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Sydney Smash Thread - Comrades Of Xeno -


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
well you could drive down with DJ and fly back up? although tickets will be expensive now...
its a pickle... maybe you could bus or train back if yu're worried about cost, but i vote plane, in the long run I'd rather pay more for 2 hours of travelling rather than pay less for more hours of it.


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2007
im not worried bout cost, i checked for flights yesterday and there were some still cheaper than taking a train anyway. i'll book my flight tonight then. i was really just getting into the whole road trip to melbourne thing but i guess i'll still get some of that travelling down with DJ and folks


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
dude, road trips ist kreig!!!!! or so ive been told.....

anyway, having a car in melbourne > not having a car in melbourne,. we gotta see all the famous landmarks like...the....big..........melbourne........???

zzzzzzzzz im drukn. to any effect,a nyone driving down with a spare seat, let me know but DONT hold it for me.....if someone eleigliblken comes along by all means, gove ur seat to them.

anyways, anyone with a s spare seat can i hear a SHOOOP DE WOOOOP hollaQQQQQ!!!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
dude, road trips ist kreig!!!!! or so ive been told.....

anyway, having a car in melbourne > not having a car in melbourne,. we gotta see all the famous landmarks like...the....big..........melbourne........???

zzzzzzzzz im drukn. to any effect,a nyone driving down with a spare seat, let me know but DONT hold it for me.....if someone eleigliblken comes along by all means, gove ur seat to them.

anyways, anyone with a s spare seat can i hear a SHOOOP DE WOOOOP hollaQQQQQ!!!!!!!!!
lolol pat call me for daturday s,asherday anti peach trainging. hopefulyy is not toooo hungovers.s


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Sure is drukn!


Warriors from far and wide! The tournament is near! To set up our battlefront, we must have supplies of Cubapults and ammunitions of smashing rocks and memory arrows! For we must smite the enemy who holds the ranks and holds us down from reaching the top of the mountain!

Onwards to the battlefield!


Typos found in Fonti's post: a nyone eleigliblken gove s spare daturday s,asherday trainging hopefulyy hungovers.s

Seriously was drukn!
Hope you don't have a lingering hangover tomorrow!


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Pat, Jaz, Kulla, Bjay. I wanna vs. YOU in the friendlies before the Tournament proper tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Guys - last reminder
Please bring your GC/Wii/Smash/Mem card for 2morrow.

Bummer @ kulla. this tourney looks to be smaller than last time, but it doesn't mean that we all have to take less with us :p


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2007
lolz - we hadn't finished when you guys posted =P

anyway, as requested - RESULTS!

16-man bracket

 1 Pimp Juice (Mic + Chicken Salad) : $90.00
 2 FunkenLazy (Funky + LazyLobstar) : $25.00
 3 Unrestable (Pat + John) : $10.00
 4 AniKC (Sanc + Keeno)
 5 DeDoom (Dedu + Jaz)
 5 Josh_Evan 
 7 Evil Monkeys (David + C0d3_M0nk3y)
 7 Michael_Raphael 
 9 John_Marc 
 9 Dean_Harvey 
 9 Vote or Die (Xeno + Tom)
 9 George_John 
13 Ben_Adrian
8-man bracket

1 Jaz : $70.00
2 LazyLobstar : $20.00
3 Funky : $10.00
4 Pat 
5 Mic
5 Keeno
7 Sanc 
7 Chicken Salad
Doubles bracket --> http://egg.org.au/upload/ssbm_27_5_07_doubles.png
Singles Swiss bracket --> http://egg.org.au/upload/ssbm_27_5_07_singles_swiss.png
Singles Top 8 bracket --> http://egg.org.au/upload/ssbm_27_5_07_singles_top8.png

Swiss bracket explanation
For each round, there are 3 columns per player - the number of the other person they played, whether they won or lost and their number of wins.

