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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
Brawl and Melee were both made with the same intent of broad appeal. The thing is that tripping and the engine changes are often seen as a the things that turned brawl into the game everybody supposedly hates.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Wind Waker was perhaps the last Zelda game that gave me the feeling that I was exploring a grand world, and massive sense of adventure. Twilight Princess had the best dungeon designs of the entire series, although elsewhere I thought the game fell flat. Skyward Sword's motion controls were interesting at first, however, overall I felt that game was weaker than the rest of the 3D home console Zeldas.

I can't really think of any "new" (as in games properly released after Brawl) games after Brawl that I was really endeared with. Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Kid Icarus Uprising were really great (NSMBWii and Return to Dream Land were really good too) but otherwise from Melee to Brawl I played far more masterpieces. Heck, I felt as though I played far more masterpieces from Smash 64 to Melee despite there only being a 2.5 year lapse of time.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Geez another terrorist attack, someone bombed the Boston Marathon. Between North Korea and all the other crazies in this world, I am wondering if the world won't blow itself up before Smash 4 comes out.

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
Geez another terrorist attack, someone bombed the Boston Marathon. Between North Korea and all the other crazies in this world, I am wondering if the world won't blow itself up before Smash 4 comes out.
Not to go off topic but I'm fairly certain that it was some crazy citizen who did it.

It seems like nobody takes pride in being kind these days. Fame and attention is all the same to some, even if you have to kill strangers to do it.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yeah I saw the news. Apperantly the bombs where planted by the finish line. It sucks, but this is the kind of world we live in. And sorry to say, I'm not feeling worse for the Americans than the countries I don't know which.. which are in war constantly. It might not be common in the US, but over there it happens every day. If not more times a day. Feeling sorry for the victims, but not more than usual like I'm expected to do.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
America has been violent for a while, it just did not use to get the attention. We have a lot of murders, mostly drug-related, in a year. So much so that it almost makes us a battle front by the number of deaths (especially if you throw in drunk driving). I also heard homicide rates are bad in certain parts of Europe. However, the good news in USA is that if you avoid the big cities (or at least the bad areas of the big cities), you are usually pretty safe and it is a pleasent place to live. Suburbia USA cannot be beat.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Lucky b*st*rd.....

9 AM central. Practically right when my first class of the day starts.
Lucky me has my first class at 9:30. I won't be able to watch it, but I can keep checking for status updates.


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
America has been violent for a while, it just did not use to get the attention. We have a lot of murders, mostly drug-related, in a year.
Not only that but american drug consumption is what provides money and weapons to drug cartels in Mexico and South America who are pretty much in a battle royale with other cartels, armed farces and pissed off civilians; Americans are funding thousands of murders abroad.


Feb 18, 2009
Where there is despair, there is hope, where there is evil, good usually opposes in greater quantity. Let us pray. . .
For Smash and for families.
Somewhere down the line I hope to hear of one of the children who suffered due to an attack like this, being comforted by Smash :)


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Not only that but american drug consumption is what provides money and weapons to drug cartels in Mexico and South America who are pretty much in a battle royale with other cartels, armed farces and pissed off civilians; Americans are funding thousands of murders abroad.
Yeah that too.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Just hope it isn't drug-sponsered.

Also: weed ain't no drug

Deleted member

Wind Waker was perhaps the last Zelda game that gave me the feeling that I was exploring a grand world, and massive sense of adventure. Twilight Princess had the best dungeon designs of the entire series, although elsewhere I thought the game fell flat. Skyward Sword's motion controls were interesting at first, however, overall I felt that game was weaker than the rest of the 3D home console Zeldas.

I can't really think of any "new" (as in games properly released after Brawl) games after Brawl that I was really endeared with. Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Kid Icarus Uprising were really great (NSMBWii and Return to Dream Land were really good too) but otherwise from Melee to Brawl I played far more masterpieces. Heck, I felt as though I played far more masterpieces from Smash 64 to Melee despite there only being a 2.5 year lapse of time.
I actually liked TP, despite all the hate it got, I found it to be a decent game over all. The endgame fell short and scrapping Zant for Ganon was a dumb move, but over all it was decent. I really liked the early game, the first... 5 dungeons and inbetween were amazing imo. I really liked exploring the Zora's domain and the like. However, the game also tried too hard to be OoT, while I can't blame them, since the reveal trailer for TP still brings tears to my eyes, it is still the game's biggest flaw. As for SS, still going through it, at Lanaryu Mine right now, so we'll see. So far, besides the handholding the first 3 hours, it's not so bad really.

