I doubt the next Mega Man game released will be part of the original series anyways.
I think it probably will, or be some sort of series that uses the original Mega Man. I think either a large-scale 2D version of the original Mega Man with a lot more going on
Johnknight, I've played MM, MMX, ZX, and Battle Network. I was talking about Original Megaman, so, stop desperately trying to defend the series when it really is stale. At least Star Fox tried at innovation. Whether or not it was well recieved is a different story.
You didn't specify. And to be fair, when franchises change, they often branch off into sub-franchises. See: Mario with all the sports titles, Mario Kart, Mario Golf, etc. Heck, Sonic branched off into sub-franchises back in the day, and it was always referred to as something else, and sometimes, featured different main characters.
As for the classic series, yeah, it was stale from Mega Man 4-8 or so, but Mega Man 1-3 were all very fresh and unique games. Heck, 9 and 10 were also pretty new. But more importantly, they were good games, which is more important than anything else IMO. I'd rather buy something that adds nothing that's incredibly enjoyable than play something that is totally innovative but is crap, which is why I play Civilization IV over say the first MMO.
But still, you are right in the implications that there has been over-saturation of the franchise, which is very true. Hopefully Capcom does the right thing with the franchise, and try a new spin on the old franchise, and tries to revitalize it, similar to what SEGA recently has done with Sonic, or Nintendo with DKC Returns.
Star Fox tried new things, and they weren't innovative, and they weren't very good, which is why the series has been more dead than Mega Man (sans the remake of the remake). Trying new things does not equal innovation, especially when it had been done better before. Innovation rarely happens in a large scale in video games, especially from big developers with established franchises. Mario Galaxy was the last time a big name franchise had any sort of huge innovation IMO, and that was about 5 years ago.