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TAKE THAT! Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney smashes the prosecution!


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2019
Switch FC
So... I took a break of playing case 2 of DGS.

Back to speculation. Sabi actually is going to research about Vergeben's massive universal videogame character snap.
If she answers that Verge is lying... oh no. This community would start a new civil war arc.
Grinch Leak and Square / Microsoft arcs were intense enough already...

Seems like everyone here is taking this with calm instead of panicking and declaring the apocalypse like the rest of the social media (DAISY LEAK DAISY LEAK DAISY LEAK).

Personal opinion. I think Vergeben's claim is way too risky and off of how he usually declares things. He used to declare short things when he was only 100% sure. But that massive list is a career commitment.
It's almost like a trolling attempt or a fake account to me.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2015
Imagine if in the VGAs we get Phoenix and Arle one after the other, confusing absolutely everyone.
Arle confuses the heck out of me whenever she comes up in speculation. I've played Puyo a lot but I have no idea how she would work in smash.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2019
Seems like everyone here is taking this with calm instead of panicking and declaring the apocalypse like the rest of the social media (DAISY LEAK DAISY LEAK DAISY LEAK).
Yeah, I'm basically only on here and Era, because the rest of the internet (looking at you, Twitter) is a hellscape of undesirable Smash discourse. SmashFAQs right now is the definition of a train-wreck, not that it's usually a whole lot better.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Thank goodness I picked the one third-party thread that happens to run on investigative logic (even more than the Layton one), so that there is some degree of assessing the situation.

If Verge's sources have been misled, that's it, he's dead, dead, dead. Not even his brown-nosers will follow him after that.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
Arle confuses the heck out of me whenever she comes up in speculation. I've played Puyo a lot but I have no idea how she would work in smash.
She appeared in other games such as dungeon crawling one where she killed people apparently. From what I heard.

I might be wrong about that, I'm not really sure.
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Jun 16, 2014
I've already brazen for something that doesn't interest me, even before vergens post, I wouldn't be surprised if someone with credible background ended up shooting Capcom down. Verge could very much be wrong about all those supposed disconfirmations, but regarding the rest of my wishlist, I didn't need much in terms of the leak scenes to accept an ArcSys or second SE rep wasn't gonna happen (not even getting into those characters I consider impossible right now).
Arle confuses the heck out of me whenever she comes up in speculation. I've played Puyo a lot but I have no idea how she would work in smash.
clearly some nutty chain mechanic where rocks fall down from the skies, I've only played puyo puyo through Robotnik Mean Bean Machine and the Sega Super Star Tennis minigame, so I got no clue how it evolved from there.
If Verge's sources have been misled, that's it, he's dead, dead, dead. Not even his brown-nosers will follow him after that.
this is why I'm having a hard time believing he isn't dead sure his source is right, one of those companies turn out to be holder from fighter 5, and he's never getting his believability back, moreso than after the no Minecraft debacle.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 7, 2019
Thank goodness I picked the one third-party thread that happens to run on investigative logic (even more than the Layton one), so that there is some degree of assessing the situation.
It does make sense the fans of the series based on logical thought and investigation would be the most logical fan base


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2019
this is why I'm having a hard time believing he isn't dead sure his source is right, one of those companies turn out to be holder from fighter 5, and he's never getting his believability back, moreso than after the no Minecraft debacle.
My confusion comes from why his source is unwilling/unable to talk specifics, but conversely able and willing to deconfirm virtually every major contender simultaneously. If they're worried their knowledge compromises their security, then they aren't exactly keeping their cards close to their chest by narrowing things down this much.


Jun 16, 2014
My confusion comes from why his source is unwilling/unable to talk specifics, but conversely able and willing to deconfirm virtually every major contender simultaneously. If they're worried their knowledge compromises their security, then they aren't exactly keeping their cards close to their chest by narrowing things down this much.
maybe they thought they'd get away after all this trimming given most of us are beyond confused on who's even standing after this large list of nos or something.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Out of all "leaks" that are literally just text on a forum post... this is the one I'm most inclined to believe.

Why? Well, it predicted Terry's release date (accurately so, even if it's not hard to guess) and Phoenix Wright as Fighter 5... and that's it. It got straight to the point and only gave the bare minimum details, without saying anything else that would seem ridiculous like "Phoenix Wright's reveal will coincide with Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy 2 on Switch, including Apollo Justice and the Investigations games, and an Ace Attorney 7 reveal" or "Phoenix Wright will be revealed at the Game Awards along with all these other super specific announcements like Marvel vs. Capcom 4 and a Monster Hunter remake".

