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Super Smash Brothers Crusade - v0.9.0 Demo Available for download!


Smash Rookie
Jun 27, 2009
No Sprites = No Character
Can't really argue with ya there, the only sprites that I know of for Daisy are MUGEN sprites, and while they are made well, they are not in the same style as the other sprites already in the game. Could always hope for someone to make them but I'm not sure how realistic that hope is at this point.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Can't really argue with ya there, the only sprites that I know of for Daisy are MUGEN sprites, and while they are made well, they are not in the same style as the other sprites already in the game. Could always hope for someone to make them but I'm not sure how realistic that hope is at this point.
Yes, it's true, sprites are the hardest thing to come by. Daisy would be pretty fun as an after-release character - we already have several other Mario-related reps planned. I am a Daisy fan though. :)

Speaking of sprites, you can view a list of spriters who contributed to this game in the Game Information (press F1 during the game). Thanks to all of them for making this game snazzy! Especially Phantom7 for the cool new menu skins!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2010
not really if the sprites exist why don't you ask them to use it? its not like the other sprites in the game match each other at all


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2010
The Netherlands
True Phantom,
and although Daisy sure has changed over time into a more seperate character, she's still more like a recolor of peach (look at Daisy's trophy in Melee >.>) i like her though.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2010
or just add peach and add daisy just like you do it with Evil Ryu an ZSS.
even though they're not the same persons.......


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2010
Uh Phantom

Mute city's background must be removed!
Im sure you guys don't want problems.
So by this v2/next demo v3 the BG needs to be gone!
Sorry dudes.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Uh Phantom

Mute city's background must be removed!
Im sure you guys don't want problems.
So by this v2/next demo v3 the BG needs to be gone!
Sorry dudes.
Hi, Neron!

I believe we have permission to use the background. Why should we remove it?


Banned via Warnings
Aug 24, 2007
confirmed. Sending Supplies.
Uh Phantom

Mute city's background must be removed!
Im sure you guys don't want problems.
So by this v2/next demo v3 the BG needs to be gone!
Sorry dudes.
Actually, I was given direct permission from PriteeBoy at DeviantArt to use that background as long as I gave credit, which I did in the Help Screen, viewable by pressing F1, so there's no need to remove it whatsoever.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2010
Couple things that i find annoying
1 Sometimes whenever AI luigi uses his green missile attack he just waits there and charges it same with pikachu skull badge
2 Kirby at times just stays still and continuously uses his punches while doing nothing else at times
3 When ever you block link's ground spin attack it leaves him to invulnerable because he continues to spin or with any of his chain attacks because you just need to block the first attack usually and you cant really get hit by second or third
4 Why does the smart bombs keep on disappearing when some final smashes like pikachu/sonic go through them
5 Stupid AIs keep running into you while using smart bombs *DAM THEM KAMAKAZIS*
6 Players who are stuck in smart bombs should be able to get hit by Mario final smash and fly of the stage with it
7 Meh Ness's AI keep using PK Thunder up all the time giving them for the player to knock him out he needs to beable to use it side to side at times
8 ARG AIs keep air dodging fox's throw when hes shooting his blaster at them
9 AI Snake keeps flying over you and stays there till its over


