Post them now.
I'd like Rayman content in Smash (mainly from Rayman 1 and Rayman 2), but I know it won't happen.
Alrighty then! Had to work on it a bit so sorry for the delay.
[collapse=Rayman]ACombo- Jabs with right fist, then left, finishes with right.
FTilt- Kicks forward, can be angled up or down.
UTilt- Same as ACombo, but upwards.
DTilt- Sweep kick.
Dash- Spins around while swinging fists.
FSmash- His iconic windup punch, can hold the smash indefinately and run and jump with it before releasing.
USmash- Winds up his fist for an upwards punch, but cannot hold the charge.
DSmash- Slams his fist into the ground.
Nair- Whirls around while kicking.
Fair- Kicks out forwards, similar to Mario's.
Uair- Does an upwards flip kick.
Dair- Slams down into the ground with his fist.
Bair- Kicks behind him in a downward motion.
Tether- Telescopic Fist: Throws out his hand for a grab, can be used to grab edges from a distance.
Pummel- Headbutts opponent.
FThrow- Spins opponent around and throws.
UThrow- Spins his hair into a chopper and grinds opponent onto it.
DThrow- Slams opponent onto the ground,
BThrow- Throws them back and kicks them away.
NeutralB- Energy Shot: Can be rapid fired by tapping special, can be charged by holding it then releasing.
SideB- Plum Toss: Throws a plum at the opponent that has a chance to stick onto their head, causing damage for a short while.
UpB- Flying Ring: A flying ring appears and Rayman grabs onto it to swing himself upwards.
DownB- Body Bounce: Throws his torso downwards, when used in the air it acts as a projectile spike.
Final Smash- (Nothing yet)
[collapse=Banjo-Kazooie]ACombo- Banjo swipes forward with his claws.
FTilt- Kazooie emerges and pecks forward three times.
UTilt- Kazooie swipes her wings upwards, similar to one of Charizard's attacks.
DTilt- Beak barge, Banjo slides forwards using Kazooie's beak as an attack.
Dash- Banjo rolls forward as Kazooie sheilds him with her wings.
FSmash- Breegull bash, Banjo pulls Kazooie out and slams her into the ground in front of him.
USmash- Banjo pulls Kazooie out and swings her beak upwards.
DSmash- Pack wack, Banjo swings his backpack around.
Nair- Banjo spins around while Kazooie spreads her wings in a chopping motion.
Fair- Rat-a-tat Rap, Kazooie pecks forwards.
Uair- Banjo kicks while doing a flip.
Dair- Beak Buster/Bill Drill: When tapped, Kazooie slams down her beak. When held, she does so with a spinning motion.
Bair- Banjo swipes his claws behind him.
Pummel- Kazooie pecks the opponent.
FThrow- Banjo swings Kazooie at the opponent, knocking them away.
UThrow- Banjo throws the opponent upwards and Kazooie hits them from below with her beak.
DThrow- Banjo throws the opponent on the ground and slams Kazooie's beak into them.
BThrow- Banjo throws the opponent behind him and hits them with an egg laid from Kazooie.
NeutralB- Egg Fire (Random): Kazooie shoots a random egg type, normal, fire, ice, and grenade.
SideB- Clockwork Kazooie Egg: Fires out a short range egg that spawns a miniature Kazooie robot that can be controlled similarly to Snake's missiles, but are bound to the ground. Explode after a short time or on command.
UpB- Shock Spring Jump: A Shock Spring Pad appears and Kazooie performs a great leap upwards.
DownB- Egg Bounce (Random): Kazooie lays a random egg type backwards, which bounces along before breaking.
Final Smash- Wonder Wing Flight: Kazooie takes flight while performing the Wonder Wing invincibility move, she can shoot rapid-fire golden eggs during the duration of the Final Smash.[/collapse]