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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Nike stuff? Where? I haven't seen any of it.
It was people thinking Pac-Man was a shoe-in. :troll:

But seriously, no idea.

And nah, Namco-Bandai has to follow the "Video game character first" rule like everybody else. There might have been Video Game-only Gundam characters, though. But there is also, respectively, the Digimon, but I can't think of many Bandai possibilities.

Deleted member

Hey, hey, hey. Falco is NOT an uninteresting Fox ripoff! Poissonally, he prefers de air, remember? Laaaaaaaaaaandmaster.

Also, is it bad that the only Namco-Bandai character I would actually like is a Gundam?
I'd be ok with that tbh.


Smesh Ace
Jul 8, 2012
Switch FC


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
SSE was not poorly received, last I checked. A lot loved it.

However, what is true is that he poured hours onto it, spending a lot of time and money, and people refusing to buy the game to actually watch it and earn it themselves is pretty cheesy to do, so I can see why he's pissed off. He deserves compensation for his hard work, and people aren't giving it to him by watching it on YouTube. Plain and simple, really.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'd also add Sonic to that list because the character overall is unbelievably overrated. This isn't to say that his games aren't fun and it's nice to see that he got out of his almost decade long slump in 2011 but I just don't get why he's so earth shatteringly popular when he's practically the PG animal incarnation of every insufferable frat boy that I've ever had the displeasure of running into.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
I'd also add Sonic to that list because the character overall is unbelievably overrated. This isn't to say that his games aren't fun and it's nice to see that he got out of his almost decade long slump in 2011 but I just don't get why he's so earth shatteringly popular when he's practically the PG animal incarnation of every insufferable frat boy that I've ever had the displeasure of running into.
That may explain why I liked Shadow better...


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
I've seen people complain that Toad would be a boring addition. I supposed it's kinda subjective though.

From what we know, I'm wondering how people feel about Wii Fit Trainer. Tbh, I'm not intrigued with the moves that were shown and whatnot. However, like I've said in the past, I prefer to make my final judgement when I actually try out the character or at least see gameplay.

Roy is still kinda boring in my eyes. Me and Hab tried to make a moveset for him ages ago. Eventually we gave up on it as much would mean breaking his character an turning him into a manly badass, a pseudo-Sol Badguy basically.
I know you said you want to stop talking about FE buuut...

How would you feel if Roy is like the Phoenix of Smash? Like...his fire abilities are played up (different fire projectiles), basically spewing a lot more fire. What's funny is that Phoenix does have a healing move, but I'm not too sure if that concept works in Smash (since the SoS can heal and all). Anyway, basically Roy fits the glass cannon archetype, being a rushdown fighter with some long range attacks as well.

Idk, I just really like glass cannons. I mean G&W (and Jiggs) I guess could be considered a glass cannon (that's one of the reasons I like to play them)? I find it hard know these things in the context of Smash though haha.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
That may explain why I liked Shadow better...
It helps he's far more quotatable. And had his own game full of narm.

He has actual personality, and a full background, even, something Sonic still lacks. Don't get me wrong, Shadow's story being done is fine with me, but they really need to explain how Sonic was born or at least something. No, I don't mean one of the Cartoons.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
SSE was not poorly received, last I checked. A lot loved it.

However, what is true is that he poured hours onto it, spending a lot of time and money, and people refusing to buy the game to actually watch it and earn it themselves is pretty cheesy to do, so I can see why he's pissed off. He deserves compensation for his hard work, and people aren't giving it to him by watching it on YouTube. Plain and simple, really.
...What about people who bought the game and then spoiled themselves on the cutscenes before playing through the SSE?


Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
...What about people who bought the game and then spoiled themselves on the cutscenes before playing through the SSE?
...That's only doable by going online. Which is what pissed Sakurai off, notably. Earn it yourself, since the SSE isn't very difficult(at all). Then again, why would they do that? If you're going to buy the game, play through it yourself. I did. I found the cutscenes far more enjoyable when done after the gameplay. That's the only way the story made remote sense to me.

But still, it was fairly well received anyway. While some do agree it could've been largely improved, it was still a pretty good mode.

Deleted member

I know you said you want to stop talking about FE buuut...

