in their surprise.

-Wolf also carries his own version of the reflector, which -while slower than Fox's- is just as efficient against energy projectiles. That being said however, ballistics would just tear through the reflector, and him.

-Wolf also has alot of physical strength, which comes from the many rigorous missions he has seen throughout his life. He also has natural and battle-hardened reflexes that make him a tough nut to crack.

Conclusion: Wolf has alot going for him that make him a deadly combatant to almost ANY foe.

My vote: Wolf

Reason: Wolf has more going for him than Snake does. His natural weapons instantly make
him a living death machine in close combat, and Snake's suit can only take so much before it -and he- are sliced to ribbons, if not his suit, then his face would be scarred to all hell. His innate sense of smell and hearing also ruin's Snake's stealth factor, effectively giving him the edge in the fight because he knows he is coming. While they are almost even with physical strength, Wolf would be the winner with his natural reflexes guiding his every move and action. His blaster is effective at close and long-range combat due to it's claw and range being a deadly combo. His reflector however would mostly be futile against most of Snake's weapons. His battle experience makes Wolf and even tougher competitor.

6 times out of 10, Wolf would take the match due to sheer ferocity.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
But not heavy and big enough for it to actually matter. If we were talking of Wolf vs Bowser, then yes, but both competitors are around the same size.

And speed also influences the strenght of an attack.

Also, bigger, slower guy=easier target for wolf's guns.

Still, if Snake could get close enough to CQC him, then Wolf would be in trouble.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
Due to the old thread being abandoned by it's OP, I have taken the liberty of taking over the thread.


This is a contest of real world fights between members of the cast of super smash brothers. This means no magic, no game physics, no ph1r3, and realistic as possible.

For example, week one featured Link vs Marth. We took into account that Link had better armor overall than Marth due to having leather clothes, chainmail, and a shield. Marth only sported shoulderpads, while good for attacking his neck...left the rest of his body wide open.

here are the past matchups from the old version: found here

(links provided where there is a breakdown of the match)
"Marth might be able to hurt Link....but Link can KILL marth"


"In a battle of heavy weaponary, the stronger triumphs"

"Strength is null in this heavyweight bout....so when it boiled down to speed, DK pulls ahead"

"in a match of better skill vs better weaponary....weaponary wins"

"mario is simply the better fighter of the two..."

"The battle is extremley close, but when Falcon goes hand to hand, it's over..."

"Their PSI abilities essentially cancel each other out, whith that said, Ness has a BAseball bat, and Lucas has a Stick...."

"In the end, Bowser is simply too big for Charizard to tackle...."

This Week's new matchup is......

:snake: Metal Gear vs I can't let you do that :wolf:




In this battle, each will be getting a select set of weaponary from their games. Snake from his metal gear series, and Wolf from the selection in Starfox assault for a truly wild gunfight.
snake would definetly win.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
Oh, nevermind what I said.

Metal Gear would definetly win. Can't let you do that is just a bunch of words. Metal Gear isn't even sentient so he wouldn't be affected by that.

Metal Gear wins.


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2009
snake has very dominant real world weaponry; the only question is, can he randomly pull said weaponry out of his anus like he does in brawl?

if so, win goes to snake; if not, wolf's claws and gun = victory.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
well...if wolf decides to come close...snake has plenty of experience dealing with foes with a lot of ferocity...he easily has enough skill to get behind wolf grab him...and yeah..break his neck..or the sleeper hold...snake at least has more physical combat experience than wolf so I think he would have to tools to handle wolf despite wolf's natural weapons...


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
Wolf has a lot more than random gun and claws. He has everything Snake has and more. Except the octocamo...probably.

Also, Snake won't get close to Wolf....ever. Snake tries to grab him while Wolf swiftly runs backward while shooting him, showing off his top-class lylatian speed and maneuvers.

Close combat Snake vs Wolf would be like an Ike vs Falco brawl match...except Falco's lasers have enough knockback to kill Ike in one shot.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Snake has guns.

Lets give snake the following:

9mm Pistol (silenced)
Frag grenade

Star-fox Rocket launcher
Energy grenade


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Wolf has a lot more than random gun and claws. He has everything Snake has and more. Except the octocamo...probably.

Also, Snake won't get close to Wolf....ever. Snake tries to grab him while Wolf swiftly runs backward while shooting him, showing off his top-class lylatian speed and maneuvers.

Close combat Snake vs Wolf would be like an Ike vs Falco brawl match.
Snake could play the same game...it's not like snake didn't carry some pretty awesome firearms...plus we all know Ike woups Falco...in my case it does...unless someone pulls a mean falco on me...


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
Except Wolf would actually be able to catch up with him and that he has more and better guns...


Pistol>Blaster: silenced and faster. Still, very weak (sometimes people don't even realize they have been shot by a 9mm because of how small and insignificat the wound usually is) and Wolf can take a good amount of shots from stronger weapons. Also,the plasma gun is stronger and can be charged.

