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SWAT- May 23,2009

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
Um, I guess I used Mario and Falcon in low tiers.

Also, I forfeited in singles. I felt like I exhausted all my powers playing doubles. Running away is serious business.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2006
El Paso, TX
I killed a rabbit :( that ruined my drive back here

Santi's parents top tier for making this event happen. The food was ridiculously good. not starving all day like other tournies is definitely a plus. Thanks a lot.

I really can't think of johns. could of said i was tired/drunk johns because of the night before but i think i performed really well. How were brackets seeded though? All of El Paso was on one side. I think all of NM was one side on their own too. I would of had to play error for 9th too if i won my last match. I dont know just doesn't sounds right. It didn't get to that point so i guess its ok....

DPHAT!!!- favorite smasher! You have only seen me like 3 times now and you already knew who i was without even looking. Friendlies were too fun. You are too cool to live 10 hours away :(
Ultimate Razer- next time i will not only take one round off of you, ill take the whole set!! You are the only snake that ***** my falco. I will study that match more, hopefully we can MM on it.
Santi- This time we didnt get to play friendlies. You threw a hell of a party/ tourney.
Dojo- Nice team matches, You would not let GW on the **** stage lol exactly like M2k. I hit you with the bucket on that match! there was NO shield! lol you would have won anyways..
Light - You were the only one that i really wanted to play but i didnt get the chance to. you seemed like a cool person.
Infinity- We definitely got closer this time. you are to cool and i appreciate every compliment you give me while we play. Your kirby is real good! dont play him yet though lol. Get MK banned first and then use kirby. Our 2nd match was so close!! my waft was ready! stupid stage.....
Kash- Very good games here in EP, sorry i didnt give you enough practice so you could beat hylian lol. I was just worn out and i needed to get trashed. Prolly coolest NM player. Dont tell them i said that.
Xyro- Didnt really play you much this time. I used falcon on low tier. team manly were both falcons
Error- I think we have potential to place higher now. suckes that we lost to the same 2 people :( we at least put up good fights. I guess we have improved on our own by playing consistently.
Goyf- Dude all your characters played very good, too much variety
Fogo- no friendlies this time :(. Team matches were pretty interesting. Your match vs GW really improved, you kept countering everything i would do. next time i will get you!
Espy- The sonic that always impresses me. Friendlies are always a must with you. GGs
FurriousDuffman- What now?? you ****ing scrub
HIV+- Neil! team manly ftw. We won for captain falcon in my opinion.
Hylian- We needed more friendlies... Dont join GW worst enemy snake! Also Olimar... I insist that that match up is too hard... hope you look into it please
Sethlon- very good marth, completely different style than any other. I hope you think good things about my falco! Your opinion really matters on wether i pick him up or not. Never expected to play you in tourney. GGs
Dekar- WE didnt play at all!!! i am mad at myself. I wanted that diddy one on one. I expected you to place a lot higher :(
BadNewsBear- Stupid tourney interrupted our friendlies. Wish we played more
NeoCall- Neocall lmao. neocell, dont worry about teams. If we lost we lost as a team so dont worry about it.
Fallen- the boys are back in town!!!! i knew that your jiggy would impress plenty of texas
ice- GGs on teams, you really take advantage of snakes upair. We are now 1-1 in tourney, glad to see you once again.
Burrito- wish ike was low tier so we could of owned. Thanks for your support on my matches. I wish i could be your hero :(. Let s step it up together

Utd Zac, phantom and DMG- I <3 you and miss you. give me your powers so i can beat everyone next time. you guys would have been proud of my GW/wario :)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Shout out time:

Ultimate Razer: Hmm, I didn't do as well as I thought I should have against you this time. Perhaps Smashville was a bad place to go to. Ah whatever, eventually I'm going to beat you into the ground. Just wait.

Santi: Good friendlies, and your Jiggz is funny to play. At least now I have a better insight into the Toon Link matchup. See you around. Oh, and thanks for the sleeping space and the good eats, it was amazing.

Dojo: Brisket was good and yummy, and our matches were pretty cool. I'd love to play your Meta Knight in some more friendlies sometime soon. Can't wait.

