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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond

Which option should we go with? I can't operate both the wikia and front page anymore.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Based on the above thread result polls, we will no longer continue to pursue fourth party content for Smash Bros as a newcomer which won by a 2 point margin. I personally abstained from voting because I personally could go both ways and am more concerned about your voices. This doesn't apply for additional content but I do want to stress this will be rare circumstances, that are related to the festival at hand, and reserved for content that truly matters rather than "meme of the day" content. We will still continue to pursue our Marvel Mii Costumes for our Halloween festival.

In the future, I will consider coming to the thread to see if a fourth party submission is warranted but I can't promise I can remember it/can come to the thread. Since we did open those floodgates without venturing into 4th party content, I still intend to push this forward but as intrusive and sporadic as possible.

Now, I have about a month left to work on this before ... well... I don't know what's going to happen. I know I will no longer have a place to stay, internet, computer, phone, and what not unless I can get set back up myself which is understandable. It's not as bad as it sounds but I am staying with someone, have access to a phone and computer that is not mine, and I do have jobs but most of my money is spent paying stuff back. This ends next month and while I have a place to stay lined up with work, I do not and cannot afford a new computer and phone at the moment. So I do worry about being able to keep up with the thread. Just a small worry I have.

I am going to try to get our Marvel costumes up but it might have to wait until tomorrow sometime.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Even without 4th Party content, I still think there are dozens of great video game characters and franchises that can be added that can provide plenty of excitement regardless. And there's also the boatloads of other Smashboards Creates threads dedicated to 4th Party content that can be participated in.

In regards to the personal life stuff, I wish the best of luck in dealing with your health and finances and ultimately, that stuff is most important, so like Janx said, take all the time you need.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
YES YES YES!,****ing Finally!,4th Party no more!,no Goku,no Shrek,no Spider-Man,no Darth Vader,NO ANY NON-VIDEO GAME CHARACTER IN THIS PROJECT!,just because Super Smash Bros. is a biggest celebration of gaming,not pop culture in this thing!,if have a 4th party character,i can laugh like the joker in this project,but finally No. 4th. Party. Content!,FINALLY!

(i hope that this post don't became a copypasta,wait!,why did i said that?)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
YES YES YES!,****ing Finally!,4th Party no more!,no Goku,no Shrek,no Spider-Man,no Darth Vader,NO ANY NON-VIDEO GAME CHARACTER IN THIS PROJECT!,just because Super Smash Bros. is a biggest celebration of gaming,not pop culture in this thing!,if have a 4th party character,i can laugh like the joker in this project,but finally No. 4th. Party. Content!,FINALLY!

(i hope that this post don't became a copypasta,wait!,why did i said that?)

Did you forget we have Marvel Mii Costumes coming in?
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Did you forget we have Marvel Mii Costumes coming in?
You said "content" and so I figured perhaps you forgot

Here are the results of our Marvel voting!

Name5 Points4 Points3 Points2 Points1 PointTotal
Iron Man05 (20)3 (9)1 (2)031
Spiderman5 (25)1 (4)1 (3)2 (4)036
Ultron2 (10)1 (4)1 (3)0218
Captain Marvel1 (5)01 (3)1 (2)212
Thanos01 (4)1 (3)3 (6)316
Captain America1 (5)1 (4)2 (6)2 (4)221

Due to poor showings for Cyclops and Apocalypse, we will just be including Wolverine to make room for 4 spots of the other Marvel roster.

  • Spider Man (36)
  • Iron Man (31)
  • Captain America (21)
  • Ultron (18)
  • Wolverine (6)
Three Mii Brawlers and two Mii Gunners I feel are a balanced roster of classes based on what we have here. Now, as I stated before, this is an unique cooperation between two companies. I want to stress this is not the norm so please keep that in mind. Also, keep in mind that these Mii Costumes are paid content or what you can earn in game so it's like.... you don't need to have them.

Now, we will be moving into our Year 2 Festival. This winds everything back down and finishes up our Season 2. It already is explosive with these bombshell Mii Costume characters but, well, it's about to get....


Super Smash Bros. Smash Infinite Beyond X Monsterverse


late april fools
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Actually, this was something I thought of doing but we will see.... we will see....

