My personal thoughts about this tier list

:Bayonetta seems fine. Perhaps below Mewtwo

:Bowser's spot is I guess ok, I would put him only 2 spots lower.

:I think Bowser Jr. should be a little higher, although this is a problem of some characters being too high.

:Captain Falcon seems a little too high. He has a few bad weaknesses and a garbage Pikachu matchup. I think he should be a few spots lower.

:I think Charizard is too low, Although, like Bowser Jr., this is mostly a matter of some characters being too high.

:I thought everyone except the top Diddy mains established that the top 3 in this game is

in whatever order? Geez. Cloud should defitenly be 3rd, above Rosalina and Zero Suit Samus. Then he would be fine.

:Corrin in no way should be in tier 4. He's either tier 5 or tier 6. He has virtually no results and NO solo results at all except for ONE japanease result. His theory isn't even this good anyway. I can't see Corrin being useful in the metagame outside of a counterpick character for whatever matchup.

: Read Pit's section below.

:Correct, I agree that he is #1 again.

:Donkey Kong's spot is correct.

:Dr. Mario is defitenly overrated by lower leveled players. Dr. Mario isn't useless trash, but he is still bad and defitenly bottom 12. Lack of mobilty and 4th worst recovery really screws him over. I would put him where Little Mac, Bowser Jr, and Charizard (Probably Little Mac's)

:Duck Hunt I think is too low. He has great specials and projectiles, good aierals, a good dash attack, jab, and forward tilt, a good neutral, and a pretty good matchup spread. He also has AMAZING results in japan and pretty good results in canada and usa too. People also really treat his flaws worse then they actually are. I personally think Duck Hunt should be in the bottom of tier 6.

:He's fine where he is. Although he should be above Link and Dr. Mario, they're too high anyway so...

:Fox is fine where he is, although I think he should be above Mario and possibly Zero Suit Samus (But not Sonic, since he needs to rise too)

:Ganon's spot is fine, apart from that Jigglypuff should be above him.

:Greninja is fine, although Toon Link should be above him.

:Ike seems a little high, i think he should be at the top of tier 5.

:Now, I know I am gonna get hate for this......... but Jigglypuff shoudn't be last. He should be fourth from last tbh, and she gets above bottom 5 when Miis are 1111 honestly. And I think she has a lot of hidden potential to grow, although this is irrelevant to current Jigglypuff. This is what I think about her currently. People don't know anything about her, outside of her mains and the random person who somehow knows.
For one thing, her matchup spread is nowhere near as bad as people say. Her matchup spread isn't good, but it isn't horrendous like Dedede's is. She goes even aganist some notable characters, like Ness and Falcon. Falcon might actually be a win. She also goes only -1 aganist some other top tiers, such as Diddy. She only has 1-2 -3 matchups, and they're even debatable -2. She actually DOES beat certain characters too, such as WFT and Zelda. Contrary to popular belief, she doesn't lose hard to characters with great knockback; Ganondorf is either even or Puff's favor, not -4 in Ganon's favor. If you believe that is how the matchup is, you need to rethink it through. Why would a good Jigglypuff be getting hit by every single move he inputs?
Additionally, contrary to popular belief, her specials aren't useless. I mean, up and neutral specials are, but not down and side special. I hate it when people say all her specials suck. Pound is pretty good; It's a good shield destroyer, has pretty good damage, and isn't as bad as people say. Rest also isn't useless; it's still a great punish options despite its weaknesses, and helps Puff mains land the KO, especially from confirms into rest (This exists)
Also, contrary to popular belief, her ground game isn't useless; her dash attack is good, it KOs earlier than you think and is a good punishing tool. Jab is also pretty good too; it combos into many moves (Especially if you just use jab 1) and this includes dash attack, which can sometimes kill. Up tilt also has some great combos (Including a combo into rest if you do it correctly) and can also kill you at times.
And then of course, there is her great aerial attacks; Neutral air is very good, it has a ton of combos, is a great edgeguarding tool, and has a long-lasting hitbox; forward air also has combos (Including into rest), has a wall of pain, and, once again, is great for edgeguarding; back air is a great KO move even without the wall of pain, and, once again, is a good edgeguarding tool; Down air is muiti-hit and has a combo into rest; and up air has VERY good priority, has many combos from a fast-falling one and has hard to punish.
Most aerials have great priority and good edgeguarding skills too, and Pound is also usable for edgeguarding. All her aerials except for maybe down air (Not sure on that one) also have good priority too.
Now, don't get me wrong, Jigglypuff is still a bad character with bad weaknesses and really should get buffs, but if you think she is the worst, below ZELDA, I encourage you to watch RDR7 or Serynder play. They're both really good Jigglypuffs who proves that she isn't the worst.

