I tried turning it into a gameplay discussion about how Pac-Man would play, what his moveset would be like, what his playstyle would be like, and what his skillset would be like, and his potential strengths and weaknesses, but no one wants to discuss that. The whole point of this was to test you all in regards to what matters (GAMEPLAY! GAMEPLAY! GAMEPLAY!), and clearly, no one wants to jump in.
THE CHAMP tries to rile people up for gameplay discussion, and no one takes the bait time after time. Meanwhile, I drop one hint of "relevancy" debates, and everyone loses their freaking minds and jumps all over me even though all I did was state facts.
That shows that these boards and this thread are run by nothing but stupid fanboys, idiotic anti-fanboys, and moronic character speculations. Honestly, if it were up to me, I would ban all character speculation aside from gameplay talks.
I guess no one else plans on playing these 2 forthcoming games for thousands of hours like I do. Instead, they want to talk about stupid popularity contests.
This thread is just like all the character threads: it sucks. C'ya.