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Couple things that i find annoying
1 Sometimes whenever AI luigi uses his green missile attack he just waits there and charges it same with pikachu skull badge
2 Kirby at times just stays still and continuously uses his punches while doing nothing else at times
3 When ever you block link's ground spin attack it leaves him to invulnerable because he continues to spin or with any of his chain attacks because you just need to block the first attack usually and you cant really get hit by second or third
4 Why does the smart bombs keep on disappearing when some final smashes like pikachu/sonic go through them
5 Stupid AIs keep running into you while using smart bombs *DAM THEM KAMAKAZIS*
6 Players who are stuck in smart bombs should be able to get hit by Mario final smash and fly of the stage with it
7 Meh Ness's AI keep using PK Thunder up all the time giving them for the player to knock him out he needs to beable to use it side to side at times
8 ARG AIs keep air dodging fox's throw when hes shooting his blaster at them
9 AI Snake keeps flying over you and stays there till its over
I tried to improve the AI on those issues you mentioned. As for Link's Spin Attack, I made it so that another hitbox is created about halfway through the spinning, enabling you to hit someone again after they have shielded (possibly). Keep in mind that Spin Attack is one of the longest ranged, highest priority moves in the game (outside of projectiles) and that it can hit as early as frame 6 when uncharged.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2010
Priteeboy gave you permission, Prireeboy told me to tell you to take it off...
He must of forgotten... jut like he forgot the things with me...
Don't i look stupid.

And where do I know you guys from again?

BY THE BY: do you have a website for this game?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2010
I tried to improve the AI on those issues you mentioned. As for Link's Spin Attack, I made it so that another hitbox is created about halfway through the spinning, enabling you to hit someone again after they have shielded (possibly). Keep in mind that Spin Attack is one of the longest ranged, highest priority moves in the game (outside of projectiles) and that it can hit as early as frame 6 when uncharged.
thx :)

a little more issues i found
1 I dont think the items should focus on moving objects the camera follows it off the stage too
2 AIs apparently cant dodge kirby rock attack when i continuesously fly up and use rock attack on them when you stand on the same spot
3 Fox Up Special still needs a bit more fixing Try using his upspecial and dont press any direction button on the ground and air and you'll see its pretty messed up also what direction he faces determine that too
4 Mewtwo's AI while charging his shadow ball also has the same problem like luigi and pikachu
5 Snake down special when you use it and when it falls in the pit he still has to detonate it before using a new one
6 D: Vacuum Luigi can walk of the edges of the platform a little further then usual


Banned via Warnings
Aug 24, 2007
confirmed. Sending Supplies.
Priteeboy gave you permission, Prireeboy told me to tell you to take it off...
He must of forgotten... jut like he forgot the things with me...
Don't i look stupid.

And where do I know you guys from again?

BY THE BY: do you have a website for this game?
Hmmm... if he did, I need evidence because he hasn't mentioned anything like that to me. That BG is not going away that easily.

We're working on a site, I believe, but unfortunately I don't have a link (TBH this is kind of embarrassing for me...).


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2010
You know exactly who made the image and you say you got permission.
So you wouldn't need to take it off.
But in my area of "expertise" I say you should Reason its not a looping background, maybe its because i went to school for this sorta thing, its seriously obvious.
Also you need more variety in your Asteroid field, I've seen that face asteroid like 50 times.

"Who the h*ll is this guy?"
Answer: I'm Neron, I help work on SSF2.

I though i might share this with you as well
- http://forums.mcleodgaming.com/viewtopic.php?p=738413#p738413 -
(i think its constructive criticism and could be beneficial you since I'm technically your part of competition
in this unspoken battle of smash brother fan games... what the heck happened to Nukebros melee any who)


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Kansas City, MO
You know exactly who made the image and you say you got permission.
So you wouldn't need to take it off.
But in my area of "expertise" I say you should Reason its not a looping background, maybe its because i went to school for this sorta thing, its seriously obvious.
Also you need more variety in your Asteroid field, I've seen that face asteroid like 50 times.

"Who the h*ll is this guy?"
Answer: I'm Neron, I help work on SSF2.

I though i might share this with you as well
- http://forums.mcleodgaming.com/viewtopic.php?p=738413#p738413 -
(i think its constructive criticism and could be beneficial you since I'm technically your part of competition
in this unspoken battle of smash brother fan games... what the heck happened to Nukebros melee any who)
We've already read your review. It was painful to read. But I saw your other post later and I am okay with it, I think.

Anyhow, if you are serious about the Mute City bg, I honestly think we need to do something to improve the stage... I guess I'll make another stage to take its place for now. Any ideas on what that should be, anyone?