But we will be doing something LIKE Monsterverse in that.....

Super Smash Bros. Infinite Beyond Season 3: The Four Titans (pending name)

The Four Titans is a pending name for a live storymode involving Infinite Beyond where the festivals are tied to it with Year 2 Festival heralding the the story in.

Birthed from the primordial chaos that was Galeem and Dharkon, four celestial titans were born to help govern the natural energies of the cosmos. As Dharkon perished though, he casted its dark thought throughout time and space and, with it, tainted the four titans with darkness and malice. Instead of governing the cosmos, they sought to usurp it. Crashing through dimensions and universes, the titans have arrived in the wolrd of our heroes. Every character must rise up to defeat these beasts during the festivals and the first players to defeat them will earn kingly rewards.
Now, I want to keep them open ended but the Titans will be based on our Festivals. I do want us to be able to choose what Titan we will go with. Here is what I have:

Year 2 Festival Titan
  • Fire​
  • Electric​
Festival of Frost Titan
  • Ice​
  • Water​
Festival of Spring Titan
  • Nature​
  • Earth​
  • Wind​
Festival of Fright Titan
  • Shadow​
  • Anything we haven't used​
Newcomers will no longer be tied to the festival theme but rather how they will interact with this story. During each festival, a titan will arraive to wage war against the Smash Hub and is an every looming presence during it. By completing on online tournaments, the story mode which is accessed online, and so on - players can earn rewards with the highest rewards being for defeating the Titan but this is easier said then done becauswe they are some of hardest bosses to fight which comes not only in battle phases but stages which can only be gained by unlocking furter through gameplay.

Basically, fight the titan and "defeat them" to unlock the next stage which has certain criteria to be fulfilled before facing them again in a different type of battle. This will happen 3 times.

Now, for our discussion,

What would fit best for these Festival Titans?
We will begin constructing the story and Titan for our first one. But before we do that, we need to lay down groundwork. Which Titan best fits the Festival?

Year 2 Festival Titan
  • Fire
  • Electric
Festival of Frost Titan
  • Ice
  • Water
Festival of Spring Titan
  • Nature
  • Earth
  • Wind
Festival of Fright Titan
  • Shadow
  • Poison
  • Ground
  • Anything we haven't used
Now, there will be one final Titan that is like the Grand Tian for the Year 3 Festival. But we will get into that later... Please let us know what do you think would be better. Now, if you have a better idea for these, that is fine. But I feel the timing for this up here is perfectly balanced so we are sticking with these festivals.

it's not Godzilla......
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I’m partial to Fire, Ice, Nature, and Earth myself for our Titans.

We will be doing a first party character tomorrow ish.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
This live story mode is so very interesting,and so cool of having elemental titans and someone who aren't just Fire, Earth, Air and Water, and i always believed that Electricity and Ice are good elements who nobody says


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
For one, the story mode sounds very serious at the moment and given this is a game where Mike Jones can beat up Master Chief alongside Morrigan and Style Savvy Stylist, I think we could lighten the tone a bit.

Ice - Sour
Spring - Sweet
Fright - Bitter
Year 2 - Savory

This could still work within being a sequel to World of Light though! Being the starring character of the last story mode, Kirby can return, with his goal being to straight-up eat the titans, with our DLC cast helping him out. I think that would be really fun.

Keep in mind, I haven't contributed in a minute. So I'm not sure if my ideas match up with what's been added so far.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
For one, the story mode sounds very serious at the moment and given this is a game where Mike Jones can beat up Master Chief alongside Morrigan and Style Savvy Stylist, I think we could lighten the tone a bit.

Ice - Sour
Spring - Sweet
Fright - Bitter
Year 2 - Savory

This could still work within being a sequel to World of Light though! Being the starring character of the last story mode, Kirby can return, with his goal being to straight-up eat the titans, with our DLC cast helping him out. I think that would be really fun.

