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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here our results of the voting for Assist Trophy’s based on a regular enemy! Please remember we are including a total of two submissions.

Graph doesn’t reflect janx_uwu’s votes

Affinity (Bayonetta) cashregister9 cashregister9 3
Asteron (Sonic) Glubbfubb Glubbfubb 0
Buzz Bomber (Sonic) @Otoad64 19
Black Frost (Persona/SMT) Adrianette Bromide Adrianette Bromide 5
Shy Guy (Yoshi/Mario) Jomosensual Jomosensual 3
Lakitu and Spiny (Mario) BowserKing BowserKing 10
Tonberry (Final Fantasy) @Commander_Alph 4
Ghosts (Mario) @Yiptap 7
Pokey (Mario) Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom 12
Fuzzy (Yoshi) Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario 8
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Job #91: Let’s go on an Adventure!

We are officially starting off on creating content for our big April Smash Direct 20XX!! This Direct is a whopping 58 minutes in length and will be full of new content for Smash Infinite! This will be our premier trailer until E3 as well as one last trailer prior to release in November 20XX.

While it’s a bit premature, I really want us to start working on a mode that we all knew was coming but I held off on it until now. The Adventure Mode!

Here’s our timeline concerning Adventure Mode submissions in regards to the April Direct:
1. Submit the initial startup trailer which contains the initial setting and plot
2. Submit a working title for us to call the adventure mode. This may be changed later on
3. Submit unique features and mechanics that are utilized in the adventure mode

But for now, we will focus on
Prompt 1: Submit an initial trailer which sets up the initial setting and plot

This sypnosis should be relatively short in length and contains two minutes of content. It can include any characters that we have revealed since our initial reveal. Any characters revealed after this prompt will appear in later trailers for the Adventure Mode. This trailer’s purpose is to set up the setting and plot for us to build the Adventure Mode upon on but shouldn’t dictate the entire course of the Adventure Mode. If you have any questions, ping myself or Smashing Ramen, Mr. Robotto, or Krookodilian. Following this prompt, we will do voting and then work on other content aside from the Adventure Mode. You can expect Prompt 2 and 3 for the Adventure Mode later on in the week and into next week.

How should it look like?

Hwre is an example I wrote up to illustrate what sort of length and format it can be. It can be more detailed of course but this is the general gist of what we are looking for:

“The trailer e starts off with showing locations like Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule, Popstar, and Corneria with soft transitions. It then pans out to these universes being seen through a crystal ball of sorts as a shadowy figure mysteriously watches from afar. This mysterious figure cackles as the screen fades to black. During this transition, the universes shown in the crystal ball become blotted out with what looks like black vapor.

The scene then cuts to Mario and Luigi walking along with Daisy and Peach in the Mushroom Kingdom when, suddenly, there world starts to split apart. Black spots appear on everything and begins to erase it which creates nothingness. Mario and Luigi look around in horror as their world becomes swallowed up in darkness. Up in the sky are portals ripped open which shows Popstar, Hyrule, and other worlds. They begin getting sucked up as darkness wells up over them.

A montage of sorts as Link and Zelda experience the same phenomenon in Hyrule, Kirby and Bandana Dee in Planet Popstar, and Pikachu and Red in a Pokémon Gym. Following this montage, it shows the crystal ball which seems to have imprisoned a large amount of the Smash cast as images of them float around in it.

“Finally, my collection is now complete. Time for the games to begin...” says the mysterious voice; over layered with both a male and female voice.”

This is an appropriate length and format that we are looking for.​
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Just making sure, this is a Subspace-esque mode, right?
That’s something we will decide in Prompt 3. Prompt 1 consists us submitting the initial start trailer that’s akin to Subspace’s start-up trailer where Mario faced off against Kirby and World of Light’s where Galeem kills off everyone.

The most important aspect of it is to make it play and feel differently from our mode, Smash Dungeon which is a rogue-like mode that already appears slightly similar to Subspace.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 91 prompt 1

-The Trailer starts in the midst of the stars
-You can faintly hear the main melody of 64's theme song quickly followed by Melee's, Brawl's. 4's and Ultimate's
-towards the end of ultimate's melody the stars are illuminated by a bright light on the left and darkness on the right.
-In the light you can vaguely make out the shadow of the 2 hands
-It then quickly cuts to Delfino Plaza
-Mario, Luigi, Peach and Daisy are all relaxing
-When Suddenly Corona Mountain explodes and Giga Bowser appears inside it
-The sky goes an orange color and fireballs start raining from the sky as Goomba's And Koopa's start appearing
-Mario and Bowser have a stare-down until bowser's claws start rapidly flashing from white to dark red and bowser then swipes at the sky.
-A Crack then appears in the sky, this Crack grows larger and larger and from the crack spirits and enemies start falling from it.
-The crack also produces bolts of light and bolts of darkness.
-Mario Luigi Peach and Daisy are all struck with random bolts
-The camera then follows Mario where he is sent through the crack and lands on top of the Blue Falcon.
-Mario wakes up and looks at the sky where he sees the same Crack in the sky.
-The camera zooms out and we see a large amount of bubbles amidst the stars each bubble contains a stage from the game and each bubble has a giant crack in it, the same crack that was seen in Delfino
-the screen goes dark and we see the name of the story mode.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
My trailers for this prompt goes something like this

Bowser Jr is exploring a cave, a abandoned mineshaft to be exact, in his clown car we see a strange person, its Steve, moments later we see the two create an Nether Portal in a strange Alter, in the Portal something sinister is forming

We then get a shot of firey tentacles beginning to form

Then their is a shot with Sonic on the Tornado chasing Eggman carry the Phantom Ruby and over head we see a futuristic city suddenly they collide with a familiar capsule with a familiar robot on his tail

