Pac-Man was the Mario of his era (THE icon of gaming in general), in my opinion he is well deserving of a spot in the new smash.
Wrong again. He was the icon of
arcade gaming. He still is. Regular console and handheld gaming, he's got nothing on. He is a possible character, but his games just don't hold up overall like the others do.
And he's still one of the best known video game icons to date, better known than Sonic and Megaman.
And besides, the original and Ms. Pac-Man are timeless, I still enjoy them to this day...
All this is irrelevant, if you read what I actually said. His newer games don't hold up to the other 3's newer games. This is why they're in different leagues. Mario, Sonic, and MegaMan hold up as gaming icons for all time as do their games. Pac-Man only holds up during his Arcade points. Anything that's not Arcade, has fell flat. His only relevant appearance was as a guest and that's it. He himself has no relevant new games. Which the rest do. This is why they are not the same type of icons. Pac-Man does not represent gaming as a whole and never did. He just reps Arcade Gaming very damn well. Mario, Sonic, and MegaMan represent Console Gaming and Mario also represents a lot of Arcade Gaming too. He's the only character who really shows off gaming as a whole. Sonic and MegaMan have games among all the variations, being Console, Handheld, and Arcade(PC too, but that's not Gaming-specific, but they also do that, although Pac-Man and MegaMan don't seem to have any PC-specific stuff like the other two did). Pac-Man really only has Arcade Gaming on his side. People give him credit he just doesn't deserve. When did he make Consoles, PC's, or Handhelds notable? The rest did in some way(save MegaMan at best). He only deserves credit for making the Arcade notable, and that's the end of it.
Gaming as a whole had things like Space Invaders first. Pong came first too. Chess was a video game even beforehand. Paccy does a terrible job of repping gaming as a whole, as he doesn't even have a well-received game on all 4 types of platforms(Arcade, PC, Console, Handheld), or even most of that(PC may be an exception for Mario, but the rest...).
If namco had to put one in, it would definitely be pac...
Not really. It could be anyone. Namco-Bandai has a ton of choices. Pac-Man is just one of them. Tales Of is widely received well worldwide and has a ton of games, not just one good one. Tekken and Soul Calibur are the same thing. The only one I could say his games held up better against as a whole is Digimon alone. And that's it. Again, giving him way too much credit that he doesn't deserve.
I didn't even know about the existence of the tales games before I joined Smashboards.
Personal stuff doesn't really make it a common occurrence. A lot of people know about Tales Of, and Tales of Symphonia is the most popular US Tales Of game known.(at least, last information given. May have changed. This is one of the few localized ones, though, that came off well) Tekken is pretty well known too. Digimon has its moments, but I'd say Pac-Man has the better games as a whole in that case. There's been no really freakin' awesome Digimon games to date, so... Soul Calibur's only bad reputation has been sexism-related for the most part. As well as "Let's make everybody hot, or nearly everybody" type stuff. The gameplay is still popular to this day, and only one game received bad ratings, being Soul Calibur Legends. The rest, not so much.