EDIT: Also, while I'm here - I'll mention that the Character Select controls have been updated!! Now you can pick up any of the selector discs with either p1 or p2 cursors! How exciting!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2010
thx :)

a little more issues i found
1 I dont think the items should focus on moving objects the camera follows it off the stage too
2 AIs apparently cant dodge kirby rock attack when i continuesously fly up and use rock attack on them when you stand on the same spot
3 Fox Up Special still needs a bit more fixing Try using his upspecial and dont press any direction button on the ground and air and you'll see its pretty messed up also what direction he faces determine that too
4 Mewtwo's AI while charging his shadow ball also has the same problem like luigi and pikachu
5 Snake down special when you use it and when it falls in the pit he still has to detonate it before using a new one
6 D: Vacuum Luigi can walk of the edges of the platform a little further then usual
7 Mario's AI needs to learn how to use his cape to recover
lolwut mouse? D: just when i got use to the old controls GAWDDAMMAT
o >.> took me long enough to figure how to use Snakes final smash fully now and i can't believe i didnt notice it earlier
D: But seriously how do you use WaLuigi up special?

wow kinda pisses me off his complaining about the quality of the sprites seriously
SSF1 created a huge fan base
fan base = more people inspired to actually help the game
More people that know about the game the more people actually helped
Thus Quality of the Sprites improved
And how long was SSF2 Sprites were in development if i remember correctly SSF2 was started later on after 2006
Freaken look at the visitor count *as of right now at this time* 11779915 plus countless of developers working on sprites

started about 2008 barely any people actually though this project would make any progress at all so no one really bother to help with it so it started and still is pretty small team
and look at it today it has has grown into a well developed demo so far
besides no cruddy duh some of the stage quality is bad if they decided to take all their stages from SSF2 then more people would be biteching and moaning
Yes i do agree that some of the stages are bland but i really consider those more of the experimental stages just to test them out by the looks of it like how Mcleod tested out Green Hill in his newest demo
but in the recent demo he added a new stage asteroid field and it turned out to be one of the most amazing stages *plus good egg galaxy* to be added
Besides even if they do borrow the sprites they at least credited/as permission to use them anyways unlike the Mugen Project that directly took all the sprites from the archived and used them all without credit

Besides that I just really hate the fact you try to compare the AI level system seriously Its better to developed the AI fully before actually making 9 completely different AIs that act completely act retardedly


Feb 5, 2009
From the previews, this looks like a very interesting idea... I'm keeping tabs on this thread.

I'd play the demo right now, but I'm posting from a garbage computer that sucks at playing anything game related.

Nights Owl

Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2010
... I just played SSF2... And I really dont see... AT ALL... How people think thats better. >_>... Im not trying to start NerdRage either. I just really... I mean for gods sake it doesnt even go Brawl Speed. And I can Barely handle the speed change from Melee to Brawl... The controls are choppy.... Long load times... Its just...

Its meh. To me. >_>

-For everyone complaining about keyboard controls being annoying-

Get Joy2keys and play it with your controller. Its not hard to do and it makes the game WAY more fun.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Kansas City, MO
itsjenyoumen - Thanks for sticking up for us, buddy. :) Even if the stages don't look perfect, we put the fighting and the gameplay itself before looks. Does Super Mario Bros. have pretty 32-bit color, 720p graphics? No, but people still regard it as a good game because it plays well.

And I've heard nothing but compliments about the AI from my fellow Computer Science students at school. And now we've got 5 different levels of difficulty. And none of them grab obsessively. ;)

-For everyone complaining about keyboard controls being annoying-

Get Joy2keys and play it with your controller. Its not hard to do and it makes the game WAY more fun.
Yes, this is a good idea! Although my gamepad kinda died (half the buttons don't work anymore), it was fun to use.