Water and Ice then gets shown being formed in a dark void

In the animal crossing world Villager is chilling in his lawn chair outside, suddenly a meteor collides with the earth and with it the Villager pcuks up a dark mask (the Phanto Mask not Majora's mask)

The Earth Begins to Quale in another dark void

Finnaly a quartet of swordmen, an angel, a hero of time, a samerai, and a hero king duel it out while a tangle of vines begins to grow in one last void

These four tales then slowly fade before the silhouettes of a evil harlequin and hedgehog like demon form

"Two evil forces return"

Smash Bros Adveture: Intertwined Paths

4 Stories
1 Huge Adveture
2 Returning Evils

Okay this think sounded way more epic I'm my head but listen to this and you'll think its epic as well

Anyway structure wise their are 4 main stories adveture style with a final 5th story being unlocked when all of them are completed

Each induvidual story is about half the length of world of light so it's pretty meaty

And each story will have it's own team

Story 1
Bowser jr
Diddy Kong

Story 2
Mega Man

Story 3
Dyck Hunt

Story 4

And the story will have a semi metroidvania style to it, completing objectives to unlock more peices of each stories map, you can compete the 4 stories in any order but you need to complete them all to get the final story

Some franchise have fused together as well for example in the first story you head to the Nether to face Giygas' forces to stop the influence of the Mani Mani corrupting villagers into Illagers, in Story 2 Eggman and Wily Team up in a new fortress called the Skull Egg and you go their and travel like in the classic games
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Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
Worlds Collide

The trailer starts by showing quick flashes of various universes all at peace. It's similar to the establishing shots in the Smash 4 reveal trailer, except it is less dramatic, and supposed to convey the message that everything is at peace in these universes.

Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Daisy are strolling around in peace.
Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are swinging from vine to vine.
Link and Zelda are sitting in front of a silent princess smiling at each other.
Samus is drifting through space in her gunship with no sign of danger.
Kirby, Dedede, and Bandana Dee are playing around while Meta Knight watches from afar.
Red has just won a gym battle.
Captain Falcon zooms past the finish line.
Ice Climbers are Ice Climbing.
Marth and Ike are standing atop a castle overviewing their domain.
Pit is training with Palutena, and she giggles at him as he trips.
Villager and Isabelle are chatting outside the town hall.
Little Mac is wailing on a sandbag as Doc Louis cheers him on.
Shulk is chilling (no clue what happens in xenoblade)
Inkling and Octoling are having a turf war.
Barista is at his bar.
Snake is hiding in a cardboard box.
Sonic is running through a loop in Green Hill Zone.
Ryu and Ken are street fighting.
Banjo is Stretching as Kazooie looks annoyed.
Minecraft Steve is building a house.

Then we cut back to the Mushroom Kingdom. The ground starts to Shake, and darkness enters the air. Mario and Luigi react to the darkness guarding their respective princesses. We see various other universes and characters experience the same events such as the Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, Pokemon, Splatoon, Animal Crossing universes as well as others, however we don’t see all the universes that were shown in the establishing scenes.

The screen fades to black and we see Mario wake up. Except something is off. As given away by the title, the mushroom Kingdom has collided with the other game universes in Smash! We see Elements of the Zelda, Sonic, and Banjo universe mixed with elements of the Mario Universe. Mario stands up and the camera pans away to show even more of this new universe.

We then cut to gameplay of this new story mode, which features multiple different maps/environments which are mashups of existing series.

These were my ideas for the colliding universes, although it's subject to change if people want to see other combinations or new universes are added.

Mario + Yoshi + DK + Wario, Zelda, Sonic, Banjo
Pokemon, (PMD), Metroid, Splatoon, Kirby
Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Final Fantasy, Golden Sun
Mother, Kid Icarus, Dragon Quest, Persona
Metal Gear, Mega Man, Star Fox, (Astral Chain)
Animal Crossing, Bayonetta, Rhythm Heaven, Minecraft, Castlevania
Street Fighter, Fatal Fury, ARMS, Punch-Out!!
Ice Climbers, Game & Watch, R.O.B., Duck Hunt, Pac-Man
Wii Fit, Style Savvy, Pikmin, FZero

(series in parentheses are ones which I think will get in later, but aren't actually in yet.

These are the beginning worlds, however as the story progresses even these universes collide until all the characters are in the same universe. None of the previous smash stories are carried over, and the characters meet each other for the first time here, unsure as to who is the hero and who is the villain of each universe.

Since spirits are still a thing, they have to be incorporated into the story, and without Galeem there has to be another explanation for their inclusion. Here's what I managed to come up with. Essentially, the "spirit" of the respective universes are lost when they are combined, and by gathering the individual spirits of a universe, you can restore its overall spirit. To get the true good ending all spirits are required, which can be acquired in the story mode.

Once the gameplay segment ends, we are shown one final scene of the villains standing together on a cliff. Bowser (and Bowser Jr.), Ganondorf, King Dedede, Ridley, King K. Rool, Sephiroth and Medusa are all standing there as the main generals, with their respective armies swarming behind them. Mewtwo, Wolf, Wario, and Galacta Knight will also play antagonistic roles however as they don't command an army they are not present in this shot. A dark aura appears at the top of the screen, however It is left ambiguous as to whether the dark aura is simply darkness or a third party like Tabuu.​


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
It starts on a cliff we are all familiar with. Several fighters (Mario, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Marth, Pit, Sonic, Villager, Megaman, Inkling, Banjo and Kazooie and Steve) are all chilling around doing whatever they please (For instance Sonic and Fox are racing each other, while Villager, Inkling, Mario and Pit are playing with a ball) when suddenly, Rayquaza and the Ender Dragon fly passed them, surprising the fighter’s. Then Bowser, Mewtwo, King Dedede, Ness, Captain Falcon, Issac, Donkey Kong, Ryu and Min-Min, among many others arrive, as they see an event.