ELO ratings and videos - coming soon.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Nice, hooray ^_^

gahh, why the names, and not our gamernames/team names =p

"ESSAY "Shoutout coming soon.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
gets confusing

And the we love peach vs we hate peach match >>> real names :p


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Jaz - Ahh, vs you twice =p man you're like unstoppable x_x great matches though, aye JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZ

Funky - Gah, you had me x_x I don't know how I did it lol, was great playing you again though, also great team we formed, we came 2nd, FunkenLazy ^_^ Yeah I'm glad we did pretty well =D

Pat - Omg Pat, I don't feel guilty anymore! Yay! Since I let you pick the stage in our Losers Bracket match first lol. I don't know how I came back randomly...fluke x_x Great matches though. :)

Mic - We didn't team up! But we reached our goal of making it to the finals! Well done to you and Ki in winning the doubles! lol, your Luigi is like super fast for me now x_x Hope to play you again soon. Thanks for the lift home too, you're a legend. <3

Keeno - Hmm...you were the first person (after Pat and Funky), that was about to beat me, but somehow I win x_x lol, great matches man. Those short hop lasers had me all the way, I don't know what happened, but yeah, I had a ball vsing ya. :p

Sanc - lol Sanc, I don't think we got to play each other? That's no worries, next time we will, well done in making it to the top 8. :) Oh, and you and Keeno make a solid team in Smash. ;D

Chicken Salad - Yeah, we're not meant to play each other are we? No matches again lol! Bad luck with the Singles, well done in the doubles, PIMP JUICE! :) Hopefully can play you soon.

Mercury - so close, top 9 though! well done! :) We had only one match, I hope to play you soon though bro. ;]

Dedu - Woot, Pokemon army clonage! LOL! Good effort with you and Jaz in the doubles, I didn't get to play you at all in Smash today...it's been so long.

ZNemesis - Hah! You did alright in Smash man! Glad to see you'll come to the next S3.

Xeno - You had me...and 5 seconds in the match you suicide yourself, and then I 3 stock you...lol. :p Hilarious match, it was our only one xD

Glue - lol, well done on beating me, I guess I got cocky and chose Mario, but you beat me in the end anyway. So well done Fonti, no well done though to losing your afro. ;( Great effort though, anti-peach strategy turned out well!

C0d3M0nk3y - Again Brinton, well done for hosting, great job with hosting too. Glad to see results already up, make sure we get to see SINGLES from LAST S3, and also all the videos for this S3, there were some spectacular matches. ;) All of 'em. Thanks again dude. MSN ftw.

Overall well done to everyone, I had a ball catching up with everyone, chit chatting, laughing, and playing good ol' Smash. I may be able to host a Meet soon. We'll see.


Smash Cadet
Apr 22, 2007
haha bjay! We did play against eachother! I played you in the preliminary swiss system games and got owned... XD


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
BJay - I know I didn't _really_ deserve that win. but great matches, even vs mario i was on my toes the whole time. the day will come, soon enough, when i'll pose a significant threat to you :p shall we sound the death bell for your homing turnips? have they become regular turnips again? we'll have to wait and see :p

pat - what can i say man, you cream me all the time in friendlies, so getting creamed in the tournament wasnt unexpected :p sorry about the doubles haha - i know i held you back. you and jaz should team up and make the uber awesome of awesome.

jaz - nice work with today man. great doubles matches vs you and stu, and in singles....did i play you in singles? i cant remember. either way, good work on holding on to your title.

stu - great doubles, fun singles :p your marths improving heaps and heaps man. those forward air combos kill me all the time :p'

funk - didnt get to play you as much i would have liked, our swiss match seemed kinda rushed. but yeah - your fox is getting heaps good as well. you were all over me those games. good work.

MORE TO COME.....when its not 3am.
to the others, dont worry, i havent forgotten you :p

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Hey Mic/no. 13 can you pm/email me (preferably email) your details as goons as possible please? ;)

Sounds like a good tourny.
Dunno about the team names though/ :lick:


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
@ El Sid wait for the vids you impatient monkey T-T

brinton can sort out the point

shoutouts: well you know i usually do a big effort, but man i'm just dead lately...

firstly to brinton, without you none of these would be possible, than you again

thankyou Dedu for teaming up with me, and keeping my tradition of teaming with a different person each time alive, we did okay in the end, team DeDOOM!

a huge congrats to Bjay for his improved ranking in both doubles and singles! not everything can be blamed on the positioning of stars or the fall of dice, give yourself credit when it's due ;)

to funky (i wish i could have started that rasengan ball T-T) for third place in singles, you are up there with the best of Syd, good to have you round at tournies funk, it would have been different if you didn't come

Congrats to Pat and fonti for there performance in teams, good work guys. Pat, don't be down on your placing, i can only predict its a matter of time before you join me in a final

to pimp juice, you guys dominated a shame i never got to verse it >.< great stuff

Sido, for being sido

for new people willing to actually turn up and put in the effort, the first tourny is always the hardest, i hoped i answered all your questions ^_^

Keeno and Sanc, you guys are strong competitors keep up the strong placings and team work.

