No Nintendog mention? :3Looking back on it, the Brawl trailer really wasn't that special in its content but it was effective in its delivery. The thing that made it effective was how it revealed just enough information to drive most fans crazy with curiosity, which is ultimately the point of trailers anyways. It also happened at a pace that it was hard to register everything that was going on. First Mario/Link/Pikachu/Kirby changed to have significantly better graphics in the span of about 6 seconds before introducing final smashes in the span of 11 seconds while revealing three new stages and four new characters in the span of about a minute and 10 seconds. At the end, they then dragged out Snake's reveal for nearly a minute just to rub it in everyone's face that one of the former taboo's of the franchise (no third party characters allowed) had been shattered. In my opinion, the only other trailer in Nintendo's history that had been more effective in its delivery was Twilight Princess even though they largely followed the same formula: show a few old things, show a few new things, and offer few explanations about either.
Kinda wish I saved the link from a few months ago where Sakurai said he would try and top Brawl's trailer. Not going to get my hopes up that high for a lot of already mentioned reasons, but it wouldn't be fair to not give the man a chance to blow away my expectations again and live up to the hype this game has already created.
My major question is how he will present the cross platform connectivity in an exciting way. Can't get the dullness of waiting for Pokemon to be traded out of my head when it comes to this.