Granted, this is still just a text leak, so I'm not saying it's absolutely true, just the one that seems the most believable to me.
Exactly the reason why I've stuck with it. It's just enough to get the wheels turning, especially because it came out before anyone was predicting Terry's release date, and it is somehow more believable because it was so concise.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2019
You know, besides Arle, the prevailing assumption is that there may be a Mario character coming soon, and right now only one choice makes any sense...

King Boo would genuinely be a great choice for a Mario rep. The only option I can think of as a good counterpoint would be Kamek, who is... actually more of a Yoshi rep, these days.
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Jun 16, 2014
A friend from another site always jests about King Boo after they dreamt with his reveal. Mario is one of the 3 franchises I'd rather just not see get anymore reps, but I'll take him over Waluigi that's for sure.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2019
A friend from another site always jests about King Boo after they dreamt with his reveal. Mario is one of the 3 franchises I'd rather just not see get anymore reps, but I'll take him over Waluigi that's for sure.
Honestly, if we're talking really big franchises that probably deserve another rep, I'd go with Zelda for sure, considering they only have about four actual characters.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Why Zelda only got 4 fully-unique characters is a mystery for the ages, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it since I never was much of a Zelda fan.

Now, let's suppose for a moment that the picture isn't a hint at all and they picked a Mario character just to fill space, it seems odd to pick Daisy just because she's the most recent Mario addition in the context of Smash.
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Jun 16, 2014
Honestly, if we're talking really big franchises that probably deserve another rep, I'd go with Zelda for sure, considering they only have about four actual characters.
considering Zelda is arguably Nintendo's most beloved franchise and biggest critical darling, I think it's kind of a disgrace 3 out of its 6 reps are clones, and one of the clones is like, the biggest baddie of the franchise? I don't really push for anyone from it anymore as most villains/buddies lost their time to shine after the next entry in the franchise comes out, but I'd at least like to see pig Ganondorf or something that isn't mostly based on someone he doesn't really have much in common with.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2015
Yep, Zelda really needs another rep (looking at my profile pick you could guess who is my favourite). Another Nintendo character I'd really love to see is Paper Mario.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
considering Zelda is arguably Nintendo's most beloved franchise and biggest critical darling, I think it's kind of a disgrace 3 out of its 6 reps are clones, and one of the clones is like, the biggest baddie of the franchise? I don't really push for anyone from it anymore as most villains/buddies lost their time to shine after the next entry in the franchise comes out, but I'd at least like to see pig Ganondorf or something that isn't mostly based on someone he doesn't really have much in common with.
Toon Link is different enough to be his own version of the character.


Jun 16, 2014
Toon Link is different enough to be his own version of the character.
meh, having both Young and Toon Link as they are is ridiculous imo. I don't mind their normals being mostly shared given they don't exhibit that many difference in base sword moves, but with their different inventories, I'm sure they could at least feature different specials rather than the usual bow, boomerang, bombs, spinslash bundle. :ultyounglink: not even having a different FS with a mask transformation or something is just so dumb.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2019
Switch FC
We haven't reached the bottom of the barrel for first parties. Not even close.
Many first party series are in a serious need of a new rep.
Zelda needs a non-Triforce trio character. Since Melee, Zelds hasn't gotten anything new. It could be Impa, Midna, Skull Kid, any champion... wait... those are dead...
Kirby needs Bandana Dee. It's been 10 years. The franchise has evolved since the Sakurai days.
DK needs Dixie Kong after getting constanly shafted in Smash for years.
Star Fox could add Krystal
and so on...


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
We haven't reached the bottom of the barrel for first parties. Not even close.
Many first party series are in a serious need of a new rep.
Zelda needs a non-Triforce trio character. Since Melee, Zelds hasn't gotten anything new. It could be Impa, Midna, Skull Kid, any champion... wait... those are dead...
Kirby needs Bandana Dee. It's been 10 years. The franchise has evolved since the Sakurai days.
DK needs Dixie Kong after getting constanly shafted in Smash for years.
Star Fox could add Krystal
and so on...
Here's a massively unpopular opinion. I don't think Kirby and Zelda need more reps, honestly I think the triforce trio and Kirby, Dedede and Meta knight are more than enough.