Then someone familiar arrives on the scene, being non other then Tabuu, who is no way controlling an army of fighters to attack the fighters. Then more bosses arrive including clones, causing many of the fighter’s to fight the best as they can. Unfortunately, then a new threat arrives, resembling a cross between Galeem and Darkon arrives and unleashes a huge wave of energy, corrupting the bosses and taking down the mooks.

The fighter’s try to fight back but the hybrid suddenly unleashes a huge attack, taking down almost everyone in the game. Thankfully Kirby escapes, but thankfully so does Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Fox and Pikachu, who escaped through different means. With the world now different, the 8 fighters must fight their way to save everyone.

Footage of them fighting several spirits (Sea-Pipe Statue, Zebstrika, Dark Meta Knight, Wolf (Minecraft), Knuckles and Crocomire), footage of them rescusing fighter’s (Bowser, Lucario, Inkling, Sonic and Steve), fighting bosses (Rathalos and Rayquaza) and exploring certain areas.

A few seconds of footage will be not seen due to them featuring the Newcomers revealed in the direct.

The footage ends with Tabuu rearing his wings, the Hybrid moving around and the Smash Bros 8 charging at the opponents.

Super Smash Bros: Subspace Collision

Sorry if it’s not my best trailer, it was quite a hassle to write

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
Alright I guess I might as well attempt to write my own bout of fan fiction.

Job 91: Wishing Stars

The trailer opens up on Final Destination with Master Hand overlooking the several worlds of Smash Bros. through different portals. The camera pans to the different portals showcasing what each character is doing in their respective worlds. Kirby is fighting off King Dedede who once again appears to be hoarding all of Dream Land's delicious food. Dedede swings a Waddle Doo at Kirby his hammer. Kirby inhales it becoming Beam Kirby and fires off an electric beam from his want at King Dedede sending him flying.

In the Mario world, Mario is battling Bowser Jr. atop an airship. Bowser Jr. shoots a cannon ball from his clown car that Mario narrowly avoids in slow motion. In the Zelda world Link is surrounded by Bokoblins as he desperately attempts to fend them off. The portals show off the various worlds faster as it goes by each one, passing by Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong swinging through vines, Samus getting ready to fight Mother Brain, Captain Falcon racing and Pokemon Trainer commanding Charizard to attack an opposing Mewtwo with Pikachu lending him a helping hand.

The camera pans over back to Master Hand from a front facing view as it raises over him to reveal a glowing crimson orb. The camera switches over the to the orb which reveals a sinister face appearing from within it, something akin to Giygas from Earthbound. Master Hand rears his head/face/front facing area(?????) and sees the crimson orb slowly bulging as if something was trying to escape from it. Master Hand releases its own ball of yellow light that splits into several more and spreads it across each of the portals.

Meanwhile over at the Mushroom Kingdom where Mario is combatting Bowser Jr., Mario shoots a fireball to which Bowser Jr. hops out of his clown car with his hammer in hand attempting to swing at Mario. Before as Bowser Jr. gets his swing off, Mario readies a punch by swinging his arm backwards. Just the two land their hits, colliding their attacks, Bowser steps onto the field and lets out a mighty roar scaring both of them.

Bowser slowly walks, shaking the entire airship as he walks. Mario readies his fists as his old arch-nemesis finally enters the fray. Instead of attacking Mario however, Bowser points up to the sky. Both Mario and Bowser Jr. look up to the sky to see a large wormhole appear. From the wormhole, the small ball of yellow light emerges. Upon reaching the airship, it immediately transforms into a small little creature that looks very similar to a Primid but without the Subspace symbol, its face is a light yellow instead of purple, has tiny little angelic wings and a red top hat.

The creature which will be dubbed as an "Infitemite" (because it just sounded funny lol) hands Mario a letter while performing flamboyant flips and strikes a pose. Mario opens the letter first but Bowser Jr. gets greedy and snatches it from him showing it to his dad. Mario dizzy, looks up and sees the two have a shocked expression on their faces. Mario takes back the letter and eyes it over and reacts in the same way as his eyes gloss over the letter.

Across several other dimensions, the respective characters meet their own Infitemites with differently coloured top hats. What could be written in the letter that is invigorating all the characters of Super Smash Bros.? Mario drops the letter and runs jumping right into the portal. The suction is enough to pull him. Frustrated, Bowser runs after him but his jump isn't as high enough and falls off the airship. Bowser Jr. is quick to think and flies down as the camera shows him disappear into the space below him, then pulling Bowser up, albeit with difficulty, into the portal.

The camera soon pans over the letter. It reads as follows:

"Dear fighter,

You have been courteously invited to partake in the Wishing Stars Championship. I wish to see the strongest fight against each other in the world I have created. The champion who stands above the rest will be granted one wish of their choosing. May the best champion seek victory and prove the strength of their will before all else."

As Mario jumps through the wormhole, he imagines a gigantic festival at Peach's Castle while he proposes to Peach in his wedding attire. Bowser jumping in imagines a strong and powerful castle with a large armada by his side, Kirby envisions a peaceful Popstar free of strife, Donkey Kong pictures a ripe forest filled with bananas to his hearts content, Link sees himself with a powerful sword imbued with enough light to stop all malice and Pikachu envisioning companionship among others of his kind.

Several characters such as Wario, Samus, Yoshi, Cloud, Snake, Terry and others are seen jumping into their own portals as well in a rapid sequence until the screen glares white. Sparkles appear to form the title of the Adventure Mode, Wishing Stars. The two options New Game, Continue and Settings as the white background fades out to show a view of a large green and blue planet from outer space.

Tl;dr: Master Hand sends a bunch of reformed Primids to hand out invites for a large competition. The winner will receive one wish of their choosing and of course, who wouldn't want that? In the meantime, something sinister appears to be happening in the backdrop with a suspicious entity behind imprisonment in a crimson cage.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will be extending submissions for the opening cinematic for our Adventure Mode for another 24 hours. We will be starting our next job in 8 hours or so and they will run concurrently.