Light: I don't think we played, did we? I can't remember. :p

Infinity: We did much better than I thought we did in teams. I made some silly mistakes though. I'll shape myself up and be a better partner for whenever we ever need to team again.

Kash: Sick Wolf. We need to MM again soon. Your win was a fluke, a fluke I say!

Xyro: Your Samus is the sexiest thing since sex. Low Tier Teams was so~ good that I cried...

Dphat: Duelist is amazing, and so were our friendlies. We do need a wee~ bit more though. I need more Marth practice.

Fogo: King Dedede doesn't fail to Sonic, but we did go pretty even at the matchup, except the first which you ***** me at :p. I think I'm getting the match up down though, so expect some more awesome friendlies soon.

FuriousDuffman: lol @ Xyro's typo on your name. FurriousDuffman.

Hylian: FFA with items. I haven't laughed so much for some time now. Oh, and Pichu is so~ good in Melee. I'm amazing. Oh, and WHY the HELL do we always face off in tournament? This makes 4 times in singles...5 if you count our meeting in Low Tier...

Sethlon: Why are you so good at GGXAC? You scare the crap out of me.

Phoenix Alpha: Shame to hear that you're quittin'. Your Lucas is still legit.

BadNewsBear: It's always good to see Van Jones and his livestream. Too bad the livestream was having issues here and there.

Cake: Olimar is annoying for Sonic...jeez.

Rel: Your Yoshi was fun to play in Low Tier Teams. You definately show potential.

GreyFox: LOL @ double Sonic teams with Beah. Thanks for the ride to and from Angelo. San Antonio would suck twice as hard if we had noone to ride with. Oh, and lol at White/Black Fox.

A. Burrito: Saw your Ike **** here and there. It was fun to watch.

Frost: LOL. You were asleep like, half of the times I saw you.

Mr. Mosquito: A good thanksies for navigating for San Antonio again. I swear, we'd be so lost without your guidance. Oh, and good fun in FFAs with us after everyone else *****'d out and fell asleep.

Everyone else: I had loads of fun in all the friendlies I had. Can't wait to see everyone again. Come to FS6!


Smash Champion
Nov 10, 2006
Lemoore, CA
Switch FC
Beah teamed with me [Team Name: Back of the Bus] and we went double Sonic. :D

@Beah: we gotta run that again. that was too much fun not to. :)

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
GreyFox, I'm down. I had so much fun doing that. We must master the art of Double Sonic. Lol

Guys, I have a lot of save replays on my wii. I plan on putting them up on youtube, but I wanted to ask permission before I started recording and posting (mostly aimed at Razer and Dojo). Let me know what you think about this.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Put up the duelist videos first.

And my set with Kprime that still hasn't gotten up >_< lol.


Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Put up the duelist videos first.

And my set with Kprime that still hasn't gotten up >_< lol.

Come to think of it, none of the sets in that Monthly in San Antonio were uploaded yet...


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2009
GreyFox, I'm down. I had so much fun doing that. We must master the art of Double Sonic. Lol

Guys, I have a lot of save replays on my wii. I plan on putting them up on youtube, but I wanted to ask permission before I started recording and posting (mostly aimed at Razer and Dojo). Let me know what you think about this.
Anyone who finds a match with weegee vs shiek on smashville let me know

That was a friendly with me and light, i dont want it uploaded really i would just like to have the video because i did something cool on accident in it..lol


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
super epic hawt shoutouts coming after I get done with these finals

. What I can do to make it up to you is give you an airbrush shirt "NO CHARGE". I guess we all will have to remember the Dojo/Santi team matchs. They were EPIC. I dont think you should retire from smash. Just take a break and come back later. Jerm I guess its your time now that santi has passed the torch. GET EM at college. If you need anything, You know how to contact me :(
I really appreciate this :)
Thank youuuuuuuu


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I request a shoutout since technically I was there in spirit ;)

Remember those team combos you pulled off that didn't seem possible, yeah that was me... xD j/k
Dojo and I were wrecking in teams friendlies with IC's/TL lol. It was amazing.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Dojo and I were wrecking in teams friendlies with IC's/TL lol. It was amazing.
Yeah I heard stories of your IC owning in teams... it just doesnt make sense.

Reminds me of owning with Zelda in team friendlies after tournaments. Santi and I are untouchable o.o


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
NAh, we 3 stocked your double Snakes...:).