SF Rocket launcher> MG rocket launcher: the former automatically aims at the target and changes dirctions accordingly. Snake is a sitting duck when controlling the homing missile.

SF grenade>frag grenade: I checked. The plasma grenade is actually MUCH more powerful than the Frag grenade. It can kill giant mechanized spiders in one blast.

reflector>c4: c4= awesome for ambushes, Reflector= makes 3/4 of snake's weapons useless combined with Wolf's superior senses and reaction times.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
no, hed only have like 2 guns, unless he has a magical ******* he uses to store them in
He has teleportation technology. He asks his mothership to send him a certain weapon and it does it right away (star fox assault, star fox adventures)

Also, he even has people which he can ask for information about Snake. He has a huge space station full of personnel that works just for him.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Yorkton, SK
Snake's weaponry should be;
Socom & Stun Knife
Stinger Homing RPGs
Frag Grenades
Dragunov (Sniper Rifle)

As a side note, both can pilot a vehicle of some kind, whether it's a Metal Gear or an arwing. Although I'd give the Arwing a slight advantage; it's fast, but REX has a friggin' rail gun.

Both can call for help and information (Otacon & Sigint), etc.

The thing is, Wolf gets beat by the likes of Fox and Falco on a regular basis, and Snake consistently beats the best at their own game or when outgunned. Claws and fangs? That's the same as any B&B corp member, CQC Specialist, Cyborg Ninja or The Pain. Snake is a better sniper, he's smarter, and he's better up close.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
Because he considers them rivals, rather than enemies to kill. When he actually fights for serious, he ends up saving Fox's ***.

As for the vehicles, the Wolfen is better than an Arwing. In multiplayer it is basically that one vehicle in the middle of the map that everyone tries to get. That's just how good it is. Also, arwings have been shown to be capable of killing friggin titanic robots with more powerfull weaponry than a metal gear.

As for snake, most of the super soldiers he fought werent giving their best becasue of the complicated plan to kill the patriots and stuff.

Wolf has a better sniper rifle(it has a huge range and the lens reach farther), and he does not require diazepan to aim properly. He is not stupid and has almost as much experience as Snake ( Wolf is just a little younger than Fox's dad) and, well, this is a realistic fight so Wolf wouldn't actually try to get close to snake.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2007
Yorkton, SK
The patriots didn't exist for Naked Snake, and the only ones who knew of the patriots for Solid's case were Ocelot and Big Boss. Snake doesn't particularly need Daizepan, but anyone under stress would, Wolf included. Solid Snake even aimed and made his last shot against Sniper Wolf in less than a second.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
College Park, MD
I think that it would be really close.

Close range Snake seems insane. Especially since he probably has a knife so thats just as helpful as claws.

Wolf has better armor and can definitely take more punishment, he could survive bullet wounds, snake can't survive blaster wounds.

Wolf probably has better more advanced weaponry (Sorry, no mothership beaming him **** though).

Snake is definitely alot cooler.

Snake is probably a better shot, but wolf has better weapons so that pretty much negates that.

So i'm not sure who would win, i would say wolf would though if I had to choose.

And also, your ratio of Bowser vs Charizard was way off, it should have been 746:254. Charizard would win sometimes, but for the most part bowser would win. (If he gets a good scratch to the face and Bowser starts bleeding... that could cause trouble).

Beren Zaiga

Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2009
Reflector vs. Ballistics = Wolf gets sprayed unfortunately. Unfortunately, skill with weapons matters as much as the weapon. Fortunately, Wolf's near lifetime of experience (We never have known when he started being a merc, and we can't really assume either) means his experience with weapons would be more than enough to match Snake.

What the heck is Daizepan?

RPG vs Rocket Launcher = NEGATE
Frag vs Energy Grenade = E-Grenade wins.
Blaster vs 9mm = 9mm wins

Sounds right.

Reflector > C4: I dunno about that.

Wolf's animalistic senses make him anatomically better than Snake, which as I said before, his sense of smell and hearing negate Snake's stealth factor. Also, in close combat, claws beat fists, we have real-life examples in the event of bear's mauling humans, Wolf also has his blast as a close range weapon with the claw protrusion on it, which Snake's 9mm lacks. Guns are not predominantly designed for close combat, but Wolf's GunClaw adds a close quarter's factor, swinging it like a makeshift sword, which I am sure would have more range than a knife if Snake were carrying one.

Wolf also cleverly makes his center of gravity low, if that accounts for anything.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
And also, your ratio of Bowser vs Charizard was way off, it should have been 746:254. Charizard would win sometimes, but for the most part bowser would win. (If he gets a good scratch to the face and Bowser starts bleeding... that could cause trouble).
How could Charizard get past his arms to get to the face, and then not get bit?

Honestly, even if it's a good scatch, it would be equivalent to a housecat giving you a scratch, wont do much.