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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
I'm in a bit of a rush, so I want to establish a few things I might elaborate on later date.

  • It starts in one universe, probably one with multiple characters who are capable of speach. My initial thought is Fire Emblem: Awakening, but that's subject to change
  • The characters are going about their usual (the Awakening cast preparing for a battle, for instance), before a large crack sound appears (simmilar to the cross-slash sound at the start of a newcomer trailer). They go to investigate, and when they get there it's revealed that a large chunk of the surrounding area is gone, replaced with another, very different location (let's go with Star Fox, to contrast the FE crew).
  • The characters from the two worlds banter for awhile, mostly as fanservice. The camera then shifts, revealing that multiple worlds are colliding. The vast wilderness of Breath of The Wild intersects the futuristic setting of Astral Chain. Jill Valentine is preparing to shoot a Goomba with a gun. An Animal Crossing village is now in the middle of the End Dimension.
  • After a few of these kinda shots, a figure cloaked in darkness (but not in an evil way) looks at these universes merging on a large screen. They say. "Oh no.... they've started!". Harsh cut to black, with the name and nothing else.
This establishes a few things. The multiverse is colliding, these characters will interact in a meaningful capacity, and there's a mega villain pulling these strings from across the multiverse. Just enough to cause hype - but by barely saying a thing.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Adventure Trailer mode submissions will be open fir another 12+ hours but I want to kick us off into a new job prompt:

Job #92: Submit a Stage based off a Third-Party Game that appeared on the Switch

That was a mouth full. Anyways, we will be submitting a stage that is from a third-party game that either debuted or saw a sequel get launched on the Switch. It can be from a port as long as the game first appeared during the start of the Switch’s lifetime. This is to ensure the stage comes from a source that’s still relatively new. This means the stage must be from a game that appeares on the Switch at some point in time since 2017.

Here are some further criteria. Please read it carefully:
  • It can’t be from a series repped by a fighter (Mega Man 11 stage is out)
  • Capcom is disqualified as they had tons of content included in the Jill/Leon trailer
  • It can be from a company that has a fighter (A Samurai Shodown 2019 stage is ok)
  • This means that this franchise can’t get a future character rep (so no one from SamSho 2019 would be allowed but that doesn’t apply to other SNK IPs like Metal Slug or KoF)
  • This stage-repped universe will get an icon
Happy submitting!
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Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Adventure Trailer mode submissions will be open fir another 12+ hours but I want to kick us off into a new job prompt:

Job #92: Submit a Stage Based off a Third-Party Game that Was Launched on the Switch

That was a mouth full. Anyways, we will be submitting a stage that is from a third-party game that either debuted or saw a sequel get launched on the Switch. It can be from a port as long as the game first appeared during the start of the Switch’s lifetime. This is to ensure the stage comes from a source that’s still relatively new.

Here are some further criteria. Please read it carefully:
  • It can’t be from a series repped by a fighter (Mega Man 11 stage is out)
  • Capcom is disqualified as they had tons of content included in the Jill/Leon trailer
  • It can be from a company that has a fighter (A Samurai Shodown 2019 stage is ok)
  • This means that this franchise can’t get a future character rep (so no one from SamSho 2019 would be allowed but that doesn’t apply to other SNK IPs like Metal Slug or KoF)
  • This stage-repped universe will get an icon
Happy submitting!
Do they have to be originally launched on the switch or just launched there in general

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
Job 92: Tilted Towers

Universe: Fortnite


"We got a number one victory royale, yeah Fortnite we 'bout to get down."

Get down! You and other fighters took the large risk of dropping right into the Tilted Towers. When fighting on this stage, you'll easily get ten stocks on the board right now. The main stage is a brick-built five story building with walls on the side. At the start of the battle, several Fortnite characters will be seen jumping down from the Battle Bus, presumably about to wipe out Tomato Town.

After playing for a certain amount of time, random constructs will appear on the stage like how players build platforms in Fortnite. This will add new platforms and increase the height of the stage. The layouts will be completely random when they appear. Early on, some chests will appear on the stage at random. They will grant the player random boosts but if items are turned on, there is a chance they will drop items as well. If the game goes on for longer, supply drops will fly down on balloons which can grant even stronger buffs and items.

If the battle is a timed match, when the stage reaches a minute from the game's end, the storm will start to appear. The storm is purely aesthetic but will get closer and closer until it just barely goes over the main stage when the match is called time. However, Sudden Death on Tilted Towers will have a unique purple lightning effect to better reflect the storm instead of the usual flames that appear.
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Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
The 104 Building
Third-Party Stage: Celeste Mountain

Based on the 3000M portion of Celeste's final chapter, aka the final stretch before the mountain's summit. With a pink color scheme among the earth and the sky, and clusters of blue crystal spikes, it looks rather beautiful. Vertical wind effects cover the screen, but they are entirely cosmetic.

The stage itself would be a chunk of earth jutting into the foreground from the mountain, which would thus appear in the background taking up the right side of the screen. The main platform would be about the same side as Battlefield's, and there would be two smaller platforms above it, each slightly tilted.

If hazards are on, occasionally the screen will shake a little. When this happens, a cluster of blue crystal spikes will fall from above and land on the main platform (passing through any smaller ones) and linger there for a moment. They can land on any spot across the platform except for directly on/a short distance from the ledge.