Keep in mind, I haven't contributed in a minute. So I'm not sure if my ideas match up with what's been added so far.
There will be a lighter tone to of course but it will try to capture the tone and scope of WoL and SSE. But still be corny. Think of Kid Icarus Uprising type vibes.

like the Titans taunting you with corny lines in the hub world as they tower over you.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will be eventually jumping into our Newcomer character. I have a general idea of the content we will include in Year 2 and I’m excited to see what Year 3 brings and I will be writing that out soon. That being said, in a couple of hours, we will be jumping into newcomer submissions for our Year 2 Festival to round it off.

This character will be first party and can be mostly any character but with 2 rules:
  • Due to including Mike Jones, it can't be a retro character
  • We had Squid Sisters and Toad last year so, to avoid a repeat, no Mario or Splatoon characters
This is to give you all a heads up; it's not submission time.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ok every, sorry for the wait...

We are officially kicking off our Year 2 Festival!

This is to celebrate our Year 2 for the Smash Infinite Beyond DLC. We added lots of crazy and fun content with newcomers Sub-Zero, Klonoa, Sans, Mike Jones, and Morrigan appearing! We have two more characters to add during our Year 2 Festival but, remember, these characters coming in Year 3 do not have an impact on the festival but more so tied in with our over-arching story of four celestial Titans coming to wreck havoc on our Smash realm.

Our first character that will be revealed prior to the festival starting which is all of November is:

Submit a First Party Newcomer

As mentioned, this character must fulfill the following criteria:
  • First Party
  • Can't be from a retro (NES and back) due to Mike Jones
  • Can't be from Mario or Splatoon due to Squid Sisters and Toad appearing last year

When submitting, please provide the following content:
  • Name
  • Series
    A write up of the character and why they are noteworthy
  • Why this character should be put in to celebrate the 2nd year of SSBIB


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

The Diver, as they will be called, is the player character of the scuba diving adventure game Endless Ocean. In this game, your job is to explore areas of the ocean in search of both sea life and buried treasure, with up to 4 players joining in your expeditions. The game got it's start on the Wii, developed by fighting game developer Arika of all groups, and has two games under its belt, including the upcoming Endless Ocean: Luminous for Nintendo Switch. A character who fights as though they were underwater hasn't been done before and a diving game isn't represented with a playable character yet, so the Diver covers both niches. They could be a highly-mobile fighter who weaves around fighters and railroads their actions to their advantage, sometimes having other sea help them.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
First Party Newcomer for Year 2 Festival: Chibi-Robo


Chibi-Robo is the eponymous protagonist from Chibi-Robo!,he is a little robot who lives in a house and collecting happy points.

I know that Chibi-Robo don't have a game for switch,but he need a chance to be in smash, he is added as a Mii costume,have a stage and he is a playable character from a Smash fangame called Super Smash Flash 2,and Chibi-Robo is not so popular as Mario,Pokémon,Zelda and others,while the Year 1 Festival was kinda Nintendo 64-themed,the Year 2 Festival will be Gamecube-themed,and Chibi-Robo was debuted on Gamecube.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Nooklings (Animal Crossing)

Tom Nooks twin apprentices. Suprisingly no new rep for the series has been added at all for Inifinte. Feel like a new series repwould be long anticipated. Tom Nook is arguably the 1st choice when it comes the the next series rep but feel like the Nooklings could be a little more fun & unique. They are still very recognizable & can utilize mechanics similar to Ice Climbers or even Rosalina, Pikmin, or something kind of new if you wanted. Either way we dont see alot of these kinds of fighters & it being for a Year 2 kickoff could be kind of fitting.
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

Tom Nook
AC is overdue a new rep considering how huge the series has become. Tom is an icon of the series and has been a request for some time. He could have a fun moveset with a money system like Finn the Human or Mr. Krabs (there's a sentence you don't get to write every day). He could swing sacks of money around, balloons, shovels and more.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2022
Skull Kid

Skull Kid is perhaps an iconic antagonist from the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Most notably for its appearance and the mask himself. He is the main villain of Majora's Mask who attempted to destroy Termina by crashing the Moon upon it.

With Zelda being Nintendo's second most popular franchise. I can see many people wanting Skull Kid in due to Majora's Mask being one of the most beloved games at the time and still has a strong fan following now. Leading for fan projects and even an well-known creepypasta based on the game itself. Skull Kid even has enough fans who wanted to see him, appeared as an asset trophy for Smash Ultimate. But this time? I think he should bring more of the pain as a fighter for Infinite Beyond. Being a fan favorite pick and all. Nostagia is marketable nowadays for good or bad reasons, so he fits that pretty well.

