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Taco Bell Mafia: Game over. Who won?


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Pre-game stuff:

- Zen being Zen, but not involving / interacting with people as much as when he's town. imo, lazy attempt to either gain thread power, or to move the game. Both are scummy anyways.

#75: soup, you say something was bugging you about Zen. Was it the same thing I said in the previous paragraph, or was it something else? Also, could you explain to me what's the Catherine approach? Which were the results of that when Zen used it? Would you say that him using that here again, is a town, null, or scum tell?

Kary, in #76 you accept to be bros with Zen; I'm I correct assuming you didn't feel "scummy vibes" earlier, like I said in my first paragraph here?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Rajam replaces BardulL effective immediately! Welcome him! :D
Thanks for replacing me, and sorry for having to replace out after committing. It was a bad idea for me to /In considering I'm already really invested in another game, didn't expect school to catch up with me. ~_~


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Vote: Soup

obv scumboiyo is obvscumboiyo
Zen, tell me why you're acting this way and explain your intentions to play like catherine, I believe you totally ignored my last question to you and just voted me thinking you can get me to slip somehow in your fantasy land where I'm inexperienced and one vote is going to make me crack.
Green part was absolutely unnecessary; seems an overreaction to a simple, irrelevant vote, and since the game was just beginning and the risk of getting lynched was basically non-existant with that vote, I would put this as an scummy reaction

Glyph, Inferno: Do you agree with this? If not, why not?


Up to #120; Red Ryu is getting transparent lol

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Rajam I believe my stance on Soup is pretty clear, but yeah I do see what you're talking about with that reaction.

You know what you should do

You should vote for Soup

That would be a super good thing of you to do

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Wow, smart move.
he's purposefully avoiding the game, am I right? Suspicious.

Once you've caught up, can you please give me your scumreads? Cheers.
And you're probably town based on this

Kary, in #76 you accept to be bros with Zen; I'm I correct assuming you didn't feel "scummy vibes" earlier, like I said in my first paragraph here?
You're correct in assuming I didn't get scumvibes from Zen

You should vote for Soup
Fine with this; but I don't want to see him lynched just yet. Sound alright?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Absolutely. I'm down with pressuring other people but I don't want Soup forgetting where he sits



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Votecount 1.5

Kamen Ryker**:Kary, Vinyl.
Red Ryu
Vinyl.:soup, Inferno3044
Ramen King**:Red Ryu
soup:DtJ Glyphmoney, Ramen King
Dtj Glyphmoney:Kamen Ryker

Not Voting:


*= Currently being replaced
**= V/LA

With 9 players, it takes 5 votes to lynch
The deadline for Day 1 is October 6th, at 11:59 PM

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Rajam said:
#75: soup, you say something was bugging you about Zen. Was it the same thing I said in the previous paragraph, or was it something else? Also, could you explain to me what's the Catherine approach? Which were the results of that when Zen used it? Would you say that him using that here again, is a town, null, or scum tell?
It's covered if you keep reading it. Read the early game of Catherine; that is Catherine style. He got lynched because I felt he was being too excited and trying too hard to be town, I don't really take it as a tell but I hate the style. It's not specific of anything, but it is specific if Zen is going to try and towntell with the style instead of doing anything.

Green part was absolutely unnecessary; seems an overreaction to a simple, irrelevant vote, and since the game was just beginning and the risk of getting lynched was basically non-existant with that vote, I would put this as an scummy reaction
More like it was more of a threat to get Zen to respond because he knows better.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Addendum: He's not scum with Zen, Zen wouldn't try and commission a buddy openly in thread unless it was someone like Zen.

Vote: Vinyl.
Gee Soup I heard you like wifom.

vote: Kary. Kary, you died very early on in Utrick'd. What are you going to do to avoid that happening again?
Town-tell here
Wait what; Kary, could you explain why did you get a town-tell from that? It seems weird to me, considering also that Glyph voted against you in the same post (which should considerably lessen a town read from Glyph), nonetheless you get the town-tell from a one-liner... ¿?


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Red Ryu
Ramen King

Dtj Glyphmoney

If you could list a single thing that was anti-town that would be the end of it. You state that I was being anti-town and it's just not the case. It's relevant because if people feel that my catherine play was anti-town, since I'm playing catherine here, then I must be playing anti-town. You see? I'm not just bringing it up for nothing. In fact I wasn't the one to bring it up. You agree that there was nothing anti-town about my play, yes? Had Soup not been so afraid of my different meta we would have lynched Ori on the first day.
It might be more of a playstyle difference, but I am REALLY not liking how forthcoming you are with ALL your reads. This is what, the third time you've shown up with your colored list with everyone on it.