Occasionally, you can see a bird flying through the background. Once per match, you can see Madeline climbing the mountain in the background. Upon landing on a small, safe outcropping, she'll briefly cheer on the battle before resuming her climb.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
NASB 2 is the worse one
Job 92
Untitled Village Stage

This stage takes place on the high street from Untitled Goose Game. It begins as a basic stage with walkoffs and no platforms with goose-sized fighters, but the untitular goose serves as a stage hazard/boss - placing all sorts of junk that permanantly stays there (for example a rake that serves as a wall, a stool that serves as a walled platform, a plank of wood that serves as a soft platform, e.t.c.), albeit most are in the background to give the foreground items it'll place later a way to stay up. Like Gamer or Mario Maker there are multiple different layouts for the junk, but they're not randomised. With items on the horrible goose will pick certain items up and use them to its advantage, for example using an Assist Trophy to release an AT that's on nobody's side and trying to attack everybody; or a Unira that can damage everybody - this includes the Smash Ball, which gives the goose a special final smash: a loud honk that insta-KOs anyone caught in its radius. You can "attack" the goose which repells it, however it is not animated being hurt as much as flying away.
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Welp, I'm gonna make a LOT of people confused on this one, but since I'm the one person on this site who LIKES this game, I don't particularly care. No offense.

Third Party Stage: Isle of Tims (Balan Wonderworld)

(I'll admit, this isn't the BEST image, but the one I wanted to use wouldn't work).

The Isle of Tims is the hub world of Balan Wonderworld. Here, you can access the various chapters of the game via the small isles surrounding the Isle of Tims. At the center is the Tower of Tims, a monument that becomes larger and more robust the more your Tims help to improve it.

The stage functions like Spiral Mountain, in that every so often, the stage will turn itself around in a circle, changing the layout as a result. However, this isn't the main gimmick: that honor goes to the titular Tims of the Isle of Tims. In Balan Wonderworld, the player can raise the Tims to perform various actions, like attacking enemies or finding items. Think the Chao except they're less complex, but serve a gameplay function. In Smash, the Tims will serve a similar function to the Flying Men from Magicant: whenever a fighter comes into contact with a Tim, that Tim becomes the fighter's ally. Unlike the Flying Men, what the Tim does depends on the color, like in the original game. Red Tims attack enemies, Pink Tims bring the fighter nearby items, and Blue Tims can destroy obstacles by charging into them (admittedly, I don't know how to incorporate that last one, but we can figure something out). However, also like the Flying Men, the Tims can be KO-ed, but fortunately there isn't a limit as to how many there are.

Also, because I know SOMEBODY will mention it, having background characters dancing as the fight goes on is optional, but not mandatory.


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2020
Job 92: Bridge Constructor Portal

Third-Party Stage: Aperture Science Testing Chamber (Bridge Constructor Portal)

This stage takes place in one of the testing labs of Aperture Science from Bridge Constructor Portal. While fighting, there will be bridges built across and little employees in a vehicle (in background) going across them to deliver parts to the other side in. When the employees deliver the parts, the stage will start to change into a new lab and the cycle starts again. There will also be hazards like sentry turrets, lasers, and toxic water that can hurt you and destroy the employees trying to deliver parts. There will also be portals that can be good or bad, depending on where they both spawn.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 92

Freddy Fazbear's

This stage is from Five Night's at Freddy's but the specific stage is not based off of any specific location from the game, it's more based on the whole franchise

This would be the stage at the start and when hazards are off

Note: The platform wouldn't be white I was just highlighting the play area.

Every once in a while the screen will go pitch black for a second and many things will change

Here is an example of what may happen

Note: I did not scale things properly for this

these events are randomized and even have rarities associated with them.

Some events involve Animatronics appearing on the main stage itself and if you touch one of them the fighter becomes stunned,

Some Other Noticeable changes are.
-Freddy Bonnie and Chica would be replaced by their toy, Adventure, Withered and Rockstar forms
-Vanny's mask can get replaced with Chica's Magical Rainbow
-Glitchtrap can walk around the stage
-Helpy can go into several different poses
-If golden freddy appears, controls become reversed.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Job #93: Orsterra

Orsterra is the name of the continent where Octopath Traveler takes place. It's a massive landmass surrounding a sea where eight nations coexist in relative harmony. The stage would be a traveling stage visiting all eight of them on a loop (starting with the Frostlands). When traveling, the stage would simply be a flat, long platform (it would get pretty close to the edge of the screen) with the appearance of a rusty metal grate (all rendered in Octopath's gorgeous HD-2D artstyle). That platform would simply disappear and reappear when needed, and be slightly modified depending on where it is (snow would fall on it in the Frostlands, sand in the Coastlands and the Sunlands, dust in the Cliftlands, etc.)

The Frostlands: the first stop would be in the city of Flamesgrace, hometown of Ophelia and starting point of her journey. The stage would be on an overlook where some important story beats take place, which has the advantage of allowing the gorgeous Flamesgrace Cathedral to be a backdrop. The layout is simple: an incline to the left, which is a walkoff, with a medium flat surface at the top (made a bit bigger than it's original game) that leads to a fall.

The Flatlands: the stage would move to Wispermill, a northern town that has fallen prey to the Cult of the Savior. The stage would be on the windmill and the jail that are in the northern part of town. The windmill's blades move slow enough to be used as platforms. Since both structures are pretty short the stage would be a walkoff and have a low ceiling.

(Sorry, this is the best image I could find, but I think it gets the idea across)

The Coastlands: the stage would travel to its next destination, the Moonstruck Coast (AKA the bane of my existence). This isn't a town or a city, instead it's just an overworld passage (and one with a pretty high enemy spawn rate in my experience). The layout of this section is a flat beach that leads into water on the left (what that water does depends on whether we have swimming mechanics in this game), and a tall rocky formation on the right.

The Highlands: for the Highlands I'm kinda making something up so there aren't so many walkoffs. The stage would travel to the South Cobbleston Gap, the road that leads to Cobbleston, the village where Olberic found a home. People who've played Octopath Traveler will remember that the stairs leading up to Cobbleston fork making an h shape; that's where the stage takes place. However my new addition is to put cliffs on the sides. Basically, this section of the stage is a platform with a hill in the middle.