Best 3D Zelda imo, is Majora's Mask, OoT, is overrated. Though, I'd never recommend someone play MM as their first 3D Zelda, it's too hard for that. Best 2D Zelda would be either LttP or Minish Cap. Both are fantastic. Worst Zelda period, would definitely be Spirit Tracks imo, you can't get more linear than that...

Anyway, in regard to retro games, watching Game Grumps has made me really wanna try the old school Castlevania NES games. I love tough games, Lost Levels was a lot of fun to grind through.

Geez another terrorist attack, someone bombed the Boston Marathon. Between North Korea and all the other crazies in this world, I am wondering if the world won't blow itself up before Smash 4 comes out.
I think the world blowing itself up before Smash 4 should be the least of anyone's worries atm. For one, North Korea, IF they attack a nearby country with Nukes, would be commiting National suicide. Both Russia and China said they wouldn't support them, and the US (for ONCE), is actually doing the right thing.

Israel and Iran was a lot scarier imo.

Still, the US and China going to war is not something that's anywhere near happening for the next 10 or so years. It's not in either country's interest to do so. If you wanna talk Globar War, wait till fresh water becomes scarce and we hit Peak Oil. That's when you can start ****ting your pants, because by then, war will be imminent, and it won't be pretty...

Still, I think every person living in a non-Latin American, Western country, should prepare for a shift in the world order. Europe and the US will no longer have the high standard of living they are accostumed to in the coming years. Lemme put things into perspective real quick. The US consumes 40% of the world's resources. 40%, with a population of 300,000,000. China, has a population of 1.2 BILLION. That's 4x as much as the US. The US is not a producer nation, it is a consumer nation. So tell me, what's gonna happen when China balances out, becomes a more humane country and increases it's standard of living to match the US's...? Exactly.

Not only that but american drug consumption is what provides money and weapons to drug cartels in Mexico and South America who are pretty much in a battle royale with other cartels, armed farces and pissed off civilians; Americans are funding thousands of murders abroad.
60% of the world's Cocaine is consumed by the US.

It's funny, beacause not many people know that the Cartels are using American guns for their crimes. Also, they don't know the reach and influence of the CIA in Latin America. Drugs are illegal, because it is convinient and profitable to keep them illegal. The smart move would be to legalize ALL drugs and regulate them, using the revenue for them for rehabilitaion and anti-drug propaganda. The US, is scared of the potential found in Latin America tbh. Rememeber Che Guevara? Keep in mind that his ultimate goal was to unify all of Latin America, and that he stood firmly against the evils of unrestrained Capitalism. Sure his methods were savage, but his intentions were good. However, his goals went against the interests of the US. The last thing the US wants is another China, but right next to their border.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Still, I think every person living in a non-Latin American, Western country, should prepare for a shift in the world order. Europe and the US will no longer have the high standard of living they are accostumed to in the coming years. Lemme put things into perspective real quick. The US consumes 40% of the world's resources. 40%, with a population of 300,000,000. China, has a population of 1.2 BILLION. That's 4x as much as the US.
I'm starting to wonder where the world population would stand by 2020.

Deleted member

I'm starting to wonder where the world population would stand by 2020.
Predictions say around 8-9 billion.

We're supposed to hit 12 billion by 2070 if unrestrained.

If anyone wants a mind-trip to the future, I'd thoroughtly recommend this website:

It's a good read, and will blow your mind. It's quite accurate as it's constantly being updated, obviously the further you get into the future, the harder it is to predict, but all of it is suppored by cited information, and it's worth a read.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
So for a TL;DR on this whole America thing. Sounds like America can't keep it's nose out of things (as we all know), is trying to an international nanny (again, as we all know), wants no one as or more powerful than them, and don't seem to realize that legalizing drugs would put a big damper on the cartel thing.

Finally, that Americans are stupid as hell and it's time we stopped acting so high and mighty.

Deleted member

So for a TL;DR on this whole America thing. Sounds like America can't keep it's nose out of things (as we all know), is trying to an international nanny (again, as we all know), wants no one as or more powerful than them, and don't seem to realize that legalizing drugs would put a big damper on the cartel thing.

Finally, that Americans are stupid as hell and it's time we stopped acting so high and mighty.
I wouldn't entirely blame the Americans. Not even Amsterdam is willing to legalize hard drugs. The deal is Europe also consumes a lot of drugs, and ot many people are vouching for it, because on the surface the legalization of hard drugs sounds bad. You really have to take the time to explain things to people to get them to realize why keeping them illegal does more harm than good, and people today are too stupid to bother reading up on it. Not to mention the youth in Europe is more depraved than in the US. Likewise a joint effort from all the 1st world countries is needed in the legalization movement. If only the US legalizes it's not gonna do much good.

