Well, she had these crazy self-centered views about herself as basically the center of the universe, and would do anything to amuse herself. When I first hinted I'd like to ask her out (2 years before she ever said yes), she went out with another guy, and broke his heart. When she finally said yes to me, she played with another guy as if he "couldn't touch her" (note: this guy later became a good friend of mine), and then I figured out (by cues about her) that she was cheating on me, so I jumped off that pony ASAP!!! And that is why I loved being single in high school right there.
Reminds me of this girl I dated after I graduated High School. She was SMOKING hot, but JESUS was she a ****. I actually never had sex with her out of fear from how many STDs she may have collected by then. She was very extroverted and always caused trouble, but I liked that, I broke the law with her a couple times, though whenever she went overboard, I'd pass. Like stealing, she liked to shoplift, but I never accompanied her on those escapades. She was a self-proclaimed clepto and nympho. Anyway, we went out for a while, and I had a lot of fun, she was actually and old ex of a very good friend of mine (he was done with her like ages ago, so he was cool with it, he just warned me to be careful as she was trouble - and boy was she, but it was still fun), we did tons of things together, and making out with her was something else. Anyway, eventually she wanted to do it, real bad, and I kept putting it off (I was still a virgin too so). Eventually she got pissed, and we broke up, I didn't mind so much, even though I did like her, but it was such a strange mix of feelings that it was more of a relief than sorrow.
Anyway, to try and make me jealous, she started to date my best buddy Thor (yes that's his name, that's why I said it, isn't that a ****ing awesome first name?) who played in my band (he was the bassist), only to have him basically do the same exact thing that I did to her. He also told her that "no sex unless we have commitment" which basically pissed her off and made her hate me cause she thought I was behind it (I thought it was ****ing funny and ironic). To make a long story short, she basically plotted this convoluted revenge plan that could have gotten me arrested, but it failed thanks to the keen of a VERY good friend. Eventually, she got over the whole ordeal and we never talked again.
But yeah, she had that same exact egocentric attitude you described. One where she felt she was the queen because she was so attractive.
The biggest thing about attraction is people are attracted to confidence and dedication, and although I have self-doubts like everyone else,, and I never stopped.
I'd say women prefer that. Most men will agree that innocence is a very attractive quality in women. That's why many guys seek virgins (though imo virgins are overrated). But yeah, being confident in what you are capable of doing is attractive to girls, it goes back to that genetics talk, girls like someone they feel the can depend on emotionally. Someone who is strong and possesses qualities the struggle with.
Yeah, I just got it through by introducing her to a lot of my friends, all of whom obviously love to see me. She also met my family, which she figured out a thing or two why I am the way I am. She also figured out I meant every word I said and followed it up with action, which is something that is best proven with time.
Time man, time is your best friend. I agree.