It was the ROB that made me switch off IC's lol.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2008
Abilene, TX
if anyone find a replay, Yoshi vs D3 on pokemon stadium 2, let me know so i can get that replay, also my 3 stock on FD Yoshi vs Sonic


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I Think It Is Time For Shoutouts

Attention Everyone, Please Read​

I often times, as I am sure many of you do, consider quitting the game. No, not the one I just lost (lol) but Smash. I invest countless hours, countless dollars, and a lot of resources in general into staying active in the competitive scene. I do not place well in tournaments, or at least in the money. Why do I keep going to tournaments, especially out of state ones? I get in the car and I'm excited, but while I'm driving I always have the thought, "Man, this is not worth it." I sit there in a hot car, I enjoy the scenery, I enjoy the drive, but I always question whether or not it is worth it. Then, of course, I arrive at my destination.

It is people like you, everyone here, that gives me a reason to continue playing the game I love. My love for the game itself is not enough to drive me to do this, but there are countless Smashers that remind me the community is amazing, friendly, and overall fun to be around. This is a toast, in a sense, to the community, to smashers, to friends, and to everyone here. Thanks for making the scene what it is, and I look forward to future tournaments and future friends.

You can stop reading now if you want, haha.

Shoutouts (Note To Self: Make shoutouts earlier so you don't forget crap)

Ultimate Razer
- First, I have to compliment you and your mastery over your character. You definitely know the ins and outs and beyond, and I hope to achieve such mastery over my character, Wolf, like you have with Snake. Secondly, good games to you. You not only bested me in a double or nothing money match, but in the tournament as well, although close. Next time we meet you can be certain that your victory won't come so easily. Third, congratulations to winning the tournament.

Santi - It truly and honestly breaks my heart to know you are quitting, to know the first time I met you was also probably my last. Maybe we will cross paths once again. I talked to your mom, too, and not only thanked her for being such a gracious host, but made sure to compliment her and you. I told her she did an excellent job as a parent raising such a good person. I hope people will not take you for granted as they often see kindness as weakness. Whether or not you sandbagged in our money match is unimportant to me, but I am sorry for immediately boasting how well I performed against you. You truly are a good sportsman which is a value I was raised up firmly believing in, and I am glad there was someone there to remind me good sportsmanship is not a lost art. I hope you enjoyed your tournament just as much as I did. It was a lot of fun.

Dojo - We never did get to do our money match, friend. Haha. No Metaknight johns from me, either. I believe you were the only person to truly straight up **** on me. I could not be angry or frustrated about your victory over me in tournament even if I tried because it was simply so legitimate. If anything I can only be frustrated with myself for not performing on a higher level. You were able to remind me that I am not among the elite of Smashers and that I do still have lots of mountain to climb before I reach any sort of summit. I'll keep working harder and next time I'll actually be of competition and you won't be able to idly chat with your friends while you pummel away at me. I remember you talking about Mew2King being the only opponent you have yet to find a way around, out play, or overcome. Well, my ambitions might be a little too high, but I've always prided myself in my will power and determination, so you can add me to that list ;)

Light - We didn't get much time except for at the end there. I actually didn't even know you were at that tournament until I sat down to friendly you. I have to thank you for the tips you gave me, and I wish I could have had a little bit longer of a training session with you. My next out of state tournament is going to be dedicated to improvement, not winning. I am to talk to everyone, hear opinions, share information and knowledge, match ups, and just converse in general. You were one of the few people that I actually did that with, and I appreciate your input and time. Also, while we were playing my Falco versus your Metaknight you said something. Now, I don't know if you were being sarcastic with me or if you were serious, but you said to one of your friends, "Man, it feels like I'm playing Sethlon's Falco again, and at its best." It might not have seemed much to you, but it was an outstanding large compliment to me. Sethlon was the first real out of state friend I ever made, and he was incredibly kind to me. He was the one that made me want to pick up Falco in the first place. I love Star Fox to begin with, but I never considering using more than Wolf, but I want to master all three of the characters to the point where it is an art. I've always wanted to inspire others to pick up my characters because of how I play my character, as though it were a paint brush. We'll have to play again. Good job in the tournament.