Also, Kim Yong Un is a fcuktard.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
The World Power historically always has their nose into things. The British did back in their day of dominance. Rome, Mongols, Russia Czars, France at their height, etc. All put their nose into everyone's business. Soviet Union did and China is starting to do it. It comes with the territory. People threaten you when you are at the top and you step on people as well to stay at the top. US would not be involved in Korea if not for our Alliance with South Korea and Japan. We wouldn't have gone into Gulf War I if not for our alliance with Kuwait and Israel to defend our oil interest. US has too many "allies" around the world we try to defend and it pulls us into so many wars.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I wouldn't entirely blame the Americans. Not even Amsterdam is willing to legalize hard drugs. The deal is Europe also consumes a lot of drugs, and ot many people are vouching for it, because on the surface the legalization of hard drugs sounds bad. You really have to take the time to explain things to people to get them to realize why keeping them illegal does more harm than good, and people today are too stupid to bother reading up on it. Not to mention the youth in Europe is more depraved than in the US. Likewise a joint effort from all the 1st world countries is needed in the legalization movement. If only the US legalizes it's not gonna do much good.

Also, Kim Yong Un is a ****tard.
How are European youth more depraved?

On Un, I was watching PSY's Gentleman video and I can't help but think this is who Kim Jong Un wishes he really was. Not PSY, but the persona in the video.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Uhm... Yeah... The thread has gone a little crazy but anyways. I'd just like to reply to these two for now.


Dunno were else to post this also dunno if you lot already know but there has been a Nintendo Direct annouced for Europe this wednesday about the 3DS proof is in the link above.
There's a 3DS Nintendo Direct for North America too this Wednesday.

Do you think perhaps this Nintendo direct has anything to do with them announcing this?

I literally just found out about this but apparently this Japanese Nintendo direct has been out since 31 March so I'm going to assume you guys already know about this. Perhaps we are probably going to get a few release dates too.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Amsterdam isn't willing to legalise hard drugs no. But, you can get random psychedellics (salvia, certain mushrooms, ect). And it's even due to mostly AMERICAN tourists that they've begun to downgrade the ammounts of THC in marijuana. They even wanted to make 'weed passes' for only Dutch people so that only people residing in the Netherlands could buy marijuana. Thanking Jehova Almighty that this didn't happen! Yeah, Big Ben has been pressuring us.

Anyways, I'm still buying herbs from the block. So even though our 'coffeeshop' system works with benefits to the government it isn't all there is obviously. There's still lots of marijuana to be found on the streets mainly cause 'coffeeshops' themselves have issues buying the stuff. Cause it's still illegal to officially supply the 'coffeeshops'. Hence why even marijuana in the Netherlands is still big thing for 'criminals' wouldn't even call them that, but whatever.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I feel like Kim Jong Un is all about flexing his muscle more than anything, that's why I never took the whole "NK might attack the US" thing seriously

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Kim Jong Un is nothing but the current media scapegoat. I am only keeping eyes on the ones with the most power overall...

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
Finally, that Americans are stupid as hell and it's time we stopped acting so high and mighty.
This is what I was referring to in my previous post. Don't get me wrong, I respect you for wanting to deal with another issue but what I'm about to talk about is a bit unrelated to that.
Not to bash on KumaOso but its the whole nobody has a desire to be seen as a non-aggressive or kind person. With everyone I talk to its always "everyone is stupid", "everyone is greedy", "everyone is a douche", hate hate hate.
EVERYONE has this mindset nowadays. They look towards what flaws other people have to make themselves feel superior but the result is a spiteful personality. These terrible attacks we're seeing on the news recently, no doubt are being influenced by this perspective.
The bad an the damnable speak far louder than the good. Its no wonder that the general perspective on the average stranger is so terrible despite whatever reality is the truth.

Deleted member

How are European youth more depraved?

On Un, I was watching PSY's Gentleman video and I can't help but think this is who Kim Jong Un wishes he really was. Not PSY, but the persona in the video.
Because, thanks to globalization, the whole "Americans are stupid" deal is basically a myth. EVERYONE is stupid, EVERYWHERE. Technology has made people lazy and selfish, while consumerism has made them ignorant.

I deal with a lot of kids, and honestly, a lot of the teens I see make me very disappointed in the future of humanity. They just don't care. At least in Spain, they don't give two ****s about their future, they have a total YOLO mentality, and are completely ignorant about the world around them. On top of that Europe is WAY more libertal than the US. The Right wing here is like the American Left wing. Not just politically, but socially as well. Kids drink at younger ages, and Sex is explicit and everywhere. You even have condoms for sale in the Metro for example. To make things worse, teens and young adults have no pressure to live independently, most end up living with their parents till they are in their 30's, and that's socially accepted. So in the end, you have a ton of lazy ****s, with no culture, who don't care about anything else but popular culture, who don't study, and don't work and go out to get ****faced at clubs and pubs every other day. Yes, you have 20 somthing year olds asking their parents for money to go clubbing and drinking... And complaining when their parents don't buy them the latest iPhone. I'm not even joking...

