The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Isn't it the same for Mega Man and SonicOkay, now you're just being delusional. Pac-Man isn't exactly primarily known for platforming and it's certainly not how he started out. XD
Look, I know your niche group of Pac-Man fans love him and all, but let's face it. The reality of things is exactly what BKupa666 said. His possibility is relying solely on his old and rather irrelevant "legacy". Not so much on any widespread desire for him.
Whether you can believe it or not, not a lot of people have any desire to see Pac-Man in Smash. I won't say "no one wants him at all" cause that would be silly considering how you and that other person are responding, but the people who do want Pac-Man or even see him as this "amazing icon" rather than just another old retro game are an incredibly small group.
"Well-known" and "well-desired" are two completely different things. People know who Pac-Man is, but he's certainly not popular or largely wanted. He'd just be overlooked with a gigantic "meh".
Seriously, you Pac-Man fans need to stop taking everything as an attack if it isn't what you think or want.
Oh, and lastly:
When was the last great Mega Man game released? SNES maybe
and Sonic?
Yeah, they are more popular but their popularity comes from their legacy