:Dedede's spot is fine, apart from that Jigglypuff should be above him.

:Kirby's spot is fine, I guess Mii Gunner should be above him but otherwise it's perfect. And I rarely see people place Kirby almost perfectly, he's usually too low, and occasionally too high.

:Little Mac is kinda hard to place. He could be at his current spot, Bowser Jr's spot, or Charizard's spot. I would probably put him at Charizard's spot though.

:Link is so hilariusly overrated, it's hilarious. Link's placement here is essentially factually wrong; he has bad mobility, bad frame data, a pretty bad recovery, many bad moves (such as down tilt and smash), and an absoluty horrendeus matchup spread, alongside probably many more flaws (I've lost track of how many times I've stated his flaws), and his strengths don't really make up for it. The only reason prople don't put him in bottom 10 is because of his fairly good results from Scizor and Izaw. But I personally feel that his flaws keep him in bottom 10 or at least bottom 15 He should be where Bowser Jr. and Charizard are right now.

:Lucario seems a little low; He has a pretty good amount of niche top tier matchups and can kill EXTREMELY early with full aura. I think he should be about 4 spots higher.

:Lucas is defitenly too high, what is he doing above MEGA MAN, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, and Peach? Lucas I
could see this high theoretically, but I'm not confident that's even accurate enough, it may still be a little too high, plus his results don't match up to that in the slightest. Taiheita is the best Lucas and his results aren't always the best either. He should be right above Kirby.

:Lucina's spot is fine. I think she shoudn't be seperated from Marth so much but Marth deserves to be lower so it isn't her spot's problem.

:Luigi is a few spots too low; I'd out him about 3 spots higher.

:Mario, like Ryu, is kinda odd to place; I personally think he should below Sonic and Fox, although I suppose he could be above Fox too.

:Marth is probably even more overrated than Link by this point, honestly. But NO ONE is able to accept the fact that Marth isn't even high tier in this game, and not even top 30. Marth may have top 30 results (albeit most likely just barely) but his theory doesn't quite reach that level, and his matchup spread defitenly isn't top 30 (Even ir he beats Mario; there are many top tiers that beat him by -2 or more. In fact, most of them too. Some high tiers, such as Pac-Man, also beat him -2. There absoluty is no excuse to put Marth in high tier with his flaws and not-that-big amount of strengths. And his matchup chart.
Personally, I would put him where Olimar and Wario are.

Mega Man's spot is absolute garbage. Mega Man is easily top 20, no argument about it, and most likely even top 15 by this point. Think about it; He has many good projectiles such as metal blade and pellets, and a good combination of normal attacks too, good aerials, espicially back air which is a great KO tool, and up air which is also good, great smashes that have amazing kill power (Apart from side smash, which is good for other reasons), a great up tilt that is also good at KOing, good down tilt, pretty good grabs, including a combo throw and kill throw, he's extremely good at spacing and great at shield pressure (And considering he has a good grab, this actually means something), and has an amazing neutral. This character is so hard to deal with. And then there's the fact that he has a top 10 matchup spread. He is one of Sonic's worst matchups, beating him +2, and is Ryu's worst matchup at the same ratio. He also wins slightly or goes even aganist most of the other top 15 characters/candidates. It should tell you something about his top tier matchups when LUCAS is most likely his worst matchup. From what I've heard, his worst matchups are Sheik, Lucas, and Pika.
And to top it all off, His results 100% support this, if not supporting more! Kameushi is dominating Japan right now with almost just Mega Man (He has a occasional secondary Cloud and a pocket Yoshi) and is the only currently consistant player in Japan. Daiki is also a good Mega Man in Japan getting good results. And then there's also Scatt, who, once again, is getting good results at nationals, such as 13th at Pound.
Mega Man's current spot is an bullet to the head for anyone who knows how this game works.