The image gets cut off on the left but you can see more or less what I mean. Hopefully.

The Sunlands: the stage then takes us to Sunshade, a sprawling market town hidden in the shade and the starting location of Primrose's journey. The platforms this time are the buildings themselves, modified to be much taller so that the stage can have more of a Fourside feel to it. The right side has two buildings, the left one shorter than the right one, with a small gap in between. The right side has one building with stairs that take to a more elevated position on the left side. And between the left side and right is a very wide gap that splits the stage in two. On the edges of this gap, next to the appropriate buildings, there are two merchant stalls with a bouncy property to help the less aerial fighters cross the gap. In the background is the lavish Sunshade Tavern, the biggest in the continent.

The Riverlands: the Riverlands section takes us to Saintsbridge, one of the biggest towns in the game and one that both Ophelia and Alfyn visit in their stories. This one's the most basic of all the sections: the stage takes place on the bridge that gives Saintsbridge its name. That's it, just a flat walkoff. View's pretty though!

The people like their bridge, who am I to deprive them of it?

The Cliftlands: this one was the hardest to choose because the geography of the Cliftlands lends itself really well to a platform fighter, but in the end I had to go with Lower Bolderfall. Bolderfall is the starting town of Therion's journey, and a town with a class division so jarring that the poor literally live in a lower part of it. Lower Bolderfall, as this district is called, is partly carved into the cliffside, so look out below! The layout is like it is in the game, with three platforms making a -- shape. The middle platform is changed to be a wooden platform so that it's more clearly a jump-through, and the house below it (pictured) becomes a solid platform. The main change I'm making to this location is the addition of two pillars supporting the now-wooden platform; these can be broken Luigi's Mansion-style and send the platform (and the tavern on it!) plummeting down, which also destroys the house below it and basically guarantees that anyone standing on that house will get KO'd. The platform and the house will only respawn when and if the stage loops back to this section.

(That section up there with the tavern is what would become the wooden platform)

The Woodlands: our final section! After the complicated destructible environments of the Cliftlands the stage will now take us to a more basic layout. The location is the Whisperwoods, a forest close to the hunting village of S'warkii that has fallen under attack by a mysterious beast that H'aanit is tasked to deal with in her first chapter. This section of the stage is basically a pit, with a large flat platform surrounded on both sides by higher ground that leads to walkoffs. The highlight of this stage is that sometimes direwolves show up and can be "recruited" to fight for the player like the Flying Men in Magicant. Like the Flying Men, the wolves will be 2D sprites to make it not as taxing on the hardware.

After that the stage would go back to Flamesgrace and repeat the loop. And there would probably be a way to choose your starting location or only location through an input like (I think?) the Minecraft biomes.

And that's it! It's a lot, I know, but I feel like with Octopath Traveler you can't have just one location, you gotta have all eight. I hope the layouts are interesting enough and that I managed to explain them well, I probably should have turned the game on and taken my own screenshots but it was too much of a hassle.

Oh, yeah, I forgot the part where I convince people why this stage is a good idea. Well, Octopath Traveler was a huge sensation. It garnered tons of acclaim, both for its artstyle and its gameplay, and sold over 2.5 million units. It did so well it warranted ports to PC and Xbox One, and Square Enix greenlit a pseudo-sequel in next year's Triangle Strategy (same team, same artstyle, different genre and new setting). Octopath was one of the quintessential Switch third party exclusives and is still primarily associated with it; Nintendo took on publishing duties worldwide (as they will on Triangle Strategy) and heavily promoted both games on its Directs. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that all 8 protagonists are Spirits in Ultimate too. So it's clear that it's a game that Nintendo has an interest in, and it makes a lot of sense to have in Smash. But, having eight protagonists that can in no way work as alts, it's not very well suited for fighter representation; I think a stage is the perfect way to rep it.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Undertale Medly (Undertale)
This is a simple stage, it's quite similar to Piktochat where outside influence can change the stage

In Undertale the battles take place in a bullet hell like box and you needed to dodge projectiles from the bosses

The stage initially is similar to the King of Fighters Stadium where if your over 100 hp you get broken though the walls the difference is that this stage will have the main bosses of undertale give interruptions changing the stage, some beneficial some harmful, they cycle though randomly so dont rely on the patterns to win

Toriel (a small amount of fire gets spawned and you need to avoid the fire, but she will also give butterscotch pie as a healing item)

Papyrus (the stage becomes an auto scroller from left to right, the bone platforms will have flaming blue bones that damage the fighter if you move though those bones)

Undyne (spears come from all directions, nothing crazy but it I'd the most dangerous part of the stage)

Muffet (the stage becomes a aytoscrller from down to up, the bottom will kill you instantly and their are healing pastries to eat)

Mettaton (gives a quiz on smash trivia, by touching the boxes for the awnser you either get healed if correct on the question or zap by electricity if you get it wrong)

Flowey (gives a hodgepodge of all the previous patterns combined, will only appear 1 percent of the time)

Music: Undertale Medley (a combination of all the major battle themes of the previously mentioned bosses)


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore

Undertale Medly (Undertale)
This is a simple stage, it's quite similar to Piktochat where outside influence can change the stage

In Undertale the battles take place in a bullet hell like box and you needed to dodge projectiles from the bosses

The stage initially is similar to the King of Fighters Stadium where if your over 100 hp you get broken though the walls the difference is that this stage will have the main bosses of undertale give interruptions changing the stage, some beneficial some harmful, they cycle though randomly so dont rely on the patterns to win

Toriel (a small amount of fire gets spawned and you need to avoid the fire, but she will also give butterscotch pie as a healing item)

Papyrus (the stage becomes an auto scroller from left to right, the bone platforms will have flaming blue bones that damage the fighter if you move though those bones)

Undyne (spears come from all directions, nothing crazy but it I'd the most dangerous part of the stage)

Muffet (the stage becomes a aytoscrller from down to up, the bottom will kill you instantly and their are healing pastries to eat)

Mettaton (gives a quiz on smash trivia, by touching the boxes for the awnser you either get healed if correct on the question or zap by electricity if you get it wrong)

Flowey (gives a hodgepodge of all the previous patterns combined, will only appear 1 percent of the time)

Music: Undertale Medley (a combination of all the major battle themes of the previously mentioned bosses)
remember, don't vote for this. This would disconfirm an Undertale rep.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I want to encourage people to submit and vote as they like. There are of course repercussions and risks but that’s how business works.

