I've actually met quite a few people out there who think really she's worse than Jigglypuff/Dedede/Zelda so it's probably not sarcastic, I completely disagree with her being that low but it's a legitimate viewpoint many people have from what I can tell. I personally think they're looking at this the wrong way, only at what she's lost instead of what she still has, which includes her God-Tier recovery, good edgeguarding game, general damage racking ability, her B-air's spacing utilities, and some more, I really cannot fathom a character being lower than high-mid with a kit that good, but of course, they're welcome to have their opinion. I'm honestly kind of interested in seeing the reasoning behind that logic myself, since I don't feel like I understand it, if anyone would be willing to step forward and explain why you think she's bottom tier, please do. 
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