:Meta's Knight's spot is correct. Although I think he'll fall lower in the future,

:Mewtwo I think could be a little higher, above Bayonetta and Villager.

:How the heck did he get so low? It may be guest size, but that doesn't make him this low. I would put him probably around Lucario and Yoshi is probably. idk exactatly where, but not this low.

:Why is Gunner so low? In guest size, he's about as good as Lucina, Robin, and Wii Fit Trainer; not sure why he's below Samus and Kirby. When he gets all moves, he gets even more great projectiles and spacing because of getting the grenade neutral special (or whatever it's called) and the bomb thing. They both help him become even better, and he has some notable evenish matchups and a good neutral too.

:I think Mii Swordfighter might be too low, he should be in tier 6 right below Kirby (He and Kirby are about equally the same in terms of viability) and thus, above Link, Bowser, and Samus (Gunner is also too low)

:I think Game and Watch is too low, he should be bottom of tier 6 in my opinion due to his great combos, good recovery, great edgeguarding, and his notable matchups aganist higher tiered characters (Such as Pikachu). He is defitenly underrated.

:Ness's placement is also perfectly accurate (Except that Mega Man might be above him tbh. Bold statement)

:Almost correct; I personally think he's better than Wario, but otherwise this is correct.

ac-Man is another severe problem with the list. Pac-Man is in no way tier 6; He ahould be in the top of tier 5. Pac-Man has a great matchup spread, good projectiles, good specials, good spacing, good recovery, pretty good aierals, a pretty good jab and dash attack, good down and forward tilt, and pretty good smashes, Pac-Man is severly underrated and way better than this.

: Palutena moved up last round, thankfully, but I still think she's a little too low. She defitenly shoudn't be below Falco, Dr. Mario, or Link. Moving her up 3-4 spots would be good.

:Same as Donkey Kong's, correct.


: Pit and Dark Pit are probably a little bit too high, I suppose they should be around where Yoshi is, possibly even lower because the more I look at them, the more lackluster they seem. And their top tier matchups are only getting worse.

:I think ROB seems a little too high. He definitely isn't better than Lucario or Yoshi. I personally would put him where Luigi is

:Correct. I suppose he could be above Lucina though, but idk.

:Rosa's spot is fine. She should be one spot lower though, Cloud is better. Rosa should be in tier 2 as well since I think tier 1 should just be the top 3.

: Correct for sure. One of the few characters that I think is perfectly placed, even down to the characters above and below him.

:This is pretty much exactatly where I would place him. ZeRo woudn't like it though....

:Samus is fine, although imo the miis should be above her.

:Correct, I think she is #2 as well behind Diddy

:Shulk's spot seems fine,
maybe one spot higher.

:Sonic's spot is a little too low; I think he should be above Mario and Zero Suit, and that he's top 5

:Toon Link's spot is ok I guess. I think he should be in tier 3 right above Greninja.

:Villager's spot is almost correct; I think he should be below Mewtwo but otherwise it's correct

:Wario's spot is almost correct; I would put him below Olimar but otherwise it's correct.


:Yoshi seems oddly low. I don't see how he's worse than Corrin, Falcon, Pits, and Rob. He gets pretty good results from The Wall and Raptor (Such as 17th at Pound and 49th at Genesis) and has great aerials, KO power, air mobility, and some good ground attacks such as jab and dash attack. I'd put him like 5 spots higher.

:Zelda is worse than Jigglypuff but otherwise correct; idk why people want her higher...... Please tell me it isn't because of her "hoo-hah"........ it is isn't it?

:Zero Suit Samus is a hard one to place; I don't think she is in top 5 though (imo top 5 is


) or in tier 1; I think she is in tier 2. I think she would be 7th.
So yeah, basically, I think this tier list really isn't that good due to many major flaws (Such as

) mostly, and the many other little flaws in it too. This list feels like a flawed list basicially.
On another note, I like how all you guys are voting RIGHT after it's completed. You serisualy couldn't have come like one day earlier? lol.
Gonna post my tier list later this weekend...