As for his moveset, Skull Kid has lot of potential for a moveset especially with lot of Youtube videos and well-written online ones being made for him. Generally, Skull Kid is an intuitive character who can use dark magic to his whimes. Making him a sorcery based floaty character with ranged attacks but lightweight as well, allowing him to fire the power of curses onto other fighters but leaving him a bit open where he could get easily thrown off the stage if not careful enough.

Finally of course, the Final Smash would be the Moon from Majora's Mask falling. This time, personally I think it should be more cinematic like Yoshi's Final Smash for example where Skull Kid sends/attacks the fighter into Termina where they are forced to see the Moon quickly approaching down the town, leading for an massive explosion that can instantly kill anyone if their damage percentage is above 100.

Overall, I believe Skull Kid is a very good pick for an assist trophy promotion and an fan favorite one for old and new fans alike. definitely being an iconic and recognizable villain as well along with a fun magical moveset in general.
Resubmitting Skull Kid
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Smash Champion
Oct 2, 2019
New Jersey
Alear (Fire Emblem)


As I have checked...we have not added a new Fire Emblem character just yet for Infinite Beyond and given the fact the Fire Emblem franchise is so memed in this game, we should add the newest protagonists even though the game is a year old. Basically, Alear can have a whole moveset based around the whole engaging gimmick with a meter that allows for stronger versions of their special moves and such. They can have even a reference referencing Fire Emblem's history of course with various weapons from Fire Emblem characters who have emblems in their game so a tribute moveset. I know my pick probably isn't going to win but...with the correlation between the Smash Bros and Fire Emblem series, this would be a fun pick.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Ashley Robbins (Another Code)

A character that just received a remake on the Switch for both of her games. The premise of the game is that Ashley arrives on a remote island with her aunt Jessica and teams up with a ghost named D to search for her father. She would represent an underrepresented genre in puzzle games and point and click adventure games. Right now she is super relevant and if there was ever a better time to add, now would be the time.

Ashley Robins's spirit battle
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Alear (Fire Emblem)

View attachment 387502

As I have checked...we have not added a new Fire Emblem character just yet for Infinite Beyond and given the fact the Fire Emblem franchise is so memed in this game, we should add the newest protagonists even though the game is a year old. Basically, Alear can have a whole moveset based around the whole engaging gimmick with a meter that allows for stronger versions of their special moves and such. They can have even a reference referencing Fire Emblem's history of course with various weapons from Fire Emblem characters who have emblems in their game so a tribute moveset. I know my pick probably isn't going to win but...with the correlation between the Smash Bros and Fire Emblem series, this would be a fun pick.
ALear would be a good pick - especially if the newcomer is tied to our current "titan invasion".

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I was thinking of a character who I felt could possibly fit the whole narrative as someone who could aide our fellow characters in defeating the incoming nemesis but I thought....

Why does it have to be a good person. I was going to submit Euden but I ultimately decided against it. Then I thought of this character....


Porky Minch
Porky Minch hails from Earthbound/Mother and is a character who consistently has an appearance in Smash in some form.... save for Ultimate which was odd. Anyways, Porky returned as a boss for Infinite and Infinite Beyond but perhaps its best to retire this character and allow him to become fully playable? Porky has tons of inspiration to draw from not to mention the spider-mech he pilots which would probably be the largest and heaviest character but also fun of mind games and traps. While I question having Ninten, Ness, and Lucas plus Porky, I do think adding Porky would be a fun nod.