Now, the next thing on my list is Jigglypuff! After she's done, I'm sure you guys will want to see how team mode and new AI levels work. So would you want me to update before I make Jiggs or after?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2010
... I just played SSF2... And I really dont see... AT ALL... How people think thats better. >_>... Im not trying to start NerdRage either. I just really... I mean for gods sake it doesnt even go Brawl Speed. And I can Barely handle the speed change from Melee to Brawl... The controls are choppy.... Long load times... Its just...

Its meh. To me. >_>

-For everyone complaining about keyboard controls being annoying-

Get Joy2keys and play it with your controller. Its not hard to do and it makes the game WAY more fun.
:p thats because people barely notice any other SSB projects going on so this game is left in the shadows

D: i hope he remember pound helps jigglypuff recover

but seriously how do you use WaLuigi's Up Special is it like Luigi because i tired doing it like him but doesnt work

Hey Falcon88 what screen recorder does Borack6 use to make the gameplay videos though?


Banned via Warnings
Aug 24, 2007
confirmed. Sending Supplies.
IMO there is nothing wrong with the Mute City BG; if you can't tell, Neron is using lots of bias to help advertise SSF2. The stage doesn't need a replacement, maybe a bit more added to it, but that's all.

@Neron: I read your review, and I must say, it was well done, except for a couple of minor details:

1) My major complaint: Your bias and strategies to advertise your own game. You really took every tiny, nearly insignificant detail you didn't particularly like and criticized it. For example, you criticized the fact that we are borrowing sprites. Our team consists of 3 main developers and 7 assistants, so it's extremely difficult to compose completely original sheets. I, for one, am quite impressed with the sprite work that our group has done so far.

2) Another small problem: The primary focus of your review was graphics, especially in the menus, which SSF2 hardly has an advantage over SSBC in anyway. Did you ever once consider the fact that SSF2's menu graphics are based entirely on Brawl's and Crusade's are based on original ideas? You could give the same review on SSF2's menu graphics that you could with Brawl simply because they are just that similar. I could easily redraw Brawl's textures and stick them in our menus.

3) Your focus on gameplay was very overlooked and being the most important aspect of any fangame, you hardly spent time on it at all. I must point out that there are, in fact, several issues in SSF2 dealing with physics that you didn't bother to mention. For example, the physics are very slippery and awkward, and the addition of walking makes it difficult to move sometimes. In addition, the CPU AI often grabs and eventually releases and proceeds to walk off of the stage to its death.

SSF2 is not a bad game by any means; it's just that your review was intentionally written to sabotage SSBC and promote SSF2 by ranting on insignificant details.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Kansas City, MO
I agree with this man ^

Um... How long is Jiggs gonna take?
Probably two or three days at most...

:p thats because people barely notice any other SSB projects going on so this game is left in the shadows

D: i hope he remember pound helps jigglypuff recover

but seriously how do you use WaLuigi's Up Special is it like Luigi because i tired doing it like him but doesnt work

Hey Falcon88 what screen recorder does Borack6 use to make the gameplay videos though?
I forget the name of it - I believe it isn't free. I used CamStudio to make that Meta Knight video.

Waluigi's Up B has a sweetspot - but it's not at the beginning of the hitbox. ;) I know people have found it before.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2010
no need to establish whats already established

besides thats Fox LandMaster still needs some work when i fight him with snake i can just fly through it by using the up special
I say the landmaster needs a little bit more speed and knock back because people can just keep hogging the edges just to dodge it easily

Im pretty sure Mario/Luigi Down Special have the same problem like links spin attack also

So heres pretty much the bases of the Final Smash Meter im guessing so far

1 Hits pretty much boast it all the same doesn't matter if its hard or smash
2 Some Final Smashes Damage actually contributes to the meter
3 Using Health Items will decrease the meter

May i suggest whenever a person Self-Death/Destruction/etc it lowers the Final Smash Meter

D: so im guessing if its not in the front it must be from the donkey?
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