I agree with you and wish you were right. However, let's take a look at what happened in this thread:
1) I posted my impressions saying that I don't think 1v1 no items is very fun or competitive in Brawl, despite having loved it in Melee, but that turning items on actually made it more enjoyable and competitive.
2) Yuna immediately jumped down my throat saying that I was wrong, I should make my own tournaments, and despite having not played the game, that there is no way items are ok in competitive play.
I wish you were right, but as you can see, people like Yuna are deeply against trying new things, against even considering items in tournament play. They've decided based on Melee that This Is How It Is, and that's it. It's not even a matter of "No, we played with items for 5 hours and didn't like it", it's "ITEMS ARE LUCK THE END". And that's bull****. What if Gimpyfish were the one saying this? Hugs? Mew2King? Whoever? If my opinion that Brawl (BRAWL NOT MELEE) is enjoyable with items in a deeply competitive way is immediately dismissed, what hope is there for exploring the possibilities of Brawl with anything resembling an open mind?
Here's a reasonable skeptical response to my post: "Huh, that's intersting, well, I'll have to try Brawl with items to see, I have my doubts though." Immediately launching into the tired "BUT WHAT IF A BOB-OMB FALLS IT HAPPENED TO KEN" Melee jargon is most distinctly not giving Brawl a chance.
I can see where you're coming from.
I can't speak for Yuna, since Yuna's Yuna.
However, I can tell you that S/he doesn’t make up the entire majority.
Same goes for the higher ups. Just because M2K and co. are high ranking players doesn’t mean that they get to make up the rules.
All tournament players will come together and (after extensively played the game) put together a set of rules that will benefit the environment that they love and participate in.
That’s why time is so critical in these decisions.
I can’t stress this enough.
With time, players will start to understand Brawl.
Right now, most of what we know about Brawl is coming form prior Melee knowledge, which is not a bad thing.
Brawl is a smash game. Melee was a smash game so of course, we’ll use Melee knowledge when first playing Brawl.
However, as time goes on, we’ll learn more about Brawl and it’s unique traits.
As time passes, We’ll learn more about Brawl and expanded are knowledge. Eventually to the point in which we rely more on Brawl specific knowledge instead of what we can infer from Melee.
Once our understanding of Brawl overshadows the knowledge that we brought over from Melee. Then, we will be ready to look at Brawl in a much more comprehending and open mind. Then, we will be able to fully judge Brawl’s potential. Then, we’ll be able to fully form what we (as individuals) believe will be the fairest way to play Brawl. Then, we’ll come together as a player base and together form the standard rules of smash.
Based mostly on Brawl specific information instead of being based on mostly carried over info that came from Melee ( which at this point, the latter source of info overshadows the former source, seeing as it’s only been about a week).
And, If the new standard set of rules still happens to disagree with you, well… Host your own tournaments. No one is stopping you. As long as a decent amount of players agree with your rules, you’ll have a tournament.
We need to till the day the player base has a higher degree of Brawl specific knowledge.
Right now, every Brawl player’s knowledge about Brawl comes primarily from what then could carry over form Melee.
( I can say this because, It doesn’t matter who you are. Even if you have played Brawl none stop, since the day it was released in Japan, you still haven’t been playing long enough)
We need to know more about Brawl (not smash in general) before we make such important decisions about Brawl.
I.e. Tiers/ standard tournament rules/ depth/ etc.
Only reason why someone might say that items will
never be in tournament play is because they are basing that by the carried over knowledge of Melee. That's not bad since right now that's were most of our knowledge comes from.
None of us know what will happen for sure in Brawl. We have to give are selfs time to see if items can work into Brawl tournament play.
I'm not saying there will be items.... but none of us know for sure. Not yet.
I agree with pretty much everything you say, expect one thing.
To me it seems like you already put the nail in the coffin for Brawl. You say that, the system of Brawl pretty much tells that we won’t take it as deep as Melee.
Don’t you think we should allow more time to past before making such assumptions?
Yes, the lack of L-cancel deals a large blow to mind game potential, but something along the way may replace it.
Maybe I’m wrong on my interpretation of what you think.
Basically, my question is.
Don’t you think it’s just plain to early to start judging Brawl on such a important aspects?