Here is my stage submission. I am not finished yet but I will later on today...
The stage is the size of Final Destination with one major feature: it transforms in layout as it cycles through various locations within Subspace. Here are the locations and descriptions. The version will transition using the Gateway Doors found in the stages that will open causing the stage transition.
Midair Stadium
This is a pretty standard stage and is Final Destination-like in appearance and function. Petey Piranha is visible in the background with Peach and Zelda in cages in the background. If Peach or Zelda are present in battle, then Miis are swapped in. If Pirahna Plant is selected, none of them appear.
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The Plains
This section is composed of a floating earthy platform with ancient rock-like floating platforms. The stage itself is situated in a way like Green Hill Zone with two raised platforms on either side with a middle indent in the middle with two platforms floating overhead this section.
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The following three enemies are stage hazards here:
Ruined Zoo
The Ruined Zoo is dismal and long abandoned. The Statue of Porky Minch can be seen in the distance causing issues for everyone but it is not a stage hazard. The stage itself is similar to The Plains. This portion is the only one that technically is based on an actual video game,
Earthbound. It is set similar to The Plains but the left side has a much higher which consists of a large bird cage that has since deteriorated with broken cages. The left side is far smaller and consists of a wooden tower platform. There is now just two floating platforms made out of wood in the center.
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Opponents that appear in this version as stage hazards are:
Research Facility
This version is a far departure from the rest with two small Final Destination-like platforms on either side of each other and a platform that travels between the two platforms followed by a bottomless pit. Like Space Frigate Orpheon, the lights will turn on and off occasionally.
Eenemies that appear here as stage hazards includes:
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Going back to the original concept, it is just a Final Destination platform utilizing the Subspace aesthetic. Certain enemies that appear include:
Following the Subspace section, it returns back to the Midair Stadium