Wow i thought taunt parties would never be mentioned on internet.
Also in taunt parties almost every zelda player is a taunter.
Ness players are almost always good too.
AND in my experience of taunt parties ive discovered that the 90 percent of Lucas players are crashiers
(good for me that im in that little 10 percent)
But the thing i hate the most about taunt parties are the fake taunters.
Like one time i was
and my "friends" were 2
P2 was good while P3 was a fake taunter
We were all good an stuff until a new taunter came he was a
Then there we were 4 taunters with a lot of tricks to show.
But P3 came and attack P4(pikachu)
I saw him and grabed him without thwrowing him,after that he started attacking everybody.
After a few rounds of winning with my friends pikachu left and then there were just three of us
Then P3 started faking again P2 was a very good guy so he trusted on him while i was fighting with him.
But then P2 started attacking me too!
P3 made p2 think i was the crashier then it was me vs 2 guys
I stayed like 7 rounds until they killed me (the first time because i was running and they were chasing me)well that round they got to sudden death (at hyrule temple)they were in the safe zone until P3 started ducking P2 answered him.
But then...............................
P3 killed P2 with a smash!
He even taunted when he killed him!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next round i thought P2 would fight P3 but he didnt, he continued fighting against me!!!!!
Thats when i left that room.
That is one of a lot of stories i have about fake taunters