In regards to Porky's role, I feel Porky could have a role that aids the Titans but ultimately betrays them in favor for adding our heroes. Porky is a sad character who is largely misunderstood. Perhaps the wanting of friendship could be what spurs Porky to side with our heroes?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2013
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong)

Cranky Kong is an incredibly important Nintendo character, being Mario's first adversary in the classic 1981 arcade game Donkey Kong, the character we now know as Donkey Kong being Cranky Kong's grandson. When Rare came along and reinvented the franchise with Donkey Kong Country, Cranky became more of a side character. But that all changed when he was made a playable assist character in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, appearing alongside the trio of Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie. Even bigger still is his major role in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, voiced by Fred Armisen. I just think Cranky Kong would be a nice nod to Nintendo's past while also having relevance to the present and possibly the future, if his profile continues to increase like it has in the last decade.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I will be running behind possibly on voting but I do want to get it started. Please do submit your content ASAP.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
My submission: Toxtricity

Debuting in Pokémon Sword and Shield, they are quite the breakout Pokémon. While I considered some different ones (Lugia, Hattena, Boltund and Corviknight), I thought Toxtricity would be a fun choice. An electric and poison type, this one will use moves like Poison Jab and Overdrive, allowing for some unique moves. The 2 forms above are their default skins.

Also given the month the fighter will be revealed in, it would be an anniversary of multiple Pokémon games including Sword and Shield
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Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2024

Magolor is a character from Kirby, debuting in Kirby's Return to Dream Land. He's a charming wizard who crashed in Kirby's home. He turned out to be the villain, but after the game, he manages to redeem himself. He even made recurring appearances in various Kirby games after, and is so prominent that it probably wouldn't be a stretch to call him the 5th main character of Kirby.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon

Undeniably overdue, and in a post-Waluigi world, he'd be no doubt seeing a surge in requests, so a great way to celebrate two years into Beyond! I'd love a floaty character who attacks with Rupee projectiles of some kind. I wonder how his cartography could be worked into the story. Maybe he makes the world map that the player uses.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
The Diver, as they will be called, is the player character of the scuba diving adventure game Endless Ocean. In this game, your job is to explore areas of the ocean in search of both sea life and buried treasure, with up to 4 players joining in your expeditions. The game got it's start on the Wii, developed by fighting game developer Arika of all groups, and has two games under its belt, including the upcoming Endless Ocean: Luminous for Nintendo Switch. A character who fights as though they were underwater hasn't been done before and a diving game isn't represented with a playable character yet, so the Diver covers both niches. They could be a highly-mobile fighter who weaves around fighters and railroads their actions to their advantage, sometimes having other sea help them.
Nintendo released an Endless Ocean promo video right after this submission lol, they're rooting for you.


Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thank you everyone for your submissions! I appreciate all of your efforts to add content!

The Diver, as they will be called, is the player character of the scuba diving adventure game Endless Ocean. In this game, your job is to explore areas of the ocean in search of both sea life and buried treasure, with up to 4 players joining in your expeditions. The game got it's start on the Wii, developed by fighting game developer Arika of all groups, and has two games under its belt, including the upcoming Endless Ocean: Luminous for Nintendo Switch. A character who fights as though they were underwater hasn't been done before and a diving game isn't represented with a playable character yet, so the Diver covers both niches. They could be a highly-mobile fighter who weaves around fighters and railroads their actions to their advantage, sometimes having other sea help them.
First Party Newcomer for Year 2 Festival: Chibi-Robo

View attachment 387497

Chibi-Robo is the eponymous protagonist from Chibi-Robo!,he is a little robot who lives in a house and collecting happy points.

I know that Chibi-Robo don't have a game for switch,but he need a chance to be in smash, he is added as a Mii costume,have a stage and he is a playable character from a Smash fangame called Super Smash Flash 2,and Chibi-Robo is not so popular as Mario,Pokémon,Zelda and others,while the Year 1 Festival was kinda Nintendo 64-themed,the Year 2 Festival will be Gamecube-themed,and Chibi-Robo was debuted on Gamecube.
Nooklings (Animal Crossing)

Tom Nooks twin apprentices. Suprisingly no new rep for the series has been added at all for Inifinte. Feel like a new series repwould be long anticipated. Tom Nook is arguably the 1st choice when it comes the the next series rep but feel like the Nooklings could be a little more fun & unique. They are still very recognizable & can utilize mechanics similar to Ice Climbers or even Rosalina, Pikmin, or something kind of new if you wanted. Either way we dont see alot of these kinds of fighters & it being for a Year 2 kickoff could be kind of fitting.
View attachment 387496
Tom Nook
AC is overdue a new rep considering how huge the series has become. Tom is an icon of the series and has been a request for some time. He could have a fun moveset with a money system like Finn the Human or Mr. Krabs (there's a sentence you don't get to write every day). He could swing sacks of money around, balloons, shovels and more.
View attachment 387499
King Rauru
Zelda is long overdue a new rep and I think Rauru actually had a lot of potential for an interesting moveset making use of the ideas found in TOTK.
Resubmitting Skull Kid
Alear (Fire Emblem)

