I was born in SoCal, and I lived there until I was 9, and Goddamn I hate the LA area.
A giant freaking city suburban urban area with about 10,000,000 people in the freaking desert with no water, a refusal to use desaltinization (instead, they choose to destroy natural resources which will screw us over like the Dust Bowl; yes, even up here in NorCal where you get a lot of your water from), a bunch of lazy a** people, some of the worst politicians in the country, some of the worst people in the country, a crap ton of awful pollution and emissions, crime nearly everywhere, tons of illegal immigrants sucking up all the damn money, guys stupidly getting stupid chicks pregnant with babies they can't afford like it's going out of style, tons of crappy cops, awful hospitals (a few almost killed my brother), and all my relatives I can't stand=???
Yep, I don't envy you.
Orange County is cool though, and San Diego is pretty much heaven on Earth.