So walk me through the logic behind it. Why make every current stance you have public knowledge? What does town gain? What do you gain?

Also, fill me in on exactly what 'Catherine style play' is. I'm not familiar with the game and I'm sure as hell not going to read the whole thing just to get an idea of something you're trying to do here.


What do you take of Soup making such a brass (brass?) brash? Rash? let's go with Rash rash assumption? It feels to me as if he isn't really looking into either of us at all. Do you agree?

I'd say 'don't ask me about that'. Sure it could be Soup looking for an easy push, or it could be Soup trying to make things happen in RVS. While its isolated, the whole point is completely null.

I will never understand how people get reads on players so early in the game when there's so many variables in play still.

Sorry for all the posts. I just wanted to get all this out before I went on Vlah (V/LA).

I want to try something out. What do you guys say for the rest of the game, up until D3 at least, no one can vote for the person two spots above them on the roster?

Red Ryu
Ramen King
Dtj Glyphmoney

Ryker cannot vote Soup.
Glyph cannot vote Kary.
Soup cannot vote Bardull.
Kary cannot vote me.
Bardull cannot vote Vinyl.
I cannot vote Ruy.
Vinyl cannot vote Inferno.
Ruy cannot vote Ryker.
And Inferno cannot vote GLyph.

I'd like to know if everyone is ok with doing this. There IS a reason for it, but I don't want to share that for now. Everyone thoughts go go go.
I won't commit to anything, but sure lets play your game for now.


vote: Sooooooooooooupamario

Soup, talk to me about the quote I discussed a bit here. I want you to put me in your mindset for the post. Show me the inner workings of the Soupabrain.
It's not a matter of having a 100% he is scum or he is town stance. It's a matter of how you analyze his intentions. Which way do you lean per se. Your positions can always change with more insight. But if no one knows how the inner workings of your thought process, it's difficult to see whether you have arrived at your conclusions in a genuine way.
I've already stated that his intentions could be several different things without further support. Any speculation beyond that is just a shot in the dark.
These are disgusting. Sorta armchair critic plus no specific goal other than halt the game.

Addendum: He's not scum with Zen, Zen wouldn't try and commission a buddy openly in thread unless it was someone like Zen.

Vote: Vinyl.
Gee Soup I heard you like wifom.

vote: Kary. Kary, you died very early on in Utrick'd. What are you going to do to avoid that happening again?
This still bugs me

Glyph, could you explain your motivation for posting that bolded paragraph without voting against soup?


I'm also starting to agree with most of Zen's points / observations against soup. Specially the part where soup uses the "again" wording without giving further examples; seems a reach


Lynch pool so far:
- Glyph
- soup
- Red Ryu

vote: soup

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Call it whatever you want, its also completely true. I don't throw my vote around without something to back it up, especially in RVS.

And I REALLY don't know why I would have voted Soup for a post with WIFOM in it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Zen, if you're going to be ignorant towards me the least you can do is explain why you're doing it.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Also Glyph what was your reason for initially voting Soup? (The post where you first vote him).
Wanted to get my question noticed and get a prompt answer, as the quote I wanted him to discuss would shed a lot of light on his alignment once we knew the reasoning behind it.


Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
So you feel that the reason he gave would shed light on his alignment? But I remember you telling me there was no way to know one way or the other what his intentions were. In that very same post I had asked you what you felt about the post and you stated there was no way to tell. So your answer here does not align.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Uh, because he thinks you're scum?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're very confident in your Vinyl scumread, you're very willing to defend yourself, and beyond that you're doing nothing.

I just don't see you pushing people for reads this game, Soup, and I can only assume it's because you're scum.

great user title though

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
EBWOP: above was @Soup in case that wasn't clear

he didn't mean to make you cry
with sparks that ring and bullets fly
on empty rings around your heart
the world just screams and falls apart

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Zen plz:
Zen, I was sure you were town, but then I forgot about this game.

I take it you're now confident in Soupscum?
Is Vinyl still scummy, and would you go after him if Soup flips scum? flips town?
Wait what; Kary, could you explain why did you get a town-tell from that? It seems weird to me, considering also that Glyph voted against you in the same post (which should considerably lessen a town read from Glyph), nonetheless you get the town-tell from a one-liner... ¿?
I was exaggerating when I said I got a town-tell from that; in isolation it's null. I mentioned it on purpose to see who would respond to it, and how.

I don't see why his vote on me would have anything to do with the read, though, in fact I took the vote as the least telling part of the whole post. Eh.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
So you feel that the reason he gave would shed light on his alignment? But I remember you telling me there was no way to know one way or the other what his intentions were. In that very same post I had asked you what you felt about the post and you stated there was no way to tell. So your answer here does not align.
How does that not line up. On its own, we DON'T know. It could go either way. Its not until we start digging and deducing his motives that we can start to reach a conclusion.



