Gah, Fire Emblem discussion, something I have no knowledge about.
Well, guess I'll listen to some VG music for a while.
Here's what you need to know:
1. Swords beat axes, axes beat lances, and lances beat swords unless you're playing *insert blue haired male protagonist here*, then just proceed to murder everybody.
2. The reset button is your friend. No, seriously, get ready to push it at a moment's notice even if your party is dancing through a field of flowers on a sunny day. Something horrible will come along and kill you, I guarantee it. Be as humanly paranoid as possible.
3. According to the fanbase, anyone can hook up with everyone and everybody is secretly gay. Like in most cases, simply avoid Deviantart for the sake of your mental health.
4. Each game has at least 10 potential wifus. If you don't pick at least one, you're a traitor and not a true fan.
5. Most of the games feature "watta tweest" moments that rival M. Night Shamalyan movies and are equally smirk worthy.
6. The main characters are either borderline broken or a perpetual ball and chain through the entire game that make Slippy Toad look like Han Solo.
7. One wrong move can cause you to lose a chapter you carefully spent three hours playing. Prepare to rage a lot and scream "WHAT ARE THE ODDS" emphatically as you stare at the screen for 5 minutes in utter disbelief.
8. It's okay to skip over the story entirely. Probably 75% of fans do it anyways. Just focus on killing stuff.
9. You will have an emotional breakdown every single time someone on your team dies, even if you reset. Coincidentally enough, your favorite character will probably die the most from circumstances that would be statistically impossible if they weren't your favorite character.
10. It's basically animu Dungeons and Dragons if DnD wasn't as boring as holy hell and didn't force you to be surrounded by people with spaghetti flowing out of their pockets.