View attachment 387502

As I have checked...we have not added a new Fire Emblem character just yet for Infinite Beyond and given the fact the Fire Emblem franchise is so memed in this game, we should add the newest protagonists even though the game is a year old. Basically, Alear can have a whole moveset based around the whole engaging gimmick with a meter that allows for stronger versions of their special moves and such. They can have even a reference referencing Fire Emblem's history of course with various weapons from Fire Emblem characters who have emblems in their game so a tribute moveset. I know my pick probably isn't going to win but...with the correlation between the Smash Bros and Fire Emblem series, this would be a fun pick.
Ashley Robbins (Another Code)

A character that just received a remake on the Switch for both of her games. The premise of the game is that Ashley arrives on a remote island with her aunt Jessica and teams up with a ghost named D to search for her father. She would represent an underrepresented genre in puzzle games and point and click adventure games. Right now she is super relevant and if there was ever a better time to add, now would be the time.

Ashley Robins's spirit battle's spirit battle
I was thinking of a character who I felt could possibly fit the whole narrative as someone who could aide our fellow characters in defeating the incoming nemesis but I thought....

Why does it have to be a good person. I was going to submit Euden but I ultimately decided against it. Then I thought of this character....

View attachment 387510
Porky Minch
Porky Minch hails from Earthbound/Mother and is a character who consistently has an appearance in Smash in some form.... save for Ultimate which was odd. Anyways, Porky returned as a boss for Infinite and Infinite Beyond but perhaps its best to retire this character and allow him to become fully playable? Porky has tons of inspiration to draw from not to mention the spider-mech he pilots which would probably be the largest and heaviest character but also fun of mind games and traps. While I question having Ninten, Ness, and Lucas plus Porky, I do think adding Porky would be a fun nod.

In regards to Porky's role, I feel Porky could have a role that aids the Titans but ultimately betrays them in favor for adding our heroes. Porky is a sad character who is largely misunderstood. Perhaps the wanting of friendship could be what spurs Porky to side with our heroes?
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong)

Cranky Kong is an incredibly important Nintendo character, being Mario's first adversary in the classic 1981 arcade game Donkey Kong, the character we now know as Donkey Kong being Cranky Kong's grandson. When Rare came along and reinvented the franchise with Donkey Kong Country, Cranky became more of a side character. But that all changed when he was made a playable assist character in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, appearing alongside the trio of Donkey, Diddy, and Dixie. Even bigger still is his major role in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, voiced by Fred Armisen. I just think Cranky Kong would be a nice nod to Nintendo's past while also having relevance to the present and possibly the future, if his profile continues to increase like it has in the last decade.
My submission: Toxtricity

Debuting in Pokémon Sword and Shield, they are quite the breakout Pokémon. While I considered some different ones (Lugia, Hattena, Boltund and Corviknight), I thought Toxtricity would be a fun choice. An electric and poison type, this one will use moves like Poison Jab and Overdrive, allowing for some unique moves. The 2 forms above are their default skins.

Also given the month the fighter will be revealed in, it would be an anniversary of multiple Pokémon games including Sword and Shield

Magolor is a character from Kirby, debuting in Kirby's Return to Dream Land. He's a charming wizard who crashed in Kirby's home. He turned out to be the villain, but after the game, he manages to redeem himself. He even made recurring appearances in various Kirby games after, and is so prominent that it probably wouldn't be a stretch to call him the 5th main character of Kirby.

Undeniably overdue, and in a post-Waluigi world, he'd be no doubt seeing a surge in requests, so a great way to celebrate two years into Beyond! I'd love a floaty character who attacks with Rupee projectiles of some kind. I wonder how his cartography could be worked into the story. Maybe he makes the world map that the player uses.