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Uh, because he thinks you're scum?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're very confident in your Vinyl scumread, you're very willing to defend yourself, and beyond that you're doing nothing.

I just don't see you pushing people for reads this game, Soup, and I can only assume it's because you're scum.

great user title though
Can you tell me how Soup's confidence of scumViynl is different than zen's confidence in scumSoup? Also I want to put out that I haven't liked your recent posts and I think how you're attacking soup is kinda grimy. For example:

Soup, I feel like you'd be obvtown by now if you were town.

Right now I can't say which way you're going to flip and this makes me worry.

How do you feel about claiming?
I think this post is hella grimy. To say that he's not town because you feel like he'd be acting really obvtown is a terrible reason. Also how you go from "I can't say which way you're going to flip" to how much you are trying to lynch Soup does not sit well with me.I honestly don't see a reason for him to claim atm. Doesn't seem like the right time imo.

FoS: Kary

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Can you tell me how Soup's confidence of scumViynl is different than zen's confidence in scumSoup? Also I want to put out that I haven't liked your recent posts and I think how you're attacking soup is kinda grimy. For example:
Soup's confidence in scumVinyl seems
a) to have appeared very suddenly
b) to take a very one-sided view of Vinyl's play
c) to not be changing/developing
and as such reads to me as either
#1 hella ********
#2 not genuine

By contrast, I think Zen has made an effort to develop his Soup read and hasn't just sat on that read, he's be doing more about it.

I think this post is hella grimy. To say that he's not town because you feel like he'd be acting really obvtown is a terrible reason. Also how you go from "I can't say which way you're going to flip" to how much you are trying to lynch Soup does not sit well with me.I honestly don't see a reason for him to claim atm. Doesn't seem like the right time imo.

FoS: Kary
I'm trying to goad Soup, get a reaction out of him. I don't see anything Soup has done this game that is obvtown, and when I call him on it, he doesn't respond. Asking him about claiming is pretty much the same deal, to get a reaction.

And am I really trying to lynch Soup that much? Because I'm not. He's just put himself in the firing line and won't get out of the way.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
jeez louise

can RR and KR please make themselves known so we can end the Day?

Or should we all just vote Kamen Ryker already

@Soup: vote Kamen Ryker, do itttt

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kary said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're very confident in your Vinyl scumread, you're very willing to defend yourself, and beyond that you're doing nothing.
Most of it is feigned in order to read Vinyl. easier but I have basically given up on the thought of progressing actual content. I feel from observation that it's possible that he's town mostly on the fact of his upright claim a few pages ago and his Kamen Ryker vote. He could have just stayed on my vote and coasted to the inevitable seeing how Zen isn't going to let up. I'm going to be blunt with you and say that this game is about as interesting as my ceiling right now. There is nothing worth pushing and I find myself clinging to my own read due to this factor above anything else. We have a load of inactives and a lot of players that are presumably mixed bags. One I would like to think in this category would be Red Ryu and Inferno, which I don't have a clue what their stances are or what they're going to do. Then there is people like you and Glyph who seem to be putting an effort to play yet and have made your intentions clear.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I could vote Kamen Ryker. I could also vote any other inactive. I can tell you right now that I could care less about Rajam's catchup posting and his play so far too.

Inferno feels town in his own way, maybe the fact he's the only person defending me right now. But that's a stretch.



Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Though, it looks more like a start-up kind of way, looking at his thoughts on Kary and also his previous post(s). I guess I'm really considering someone to cop him after all if it persists. I should read his posts more too.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I take it you're now confident in Soupscum?
Is Vinyl still scummy, and would you go after him if Soup flips scum? flips town?
Yes. Yes. Yes.

More like maybes. Right now the most suspicious are Soup Vinyl and Glyph


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
oh ****, a FoS! what am I gonna do

Inferno please get to this :grin: cheers
Your reaction is a bit unorthodox, even though it's sarcastic. If I didn't think Vinyl had a higher chance of being scum I would vote you. Anyways to answer your questions:

I would look into soup more of Vinyl was town. Wouldn't promise a vote.
Zen is null. He's playing like Zen, but to me shows no sign as either alignment.

Reading inferno's post is looking

Instead of

Can you translate this? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
So @Soup: I take it you've given up pushing your strongest scumread and admit that they might be town. And you've no other scumreads.

you realize this doesn't look great, right? How legit were these reads:
Ramen King
Red Ryu

could you please also explain to me your reads on BardulL-Rajam and Inferno?

and vote Kamen Ryker already?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Hmm ok.
@Inferno: can you flesh out your Soup/Vinyl reads for me please? I don't really know what you're basing them on particularly.
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