Something I think would be cool would be a stage that goes through the history of a franchise, like instead of going from place to place, you'd go from game to game. Something I could imagine is a Zelda stage called "Dungeon Crawl" that covers dungeons from the original, LTTP, OoT, MM, WW, TP, and SS. If I had to choose the dungeons, the original would get a generic dungeon layout with 8 bit stalfos, like-likes, etc, LTTP would get the Palace of Darkness complete with a Helmasaur King, OoT would get the Forest Temple with wolfos, poes, and, of course, Phantom Ganon, MM would get a rotating Stone Tower, WW would get the Wind Temple complete with jet streams, TP would get Arbiters Grounds complete with Stallord, and, of course, SS would get Ancient Cistern with Koloktos.