Please vote for the character using ranking voting! Remember that this character will appearing in Year 2 and will take an active role in furthering the plot for Year 2 in regards to our incoming titan.

Here are the submissions in listed form:

Diver (Endless Ocean)
Chibi Robo (Chibi-Robo)
Nooklings (Animal Crossing)
King Rauru (Zelda)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Skull Kid (Zelda)
Alear (Fire Emblem)
Ashley Robbins (Another Code)
Porky Minch (Mother)
Cranky Kong (Donke Kong)
Toxtricity (Pokemon)
Magalor (Kirby)
Tingle (Zelda)



Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Mainly pulling for Alear, Diver, and Nook. Engage is one of my favorite games in 2023 and we haven't added a FE character yet to Beyond while every Smash game since Melee has added at least one. I think Alear's ring mechanic could be excellent moveset potential as well. Endless Ocean is super relevant and a good game series and I think the diving moveset could be super interesting. And Animal Crossing could use a third rep since it hasn't received anything in Infinite at all yet.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
My main concern is would be how to factor these characters into the storyline for Season 3 as they inclusion will help impact that story. This will be a common trend with other newcomers this season as opposed to being influenced by the festival theme.

I will say though that we have some amazing additions and submissions. I think they would all be fairly interesting from variety of persepctives.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are my thoughts on submissions:

Diver (While the thought of Endless ocean content is interesting, the Diver as a character seems a bit lackluster for me and I am not sure how it would translate into a character. A stage would be awesome though and I personally think that is where we should look to.)

Chibi-Robo (An underdog pick who has a lot going for them but also a presence of a stage already in Smash could help us include other stages not connected to a new series.)

Nooklings (an odd but interesting pick that is similar in scope to Squid Sisters - a sleeper pick who could be really interesting but Tom Nook wins out for me)

King Rauru (Personally, I prefer other picks beyond Rauru including The Four Champions, Master Kohga and even Skull Kid and Midna & Wolf Link. I personally have always scratched my head with this character is submitted as I felt there were better additions.)

Tom Nook (My top pick for an Animal Crossing regardless of the discussion though Blathers is sort of high on my lift. Sort of a Phoenix Wright-type idea involving insects, museum donations, and throwing dino bones.)

Skull Kid (I have always supported Skull Kid and still do but the Four Champions, Guardian, and Mater Kohga have swayed me to their side.)

Alear (My top pick. I think this character makes PERFECT sense for this job as not only a good Fire Emblem pick but also a character who can UNITE the Smash characters against our first Titan. I think this character make sense from a story point but also gameplay.)

Ashley Robbins (She has always appeared on by B-tier lists; even waaaaaay back in the day. Not sure how she would play and, personally, I prefer Yuri or Akari as an "innocent female" character but still an interesting pick. My main concern is her normal sounding name is similar in a Mike Jones sort of way and being in the same Year kind of rubs me the wrong way.)

Porky Minch (My submission so I won't comment on this one.)

Cranky Kong (A funny pick and one I would support had we not have this overarching story involving heroism and what not. Crank is sur eheroic but in a ..... cranky way. It would be funny to hear him lay down some scolding though. Still, I feel there are better additions in this listing)

Toxtricity (Honestly, not really a good pick since Sw/Sh has largely departed from Smash. We have a S/V addition so I fail to see the reason why we should go back to Sw/Sh. I honestly see more focus on perhaps B/W for a character. Toxtricity seems like just a second thought addition without any barring on the story.)

Magalor (I like Magalor but Marx is my goal to for a character from Kirby. Magalor could be a nice foil for heroes and act as an anti-hero character.)

Tingle (Tingle might be a fun addition but, as I said, I far prefer other characters beyond Tingle.)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
As we wait for voting to finish, we will be submitting for the following content...

