Really? I don't think I ever saw one. I also didn't see any commercials on Youtube for US Okami commercials.
I blame Platinum's lack of advertising on Sega since they don't advertise for much of anything beyond Sonic. I mean, where the heck are the Project Diva commercials?
Yeah, SEGA's advertising is pretty bad, and their Bayonetta advertising wasn't exactly anything memorable.
Meanwhile Nintendo has put out several memorable pitches, ads, and commercials, and they generally have a forward-thinking marketing department, although shutting down the advertising of the Wii U since like January had to be one of the dumbest decisions in video game marketing history. I mean really, what did Nintendo gain from doing that=???
Oh yeah, less than 50,000 people buying said console for 3 straight months!
Hopefully Nintendo markets their big games like Mario 3D World, DKC: Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, and especially Smash Wii U like they did with Mario Kart Wii and Mario Galaxy, because if one thing can make this console a huge hit, it is the games. After all, games sell consoles.