Phil: sad not to see you there little man, i heard you had exams, **** education eats up so much time, hope to see you at the next one

i probably forgot a few people, in fact a lot of people.
but if you believe because i have left you out for other reasons i hope you come to your senses, i'm too tired to care how you interpret it :p

for those that didn't come, no one hates you, we just hate your schedules, fight them for us.

i won't be able to smash till comrades o.o i have 15 days to do a months work, because things were left to late and dates changed + comrades eating up a weekend of time
so no more smash till the 7th of June for Jaz... i apologise to anyone that wanted to verse me before then, it is out of my hands, the only thing i can do is allocate my time accordingly

i'd also like to thank the Sydney smash scene as a final gesture, it is a huge milestone that people are improving, prepared to go interstate, the fact that i didn't win last time indicates that there's a lot of talent out there waiting to be found, that i had to revert to falco to win this time even...
if this scene keeps growing, my happiness will follow it, i look forward to the day i don't make the final 8 in a Swiss format in Sydney.

So to smash in sydney, may it prosper


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2007
awesome words from jaz there, you'll be rocking sydney for a while to come. i take it our crew leader for comrades is definitely gonna be you.

well i guess myself being one half of the amazing duo that is PIMP JUICE (consisting of the handsome talents that are jigglyPIMP and luiG-UNIT aka chickensalad and no.13) i shall take it upon myself to make a few shoutouts.

first of all to chickensalad - you can finally buy your text books!! i have sore cheeks from being happy that we finally won and i have you to blame for it *******. we have a signature team move!! PIMP JUICING!! happy days G

bjay - you kept your word about meeting me in the finals. cool moment there. your peach is EVIL. congrats on taking 2nd in singles n doubles. you've come along way in a short space of time. good stuff.

funky - you and bjay certainly didnt make it easy for me and chicken. we knocked you out only to have to meet you guys in the finals and both times you took a match. didnt get to verse you in singles though.. bet you're relieved - haha jokes. congrats on taking 3rd. your match against bjay was OMG lol.

jaz - you're numero uno once again. congratulations mate. a shame we didnt get to vs at all during the tourney not even in doubles or friendlies. im looking forward to seeing you at comrades2.

pat - we had a couple of great friendlies but our doubles matches were epic. i cant wait to watch those when they come out. lol at changing your team name mid tourney from unrestable to restable. that was cool.

fonti - we had to duke it out for the final point to make it to the double elim top 8. that was hard. i miss the afro man. lol, i only recognised it was you during the middle of our first friendly. i was thinking to myself "this guys falco reminds me of fonti... **looks to my left** fonti?... is that you?" hahahah

sanc and keeno - blardy hell. you guys were the closest me and chicken got to losing a round. our last match in the second round was really really close. you guys are hella tough. sanc our match in singles was tough and long, so much so that when i beat you i shook your hand and started walking off thinking i won the round. but then you called me back and told me it was just the first match! i felt like laughing and crying at the same time.

dedu - you're doing well and your marth gets harder everytime i see you. good show in your doubles matches with jaz.

codemonkey - you do heaps for us mate, cant thank you enough. great job with implementing and managing the swiss matches. cheers to another great tourney. i'll be looking forward to the next tourney you have in store for us.

hope to see everyone at S3 cubed including kulla and comboturtle and everyone else who attended the tourneys.

as brinton put it after the swiss matches concluded - "to everyone who made the top 8 congratulations. to everyone else..... thankyou for coming" hehe


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2007
lol thanks guys for all the praise, but it the people who come that really make it as good as it is :D

(okay, i'll fix that point)

also, vids update - the singles vids are being uploaded now, i'll let you know when they're done. do we want the doubles vids too?
ratings - go away, i've still got like 50+ matches to rate. okay, it takes like a minute to do it but do the math :p

and S3 'Cubed' - somewhere in the 2nd week of july, not sure yet.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
LOL Brinton you crack me up.

Yeahh we want the doubles videos, those matches were crazy too. Aye PimpJuice? :o

Also, are you gonna upload the Singles videos from the last S3 too? xD

But obviously S3 'Squared' Singles videos come first ;) Then the rest (H)

Btw, what does the "3" in S3 stand for anyway?


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Sydney Smash Scene?

I've forgotten LOL.
Brinton - thanks for the date post. I'll try to come to that one and its nearly close to the uni break. We should get more ppl this time.

My shoutouts will be posted soon - they take a while to do :D </3 work.
Brinton - do u have the vid for the matchup Jaz and I did vs Pat and Fonti (restable)


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2005
I proclaim that no.13 is the best smasher in Sydney simply because he's a Luigi MAIN.