No mothership beaming down stuff, hes only gonna be carrying a select few weaponas on him.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
I'm pretty sure Snake would win. Stealth, strength, explosives, guns, etc. What does Wolf have? A gun with a claw. Snake probably has the same exact gun with enhanced firing mechanics or something.

This isn't even debatable.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
I'm pretty sure Snake would win. Stealth, strength, explosives, guns, etc. What does Wolf have? A gun with a claw. Snake probably has the same exact gun with enhanced firing mechanics or something.

This isn't even debatable.
neat, snake has a pusle-energy gun

Sonic on the Rocks

Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2008
In your base, killing your d00ds.
Hey you never know! He's Snake, he could have anything, I'm pretty sure he has almost everything lol. That's why I think he would win, he has a batter selection of weapons
I'd sure as hell like to know where he puts 'everything'.
Wolf's weaponry is much more advanced, and generally more compact. Blaster shots go fast and are pretty spammable. I'd personally prefer for Wolf to have a Demon Launcher, but the Homing Launcher is just as good for making explosions. It's auto-homing, at least.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2008
Snake + Stealth = WIN

Plus his fighting skills surpass wolf's... He single handedly saved the world from terrorists more than once, he has every weapon you can possibly think of and well... hes snake. On the other hand, wolf does have a reflector so I guess it could render snake's weapons useless but still... Snake has stealth, all he needs is to go behind wolf and break his frail neck, the classic kill.

Yeah I main snake... and I dont know anything about the star fox series. Im biased :p

Martel Hammer

Smash Apprentice
Dec 25, 2008
Location, Location.
It wouldn't be that easy to sneak up on Wolf and break his neck, because, you know, he's a WOLF.
Super sensitive ears and nose means Wolf can pretty much negate Snake's stealth. If it were to come down to a melee fight, Wolf would probably win. Claws, teeth>Fists as someone before pointed out.
However, this is a fight of weaponry. Snake can plant mines, C4's, has a rocket launcher, and a gun. Wolf has a reflector, a blaster, and....that's pretty much it. I don't think his Arwing counts as a weapon, though. So, Snake would have more options and be more versatile due to his EXPLOSIVES, which would probably incinerate Wolf on contact.
In a nutshell, :023:.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
^ we gave wolf weaponary from Starfox Assault, his only real out-of-wolfen appearance.

He has energy grenades and a rocket launcher to match snake


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2008
What if Snake had stealth and a sniper? He could just camp somewhere and BOOM HEADSHOT


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Guys Guys, this has to be as realistic as possible, the fact that Snake can pull a C4 out of his *** in brawl doesn't really seem too realistic to me...

Lets see both characters in their essence.

Snake= Human. Strong (for a human) and Stealthy
Wolf= He's a Wolf, has claws and big fangs. Wolfs are faster, stronger AND more agile than humans.

the fact that snake excels at weapon combat might give him an advantage, but if you put them both in hand to hand (or hand to paw for the matter)combat, a Wolf will DEFINITILY shred a human into tiny little pieces...

My vote, being as realistic and objective as possible... goes to Wolf.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
What if Snake had stealth and a sniper? He could just camp somewhere and BOOM HEADSHOT
Wolf is a trained mercenary...who is wanted by the most power government system or so in Fox's world (or some **** like that) because Wolf is a crime lord as well

Also...saying wolf is a wolf doesn't matter to the Star Fox Universe that much (fun fact...how many humans are there again?)

Also...Snake is more than just a human...he is a clone of the greatest soldier in his universe...


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
Well it seems like it comes down to who has the stronger and more modern weaponry. I'd have say that Wolf would beat Snake due to having more advanced weaponry, but Snake would definately crack his neck if they fought hand to hand.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Well it seems like it comes down to who has the stronger and more modern weaponry. I'd have say that Wolf would beat Snake due to having more advanced weaponry, but Snake would definately crack his neck if they fought hand to hand.
How? Wolf is a trained fighter as well...


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Guys Guys, this has to be as realistic as possible, the fact that Snake can pull a C4 out of his *** in brawl doesn't really seem too realistic to me...

Lets see both characters in their essence.

Snake= Human. Strong (for a human) and Stealthy
Wolf= He's a Wolf, has claws and big fangs. Wolfs are faster, stronger AND more agile than humans.

the fact that snake excels at weapon combat might give him an advantage, but if you put them both in hand to hand (or hand to paw for the matter)combat, a Wolf will DEFINITILY shred a human into tiny little pieces...

My vote, being as realistic and objective as possible... goes to Wolf.
Humans are stronger, we did inherit ape strength, not much, but it's there.

and your example wont work for a human vs wolf, we have arms to strangle a dog, whereas a dog shaped animal cannot reach back to get us off.

Now, a wolf-humanoid is a different subject :p


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Snake is trained to kill people in one move with his hands, wolf isnt
Meh...I guess I can't find any proof of Wolf learning above average hand to hand combat...however, I can see proof of Wolf being just as good at stealth as Snake is...
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