Submit a Design for the Fire Titan
We will begin submitting a design for the Fire Titan. This will be open the entire weekend where you can submit a drawing for our beloved Fire Titan. While you are free to a design of your own creation, we need to keep this design element intact in your drawing:

The design will be monstrous with the titan wreathed in fire but, in terms of overarching design, will be a bit carttonish in appearance as if someone is wearing a Godzilla'sized rubbersuit. In terms of design inspiration, World of Warcraft is a suitable reference. Please look at this

Now, also keep in mind that defeating the Fire Titan (and any Titan) is no small feat as it comes in three stages
  • A giant phase​
  • An elemental phase where the Titan is reduced to elemental energy form​
  • Reduced but more powerful Super Mushroom-sized version​
These stages do not come one after another but conditions must be met before trying the second stage. Finally, defeating the third stage gives the player a number of items including but not all (* indicates for sure it will be received upon first playthrough)
  • "Fire Titan Slayer" online title *
  • Fire Titan Final Destination Variation *
  • Various content found in Year 1 or Year 2 Content
  • Various content found in this Festival *
  • Fire Titan Shoulder Pal
  • Fire Titan Collectible Effect
  • Spirit *
  • Battle Song *
  • Fire Titan Mii Costume *
  • Fire Titan influenced Speeder or Airship (selectable by player)
With that being said, the design of the Fire Titan will affect the look of:
  • The shoulder pal
  • The Mii Costume
  • The Aiirship/Speeder

So please make sure that, when you submit a design, that you keep this in mind that your design will affect other content.

Submit a Fire General
One of the pathways to get to the Fire Titan revolves defeating one of the Fire Generals which occurs on a Fire General Battlefield variation. A Fire General is a captured Smash character much like in WoL who has been transformed to house a sliver of power of the fire titan. We will be choosing a character to base our Fire General off from. The character can of course have a connection to Fire such as Bowser and Charizard but characters who do not such as Donkey Kong or Fox is also allowed but characters like Greninja, Pikachu, and Isaac obviously are not allowed.

There will be four Generals per festival who are the gatekeepers to the Fire Titan. The appearance of the Fire General is:
  • Size of the Super Mushroom Character​
  • Changed to be a more fiery/lava/volcanic version of the character​
  • Can't be based off a pre-existing version of that character....see Mega Charizard or Fury Bowser. Must be original​
  • Has access to new moves including a New Final Smash​

Defeating the Fire General isn't that easy because in order to progress forward and gain what you need to unlock the next pathway, you must fulfill a requirement much like how Smash's Spirit Battles are. This can be
  • Not losing a stock​
  • Finishing the fight in a minute​
  • Finish with a Final Smash​
  • etc, etc, etc​

Not fulfilling these requirements won't end the battle but won't give the player what they need to unlock the next stage to getting to the Titan. However, players do get various smaller rewards for defeating the opponent such as getting Festival or Year 1/2 Content.

Defeating the Fire General along with fulfilling the requirements will gift the player the following content:
  • A Fire General Costume for that Character *​
  • Battle Song (given to the first battle) *​
  • A Spirit for that Character *​
  • Festival/Year 1/Year 2 Content​
  • Update on your Smash Profile of your progress which is viewed by everyone​
In terms of what we are submitting,

  • Submit a character who will be a Fire General​
  • How the character looks contrasted to their typical appearance​
  • What new moves does this Fire General have​
  • What is their new Final Smash​
This submission process will continue into tomorrow.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
If those jobs do not fit your cup of tea, you may also submit this content....

Submit a Firework
During the Festival, even though we have a looming Titan who arrived on a meteor and declared war on the Smash Universe while capturing four fighters you must defeat, we are still celebrating the Year 2 Festival so Fireworks will be going off during it through the hub no matter where you have open sky. Beyond having Fireworks for our Smash series symbols, it will also have Fireworks in the shape of content

Like this,....

This is a common type of firework in Japanese firework shows. Please submit a firework design that makes sense. It can't be a firework of Sephiroth stabbing Cloud but a Chocobo firework, Goomba firework, or a Rare Candy firework is obviously possible.,

I actually got this idea while watching this video ....

Complete with semi ominous music for when the Titan does show up in the Hub which is a nice contrast to a celebratory mood while having this huge threat looming over us.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Design for Fire Titan:

Fire lord by thiago-almeida on DeviantArt.jpeg

(Credits:thiago-almeida on DeviantArt)

(This is just an example)

The Fire Titan is just a monster who can be a giant demon,the Fire Titan could have a volcano rocks-like skin,and the Fire Titan can have a masculine and scary appearence
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