Star fox totally needs more love though.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I can understand Sak being hesitant to touch anything Kirby he didn't make, possibly out of respect (especially since Shiomomura has been missing for nearly 20 YEARS at this point). And DKC has just been suffering from bad timing anyway due to the post-64 and pre-Returns period. Star Fox pretty much suffers overall outside of Smash.

Zelda not having anything new makes no sense, but like I said above, I'm not really that much concerned about it.

...Yeah okay seriously, we're hitting rock-bottom for topics when first-parties have to be talked out in a third-party thread. These awards must happen now.

So, do any of you guys think Nintendo will have more influence on DLC picks going after that blows over?
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Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2019
Switch FC
King Boo would genuinely be a great choice for a Mario rep. The only option I can think of as a good counterpoint would be Kamek, who is... actually more of a Yoshi rep, these days.
I will forever argue that if yoshi should count as its own series in smash, so should luigi.

This is the hill i will die on.


Jun 16, 2014
Honestly, if Ganondorf at least had specials that resemble his boss fights, I'd say both Zelda and Kirby have their basics perfectly covered. Could they get more stuff afterwards? Sure! Is it an essential piece missing for the series representation? I'd say not really. Dixie Kong I do agree is one of those character I'm puzzled wasn't even made into a pseudo-clone or echo of Diddy, I know they can't share all the same moves given her lack of tail and not peanut gun/jetpack, but most of the other moves are perfectly applicable.
I don't like talking about Starfox as I'm just entirely eh on the series, but after how Falco and Wolf turned out, I can't say the prospect entices me at all, and it just doesn't feel like it is the big franchise it used to be anymore.
Every other Nintendo franchise with a fighter already in the game though, I feel could pretty much do with nothing new at all for the rest of Smash history and I wouldn't feel it's unfair (especially for Mario, Pokemon and FE).
But I don't care too much either way when I'm fully aboard on the "keep adding 3rd parties" train and hardly anything from Nintys own repertoire would do much for me anyhow.
I will forever argue that if yoshi should count as its own series in smash, so should luigi.

This is the hill i will die on.
I agree with you tbh.
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Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
Simple leaks are usually the most credible ones. I don't think Phoenix is a lock for FP5 because of that random 4chan leak, but it's for sure more believable than leaks that go into a lot of details.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2019
I just want to point out that Sabi has updated their "in a bit" to "in 1-2 days," as far as responding to Verg's claims goes, so that's fun.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
I just want to point out that Sabi has updated their "in a bit" to "in 1-2 days," as far as responding to Verg's claims goes, so that's fun.
1-2 days is about how long Ace Attorney trials last! It's a sign! A SIGN, I TELL YOU!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2019
1-2 days is about how long Ace Attorney trials last! It's a sign! A SIGN, I TELL YOU!
All right, so we have the time, and we have a vague 4chan text leak from a couple months ago. We just need one more piece of decisive evidence and we can turn this thing around!


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
"That's it! I need to turn my thinking around!"

"I don't need to think about if Phoenix will make into smash."

"I need to think about when and how Phoenix will get in!"

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Desert Croc

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2014
Switch FC
Smash speculation at the moment:

For real though, I think I’m gonna take a vacation away from the Smash community for a while. Things are just getting too hectic for me.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2018
Switch FC
At this point I'm just not believing Verg lol. This tennis match of disconfirmations between Verg and Sabi feels like each leaker trying to one up the other and Verg is trying his hardest to save what little credibility he has left. Ultimately I don't think either has the correct info, and this is either one huge masquerade that will be retconned before The Game Awards, or they've just lost the plot.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I just want to point out that Sabi has updated their "in a bit" to "in 1-2 days," as far as responding to Verg's claims goes, so that's fun.

You know things are serious when Sabi of all people resorts to doing this.

At this point I'm just not believing Verg lol. This tennis match of disconfirmations between Verg and Sabi feels like each leaker trying to one up the other and Verg is trying his hardest to save what little credibility he has left. Ultimately I don't think either has the correct info, and this is either one huge masquerade that will be retconned before The Game Awards, or they've just lost the plot.
Geoff has had the script all along, and he won't let anyone read the actual lines.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2018
Now, let's suppose for a moment that the picture isn't a hint at all and they picked a Mario character just to fill space, it seems odd to pick Daisy just because she's the most recent Mario addition in the context of Smash.
The way I see it. Daisy is put there to match Piranha plant since everyone is partnered with someone else. And they picked daisy cause her name is a type of flower. I don't think it's a hint.
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