Here’s my submission:

House of Hades

The layout is similar in design to Momentos and Battlefield but will sporadically shift between locations in the House of Hades and beyond. This won’t directly change the stage but changes the appearance and background content. There are six total possible locations that can be featured:

Zangreus’s Bedchamber: This is the default location and is the bedroom of the Son of Hades. It contains his desk, bed, the mirror, and even scrying pool.
Great Hall: This large chamber is the Lord of Hades chamber where he rules. The Pool of Styx, Hypnos, and House Contractor are featured in the background. Cerberus will also watch over and, on occasion, Hades will hold court.
West Wing: This section is lavished with ornate rugs and tapestry and is populated by shades of all types. Achilles patrols the hall and watches for shades who wander off.
East Wing: This section is similar to the West Winng but has massive statues and urns with fountains of flowing blood. Nyx, and Megaera will be visible during this transition.
Lounge: This is where Shades and other denizens comes to mingle together. It’s quite expansive and features many delicacies found in the Underworld. The Head Chef and Wretched Broker appear here.

In addition, the floating Dursa can only be seen in every single section.
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2020
Balatro Brainrot
Job #92: The Well (Downwell)
The Well.png

(one of the near infinite iterations of the stage)
Why should Downwell receive a Stage?
Downwell is a pretty unique and popular game that is constantly received well by critics, and it also helped inspire other games (like Indie Pogo's way to get supers through gems was inspired by Downwell). It even won Destructoid's best mobile game of 2015. While it may not be as iconic as other indies, the other indies already got in something in (like Cuphead and Sans' costumes, and Shovel Knight's AT) so Downwell should be next in line in my opinion. Lastly, for how notable Devolver Digital is in their field of indie games, I feel they need at least some representation.

How the stage will work
As you saw earlier, that is just one of the iterations of the stage, if you were confused allow me to explain. The Well will be a stage that changes each battle by RNG, it's like the Mario Maker stage already in smash. Another unique thing, notice the walls, it's impossible to do side-screen K.O.s (only up and down blastzones work).

Some detail as to how the RNG works
Note: During this explanation I'm going to describe measurements through Minecraft Blocks. The Stage would be around 14 MCB in length, but technically only 12 as 1 MCB of length takes up both sides by default to be the wall.

The Wall is mandatory, but it can also extend outward by 3 MCB (if both sides extend all the way at the same height, there would only be 6 MCB worth of space), note that parts of the wall that extend still has to be connected to the wall, there can't just be floating wall.
There would also be skinny platforms that can be fell through if holding down (represented by the picture above's skinny platform, each are 2.5 MCBs in length).
Finally, there would also be destroyable blocks (seen in the picture below, each destroyable block is 1 MCB), these blocks basically spawn wherever, the only limit they have being the number of them and they can't block the up-and-down blastzones; some of these even have a gem in them (represented by them having red spots in them), which if broken releases a gem, which if Final Smash Meter is on it increases the meter, but otherwise do nothing and are just for aesthetics.

Sorry if I did a poor job at explaining, I'm not the best at explaining stuff like this. I hope it was at least good enough that the point came across and you understood what I meant.
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Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
I will fight off these indies with the absolute opposite....

Kaer Morhen

Due to the recent partnership between CD Projekt Red and Nintendo, one of the most iconic open-world games is going to be in Smash! Albeit, only in the form of a stage. Kaer Morhen, undoubtedly the most visited place in the Witcher series!

Before I dive into things, I'd like to clarify we're focusing on the third installment, the Witcher 3 here, since that's the game most tied to Nintendo and the most popular installment as well. Well, Kaer Morhen is an old keep where the witchers of the School of the Wolf, like Geralt of Rivia, used to be trained. In Smash Bros. Infinite, the stage features not only many cameos, but 3 different locations within the Keep. Let us start with the overview.

Entrance of Kaer Morhen

The stage starts off at the entrance of the keep as you see here below. In the background you'll be able to watch our brave protagonist Geralt fight off some low-level drowners around him with his sword and signs (Aard & Igni, to be more precise). Once he's done fighting them off he'll start meditating like he usually does. This is when our first transfer begins, to the Kaer Morhen Balcony!

Kaer Morhen Balcony

This location is pretty iconic, it's where you first find yourself right after starting the game. It intends to be your first view to the world of the Witcher universe, and it's why we'll be integrating it into Smash. The fighters will be fighting on the balcony with their backs to the landscape, so the player can take in the wonderful view. A bit like the Great Plateau stage. On the right side, Yennefer makes an appearance. Whilst at the left there's Triss. After a while, another transfer takes place. This time it's taking us to the Training Grounds! Hopefully you've had a great look at the scenery while you were here!

Kaer Morhen Training Grounds

Our last location, the Training Grounds of Kaer Morhen. Fighters will be fighting on the planks, with Vesemir, Eskel and Lambert watching the fight unfold at the sides. Though that is not all, right behind the planks there's a grown-up Ciri doing her morning training on the wooden platforms. She attacks the floating wooden pillar with her sword which causes it to swing, fighters hit by the swing get knocked back a bit and receive 7.5% damage. After a while, a blue sphere suddenly appears around Ciri where all fighters get sucked in, and without spoiling too much, the cycle repeats and the fighters are found back at the entrance.