Infinity - We didn't talk much, but we did connect a few times. I remember when New Mexico first got there you were one of the first people to warm right up and not be a stranger along with Phoenix Alpha and Magitek, I believe. You were incredibly easy going and friendly. I'm glad that HIV+ and I could help you warm up in teams even though my performance in teams always seems to be subpar. I notice toward the end of the night you seemed a bit frustrated and you were on the phone outside by yourself for quite some time. I hope you got it all worked out. As much as I try to be sportsman like, I always seem to be unable to get rid of that slight agitation when I'm defeated. Not sure if that's what you were experiencing or not, but I've been in your shoes. Live and let learn, my friend. I hope to see you in future tournaments.

Xyro - Allen, right? First, I have to get this out of the way: I thought you were going to be cake. I knew I was playing you next and I thought to myself I had an easy victory. I am so glad you proved me wrong. Mainly because I was getting way to confident in myself. Confidence is great, but cockiness is crossing the line. Your mastery over Samus is also something I envy. I know if you didn't use such an unpopular character (notice I did not say low tier :p) your placing in tournaments would probably be mind bogglingly good. You are a gentleman and a scholar to say the least, too. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help when your keys got locked up in the truck, but I was glad that I could at least contribute financially. I look forward to seeing you at future tournaments as you are always so pleasant to be around and make for great company.

Dphat - Dphat! My man. I had mixed opinions of you at WHOBO, and to be honest, I can not tell you really why. I think it was because my first impression of you was a fat man that thinks he is funny simply because of that. Well, in reality you are a wonderful guy, fun to talk to, easy going, and just plain awesome. It makes me regret that I did not get to know you sooner. I really look forward to playing you more in the future. Perhaps we can actually money match next time. You also said something to me which made me really happy to hear. Whether you sincerely meant it or simply said, it doesn't bother me, but you said that you thought I was better than JJ's Wolf. I have the utmost respect for him as an intelligent person and as another Wolf player because to be honest, I think there might be a total of five good Wolf players in this country. Like Light's comment on my Falco, your comment on my Wolf touched me and renewed my motivation to make Wolf a better character and master him completely. I've come a long way with him, but not far enough, so thank you for inspiring me to continue with my dreams, whether you realized it or not. Also, don't forget our secret ;)

Error - I'll make shoutouts to you in the El Paso thread.

Goyf - I'll make shoutouts to you in the New Mexico thread.

Fogo - First off, I am sorry I didn't take you to go eat something. I just was not in the mood to be driving around unless it was in the direction of my house, not to mention I had recently eaten. I offered for you to take my car and you were surprised. You even seemed a little agitated that someone you've met twice and hardly know would place so much trust in you without question. It's not that I haven't been ****ed over for being trusting because I have countless, countless times, but it just shows how highly I think of the community and you. I didn't really have words for you when you were talking to me then, but now I want to say sorry if I upset you and now you know why I decided to trust you. Besides, you are as big as a god **** building and black, that automatically qualifies you for the bad *** and cool dude badges in my book :p. Also, I was the one that recorded that whole Brown People versus Fogo wrestling match. Sorry, but that was the funniest **** ever. I've told everyone of my friends about it so far and have shown them pictures of you. You gotta money match me next time, man, because we never got around to it.

Espy - First question, were you at WHOBO? Second question, if you were were you the Sonic I money matched there, or was that some other Sonic? Man, good money match. What I really enjoyed, though, was the time we had together discussing techniques and strategies. Like Light, you were one of the few people that I did that with, and I'm glad I did. Also, like Xyro and Ultimate Razer, your mastery over your character is outstanding as well. Really, I am envious. I only hope that I can become half as good with Wolf as you are with Sonic. You better make that ******* top tier and ****** ****. You already place well, imagine if Sonic were higher tier? Well, in my heart Wolf is top tier, and I'm sure in yours Sonic is, too. Don't let anyone ever get you down. Remember to think outside the box. You can always do better. Never stop aiming for the stars, and if you fall, grab the closest ledge and start climbing again. You're a great guy, and I hope I get to talk to you more in future tournaments.

FurriousDuffman - I'll make shoutouts to you in the El Paso thread.

HIV+ - I'll make shoutouts to you in the New Mexico thread.