F*ckin Champion! :bigthumbu

Edit: I was shocked when I checked the front page and saw that no.13 also plays Peach. Due to this event, I officially retract my above praise and replace it with dissappointment. -_-;

Edit 2: Recognised! no.13 fo president!


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2007
I proclaim that no.13 is the best smasher in Sydney simply because he's a Luigi MAIN.

F*ckin Champion! :bigthumbu

Edit: I was shocked when I checked the front page and saw that no.13 also plays Peach. Due to this event, I officially retract my above praise and replace it with dissappointment. -_-;

NO NO!! I dont play peach anymore. i've gone to better things! that page needs to be updated!!! i demand a re edit!!! i want recognition god dammit!!

edit: thank you one. thank you all. and thank you for your support. i promise to leave no hand unshaken and leave no baby unkissed for the duration of this campaign. my fisrt act when i am president???.... give NG7 and myself a raise!


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
LOLOlz yeah you ditched peach :( the only aerial one too! That's okay though, I've started to naturally a bit become aerial ^_^


Smash Cadet
Apr 22, 2007
pfft! if we're talking about low tier mains, my main is a young link! XD

...though i only got 7th... *grumble grumble*



Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
w00t. Dropping Peach now?

here's hoping Bjay will drop Peach for Mario! :p [jk]
Actually I like Peach matches and here's hoping you'll still use her Mic. Like a secondary.

Jaz - Big thanks to you man for offering to be a teammate in the doubles. There were some fun matches and my Marth has improved since then. In particular - the matches against Pat and Fonti, you made one of the most incredible comebacks I had ever seen since the tournament started. You knocked both them out in one hit and then you only had to vs Pat to stay in the game! Oh and props for doing well and taking first place in singles!

Pat - still going pretty strong with your Pika! I liked how you tried to separate me in the doubles and then pick on me - that strat worked well for a while. And LOL trying to take over at the FireBird wall side when I was holding that position. We lost to you guys but they were some fun matches! Good effort trying to hold your position in the singles!

Fonti - your Falco's getting heaps better and I bet the 'anti peach' training helped heaps! You and your fro was what was unique about you! Now I gotta change that and adjust to your crew cut lol! Still, fros FTW! I reckon falco should have a costume change with a fro - he'd look mega groovy. I must say, you and pat teaming up in doubles was good :D

Bjay - we never got to vs each other in the tournament but we did some practise matches before the tourney started! I'm heaps impressed how you managed to stay in the game in the singles especially against Jaz. Your Peach is a beast and the more I play you the harder it is to beat your Peach lol.

Funky - Pen!s-face-slapping? WTF was that about on MSN the nite after the tourney finished? Oh and I enjoyed your 'gyro ball' whatever it was called. Very flashy. Good work with your Fox - its getting better and better esp when you had to vs Pat - you beat him! good work there!

Mic + Chicken Salad - You and Chicken Salad make a good team! Your Luigi is getting better and I must say its just insane. Same with your Jiggs - getting better with the combos lol. Surprised you guys won the doubles tourney!

Sanc + Keeno (team AniKC) WTF you guys are getting heaps better in doubles - that Falco still is realsies madsies! Keep it up you guys will be able to take first place in the very near future! Oh I enjoyed vsing you after the singles Keeno!

Mercury Adept + Evanaterrrr! Good effort in the doubles guys! Both you guys beat me in the singles which shows you mustve done heaps of practise between last tourney and this one! Keep it up you'll get better in no time!

David - your Pika's pretty good and I must say I had a challenge beating it in the singles! Good work there and I enjoyed the trade we did between our breaks lol

Le Syd - sorry mate! Your name is just too flexible to be abused :p We didn't get to vs each other at all except in the doubles - your Ganon is getting better and better and I was impressed with your team mate. He's pretty good. Hopefully you guys will team up again in the next tournament?

Brinton - I still don't understand how you managed to work out the the rankings for the singles in your head! But still, BIG BIG BIG props to you man for doing the singles vids ASAP and running the place on the day!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
I proclaim that no.13 is the best smasher in Sydney simply because he's a Luigi MAIN.

F*ckin Champion! :bigthumbu

Edit: I was shocked when I checked the front page and saw that no.13 also plays Peach. Due to this event, I officially retract my above praise and replace it with dissappointment. -_-;

Edit 2: Recognised! no.13 fo president!
What about my Luigi main? *cries*.
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