This is why I wish Nintendo would just take the Sega route and focus on software. None of these offerings interest me to the point of buying a WiiU. None of these games will provide an experience vastly different than what we've had in previous generations. And yet, this is all that will supposedly keep the console afloat. I grew up with Nintendo mostly because of their multiplayer game offerings (Smash, Goldeneye, PD, MK, DKR, Bomberman64, etc); games with insane replay value that I would play with friends for months on end. Now the trend has gone online when it comes to multiplayer (Xbox Live was reason alone to buy a 360) and it feels like maybe I'm alone in failing to relive childhood memories with Nintendo. It's been 3 generations, Nintendo is still suffering from a lack of third party support (Ubisoft and EA just announced that they won't be working on exclusives until console sales pick up), and I'm supposed to still be excited for Mario Kart? For SNES Donkey Kong in HD? For a WW remake? And after what happened with Brawl, ugh. Anyways, I have one year to think it over... Also, X did look pretty cool. It's kind of strange that we were only given a trailer with no info whatsoever about the game. Is it a JRPG MMO?
But yeah, probably wrong thread to talk about this. Haven't browsed these boards in years.