Magitek - You seemed like a really great guy, and I wish I had gotten to talk with you a little more. I will have to play the Mother games and get back to you so we can have nerd time together, haha. You complimented my Wolf, too, and I'm not sure if you understand how much it means to me, but it does mean a lot. I can't even describe my feelings about it with all the words in the English language right now. It just shows to me that my efforts have not gone in vain and even when I get destroyed, I just need to pick up the pieces and practice more. By the end of the day Wolf will be a high tier character, or at least I will make him play like one. Thank you again. I hope to see you at future tournaments.

Hylian - I don't know if it was just me, but you didn't seem like... you at this tournament, you know? Maybe you were just tired or something, but I was really kind of sad about it. I was hoping to get to talk to you some more, but maybe next time. Also, good **** on our money match. You won fair and square no questions asked and I hope you realize all my jokes about you being a "cheater" and a "bucket breaking *******" are of course just that, jokes. I'll get you next money match :p

Sethlon - Sethlon! Dude! You did not invite me to play Guilty Gear. That makes me sad. I didn't even realize that was the game you were playing over there in the corner. Also, it was fun picking up McDonalds. The poor cashier. You're going to have to money match me next time we meet, right? Thanks again as always for being a really great guy and so nice. I feel like I bug you a lot of the time, but it is really just because I look up to you as a person and as a gamer so much. You definitely should give me some Falco tips next time we meet, and you should pick him up again! I don't care if you have to play gay. I want to see you in the grand finals! That's where the Star Fox crew belongs :).

Dekar - I'll make shoutouts to you in the New Mexico thread.

Phoenix alpha - First off, I watched your combo video in your link... then I watched it like three more times... then I listen to it like ten more times. It was well edited and super entertaining. Plus, I totally digged the musical choices. Second, I am incredibly sad to hear this was your last tournament, too. I really enjoyed talking to you. You were really nice and, as I commented at the tournament, like Santi, your sportsmanship is outstanding. I saw you get knocked out of the tournament. You had that look in your eye just for a moment. That same look I get. One of disappoint or otherwise frustration. You stood up and you shook the man's hand with a smile and told him, "Good game." That made me really happy to see, to know that people can still put sportsmanship before their emotions. Hopefully even though you are quitting, it won't be the last I see of you.

Cake - First off, I'm going to say I know you didn't give me the win in our money match. I just beat you. Fair is fair. If you had given me the match, I think you would have done better in our tournament match. I'm sorry if that comes off strong and rude, but it really disappointed me to hear that. I tried very hard to be friendly with you, but you were always so monotone, never laughed, always looked straight forward. I was just some random white boy scrub to you. Sorry to be of disappoint. On the brighter side, I really appreciate you sitting down with me and doing Wolf dittos and giving me a few pointers here and there. I'd try being a little more open to other people's opinions in the future, though.

NeoCall - I will make shoutouts to you in the El Paso thread.

Fallen - I will make shoutouts to you in the El Paso thread.

Burrito - I will make shoutouts to you in the El Paso thread.

RedShadow - I really enjoyed your company at WHOBO. Not to mention our commentary kicked some major ***. Orange Kups and all that good ****. However, it seemed all day Saturday you were in a constant state of gloominess. I mean, you didn't even help Fogo when he was being dog piled by Mexicans. Whatever was bugging you I hope you overcame, and I'm sorry if I bothered or bugged you at all. Practice and train and show everyone who the boss is at the next tournament, friend. Also, I hope you aren't mad about our Falco versus Wario matches, still. I know how frustrating things can get.

Mosquito - McDonalds was great. I got the entirely incorrect impression of you from the boards. You are an intelligent individuals and very competent, and I enjoyed the discussions we had. I look forward to seeing you in future tournaments, and I hope you actually compete next time! We need to play some games. Don't let any of the drama get to you, and I best see your *** at Genesis :p

I'm not sure if I had less to say as I went on, or if I got tired of writing shoutouts as I went on.... but I'm going to go with the latter.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
OH KASH how I love you and the rest of new mexico. Also what was up with your shorts? :) ANYWAYS come to Dallas sometime dude, we'll gladly give you, dekar and everyone else a warm welcome :). Anyways can't wait to see you guys again and I hope it doesn't take another 2 months :(.
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