The main focus of the stage are the graphics. As you've probably noticed, there aren't many gimmicks nor hazards to be found. As I feel that the biggest selling point of the Witcher 3 is its absolute graphical prowess, and I hope to translate this element into Smash. The stage will try to recreate the original locations. Again, quite like the Great Plateau!

With the (S)Witcher 3 port being one of Nintendo's focuses during 2019, and this franchise's history and success. I say it deserves some form of grande representation, no? Let it reunite with Minecraft and Breath of the Wild within the same game, as they're the 3 rightful kings of open-world games. Also yes, I'm fully aware the Witcher series originated as books. Though first of all there's Dracula in Smash, and second, the Witcher video games have completely overshadowed the books as of late and have put such a big mark on video game history that a place for them in Smash is fully warranted.

Also some people would just like to watch the world burn, apparently.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I will fight off these indies with the absolute opposite....

Kaer Morhen

Due to the recent partnership between CD Projekt Red and Nintendo, one of the most iconic open-world games is going to be in Smash! Albeit, only in the form of a stage. Kaer Morhen, undoubtedly the most visited place in the Witcher series!

Before I dive into things, I'd like to clarify we're focusing on the third installment, the Witcher 3 here, since that's the game most tied to Nintendo and the most popular installment as well. Well, Kaer Morhen is an old keep where the witchers of the School of the Wolf, like Geralt of Rivia, used to be trained. In Smash Bros. Infinite, the stage features not only many cameos, but 3 different locations within the Keep. Let us start with the overview.

Entrance of Kaer Morhen

The stage starts off at the entrance of the keep as you see here below. In the background you'll be able to watch our brave protagonist Geralt fight off some low-level drowners around him with his sword and signs (Aard & Igni, to be more precise). Once he's done fighting them off he'll start meditating like he usually does. This is when our first transfer begins, to the Kaer Morhen Balcony!

Kaer Morhen Balcony

This location is pretty iconic, it's where you first find yourself right after starting the game. It intends to be your first view to the world of the Witcher universe, and it's why we'll be integrating it into Smash. The fighters will be fighting on the balcony with their backs to the landscape, so the player can take in the wonderful view. A bit like the Great Plateau stage. On the right side, Yennefer makes an appearance. Whilst at the left there's Triss. After a while, another transfer takes place. This time it's taking us to the Training Grounds! Hopefully you've had a great look at the scenery while you were here!

Kaer Morhen Training Grounds

Our last location, the Training Grounds of Kaer Morhen. Fighters will be fighting on the planks, with Vesemir, Eskel and Lambert watching the fight unfold at the sides. Though that is not all, right behind the planks there's a grown-up Ciri doing her morning training on the wooden platforms. She attacks the floating wooden pillar with her sword which causes it to swing, fighters hit by the swing get knocked back a bit and receive 7.5% damage. After a while, a blue sphere suddenly appears around Ciri where all fighters get sucked in, and without spoiling too much, the cycle repeats and the fighters are found back at the entrance.

The main focus of the stage are the graphics. As you've probably noticed, there aren't many gimmicks nor hazards to be found. As I feel that the biggest selling point of the Witcher 3 is its absolute graphical prowess, and I hope to translate this element into Smash. The stage will try to recreate the original locations. Again, quite like the Great Plateau!

With the (S)Witcher 3 port being one of Nintendo's focuses during 2019, and this franchise's history and success. I say it deserves some form of grande representation, no? Let it reunite with Minecraft and Breath of the Wild within the same game, as they're the 3 rightful kings of open-world games. Also yes, I'm fully aware the Witcher series originated as books. Though first of all there's Dracula in Smash, and second, the Witcher video games have completely overshadowed the books as of late and have put such a big mark on video game history that a place for them in Smash is fully warranted.

Also some people would just like to watch the world burn, apparently.
Damn I would so vote for this but I'd actually like Geralt to be playable if possible.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
NASB 2 is the worse one
I really want to get this question out there now that this Witcher stage is there

How will we handle the Edge cases of Non-videogame content now that we have non-game music in here and the Twitter content?
Wait, what non-game music? Does that mean we can finally add...
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I really want to get this question out there now that this Witcher stage is there

How will we handle the Edge cases of Non-videogame content now that we have non-game music in here and the Twitter content?
I think it should be handled by only counting video games that are big on their own merits and not just as licensed games. Stuff like GoldenEye, which was huge for FPS games, and the aforementioned Witcher 3, which was showered with praise. Of course, it would also have to be on Nintendo systems, so bye-bye Spider-Man PS4.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
I think it should be handled by only counting video games that are big on their own merits and not just as licensed games. Stuff like GoldenEye, which was huge for FPS games, and the aforementioned Witcher 3, which was showered with praise. Of course, it would also have to be on Nintendo systems, so bye-bye Spider-Man PS4.
That seems a bit inconsistent especially with James Bond, Using this Logic, Goku would count because of Dragon Ball's Popularization of the Anime Arena Fighter, Specifically the Tenkaichi games which released on Wii and the Xenoverse games which are on Switch, and also 2D anime fighters with help from ArcSys/ It's a slippery slope and I want to know how far we should descend.

EDIT: Kotor is not on switch it was just a rumor.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
NASB 2 is the worse one
I think it should be handled by only counting video games that are big on their own merits and not just as licensed games. Stuff like GoldenEye, which was huge for FPS games, and the aforementioned Witcher 3, which was showered with praise. Of course, it would also have to be on Nintendo systems, so bye-bye Spider-Man PS4.
I was allowed to submit the NES DuckTales moon rat as an AT a while back so I'd assume licensed game content with no direct ties to their source material is allowed, like the Goldeneye content in 64 and Melee. That raises the question of what happens if it has been canonised into the source material after it's game debut... (as with DuckTales' moon theme)

Either way, there is a boss from a licensed game I'd like to submit at some point...
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