Of course, this isn't ALL Spanish people, but quite a lot of them thanks to the recession.

Europe in general is a lot more liberal than the US though, I remember my first enounter with a girl from London, I think I already told you that story on facebook actually...

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
This is what I was referring to in my previous post. Don't get me wrong, I respect you for wanting to deal with another issue but what I'm about to talk about is a bit unrelated to that.
Not to bash on KumaOso but its the whole nobody has a desire to be seen as a non-aggressive or kind person. With everyone I talk to its always "everyone is stupid", "everyone is greedy", "everyone is a douche", hate hate hate.
EVERYONE has this mindset nowadays. They look towards what flaws other people have to make themselves feel superior but the result is a spiteful personality. These terrible attacks we're seeing on the news recently, no doubt are being influenced by this perspective.
The bad an the damnable speak far louder than the good. Its no wonder that the general perspective on the average stranger is so terrible despite whatever reality is the truth.
And so the seeds of conflict have been sown...

Everyone is thinking like a hustler nowadays. Put yourself and your money first, nothing else. I am kinda sickened by this mentality, even though I'm half forced to live it right now...

Deleted member

I feel like Kim Jong Un is all about flexing his muscle more than anything, that's why I never took the whole "NK might attack the US" thing seriously
>implying North Korea has any muscle to show off...

Do You Even Lift, Kim?

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
And so the seeds of conflict have been sown...

Everyone is thinking like a hustler nowadays. Put yourself and your money first, nothing else. I am kinda sickened by this mentality, even though I'm half forced to live it right now...
It's not nowadays. It's always have been like this. And it's not even human nature is nature itself. Our problem is that we're too smart

Deleted member

And so the seeds of conflict have been sown...

Everyone is thinking like a hustler nowadays. Put yourself and your money first, nothing else. I am kinda sickened by this mentality, even though I'm half forced to live it right now...
Well, real talk. Like Gingerbread Man said. The first step is to accept that we are all, at our very core, capable of being evil, capable of being ****ty people. That's the first step toward self improvement. Working hard to be the furthest thing from that which you hate, and accepting that there is evil in you is how you become a better person.

We can all point fingers at **** Cheyney, Kim Yong, Fidel Castro, Hitler, Stalin, Bankers, Stock Brokers, etc... But the fact remains, that under the same circumstances, we would all do the same things they did. It takes a strong will to defy the norm and sticking to your morals first and foremost.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I've never been down with that YOLO BS that people my age seem to have

It's like, living a life defined by recklessness and no concept of consequences or growth as a human being just isn't the way I want to live my life

Deleted member

I've never been down with that YOLO BS that people my age seem to have

It's like, living a life defined by recklessness and no concept of consequences or growth as a human being just isn't the way I want to live my life
Then you might like this video:


Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
I've never been down with that YOLO BS that people my age seem to have

It's like, living a life defined by recklessness and no concept of consequences or growth as a human being just isn't the way I want to live my life
Drake is a cancer...
Started from Dagrassi now he's here...

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
That first video was amazing Manly. Now gonna check the second one. Mind blowing in a way, yet simple as can be.

Don't get me started on Drake. Saying he came from the bottom, but was playing in a multi million dollar show. :rolleyes:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
You Only Live Once, therefore you can be stupid as you want. Such sound logic.

Faith in humanity lost.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Like?! That dude hit the nail of the head, that video is amazing :laugh:

YOLO should be seen as inspiration to be better people in life while still enjoying life, not justification to do stupid **** and do whatever the hell you want without caution or regard for society

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I took a shortcut from a cycle road to the actual car road the other day (there was nobody driving so I thought: what the hell). And some dudes like, maybe 4 years younger than me max started shouting YOLO YOLO YOLO at me. Looking even more white than I do and ****.

From that moment on. I knew I'm gonna have a ****ed up future if I ever end up working for these sort of guys...

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Drake is one of the many reasons why I can't stand today's mainstream rap

Just total disrespect to hip hop and the culture behind it


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I flat out and say that I am not an ambitious person and really have no idea about what am I going to do in the future and I am well aware that things in the next times aren't easy, but to throw any chance for a better future because "YOLO" is just stupid and is throwing everything I was taught off the window...

Then again, I am very much unlike the majority of people...
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