How would you feel if Roy is like the Phoenix of Smash? Like...his fire abilities are played up (different fire projectiles), basically spewing a lot more fire. What's funny is that Phoenix does have a healing move, but I'm not too sure if that concept works in Smash (since the SoS can heal and all). Anyway, basically Roy fits the glass cannon archetype, being a rushdown fighter with some long range attacks as well.

Idk, I just really like glass cannons. I mean G&W (and Jiggs) I guess could be considered a glass cannon (that's one of the reasons I like to play them)? I find it hard know these things in the context of Smash though haha.

Hmm, perhaps. Maybe I should look into what Phoenix can do in MvC3. Who knows, I might get a stroke of inspiration that isn't inspired by a dude who's inspired by the dude who sang for Queen.

I'll still stick to my Lyn, but it might stop me from badmouthing you Roy fans.

It's all subjective really. If I really wanted to feed myself to the wolves I'd go on a rant about how I feel Bowser Jr is a really uninspired character.
Yeah, that whole list quickly broke down into "boring=character I don't like" even for me, who tried to remain (somewhat) objective (oh, who am I kidding, I was being the usual subjective ass-hole shoving down his ideals in other people's faces, hahahahahaha).

PacMan is still boring though, Hahahahaha.


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
Cool, let me start by bringing up Tharja. She would be top tier due to her body stockings given her the best super armor in the game.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Looking at the last few pages, I see a lot of pac-man hate...

As much as I would hate his inclusion, he has a very real chance of getting in, I think.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Sakurai (during the Brawl "Iwata Asks"): The Animal Crossing human character isn't a fighter.
*The Villager is the first character confirmed for Smash WiiU and 3DS*

I wouldn't take his words so literally... at the very least not in regards of the next Smash Bros. game.

In other words, don't count out Sukapon. :grin:

Also, Lucario is a fighting type... :troll:


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
The difference though is that his statement about Villager was back in 2008 and that his statement about fighting characters was yesterday.
This doesn't mean that he was thinking of every fighting game; you know, like Punch-Out Joy Mecha Fighter, etc. I think he was thinking of more the traditional fighters. But again, I think the whole Villager thing was a rouse, so because of that, I will never take anything he says (sans the 3rd party rules/anime character rules) as set in stone.

Heck, by that rule being taken to the extreme, Donkey Kong and K. Rool shouldn't be playable, because they have boxed in Punch-Out!! Wii and DK64 respectively.
Paku Paku Man is that he's boring as ****. But I digress, I've said all that needs to be said on that matter already.
One could say the same thing about a plethora of playable characters. Of course, none of it matters if they are a good playable character, which Pac-Man could easily be. The idea of a playable Fox, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, Snake, and Wii Fit Trainer all sound pretty freaking boring or unfitting (considering what franchise they are from), but they worked, and they worked well (minus the Wii Fit Trainer, which I am sure will work well).
I honestly think Pacman will be a colossal waste of a slot
You mean like you thought of and reacted to the Wii Fit Trainer=??? :awesome: You know, the most original character since Snake=???
That's because Pac-Man is not very exciting as a fighting game character.
I thought the same thing about Fox when I first played Smash 64 and saw him on the main menu, as well as Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon, the Ice Climbers, Zelda, Mr. Game & Watch, Marth, and The Pokémon Trainer. That doesn't mean I was right.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Sakurai has a thing for giving non fighting characters ok movesets.
Sakurai has a thing for being creative with characters that others don't see as potentially amazing, such as Fox, Captain Falcon, The Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, Snake, Pit, ROB, The Villager, and The Wii Fit Trainer. He also makes up a ton of crazy crap for said characters (and sometimes other characters) that make them stand out even further, and yet, play like they fit in.
FFS why is everyone so 100% certain of a Namco rep? I'm thinking it won't even happen.
It has nothing to do with Namco Bandai and everything to do with Pac-Man... at least with me.


Smesh Ace
Jul 8, 2012
Switch FC
I wish people would shut up about ALBW Link replacing Toony. I'm pretty sure he won't be replaced by another Link. Tingle maybe.

Speaking of ALBW, am I the only one who isn't hyped for it in any way. I thought that Link(I mean appearance:brown hair and sleeves) died after the Oracle games. A cheap attempt to appeal to nostalgia goggled 30 year olds.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
In a weird sense, Punch Out is actually a puzzle game. As for Sukapon, Sakurai has talked about how the character would be extremely difficult to program given how many individual parts he's made of but, like Villager, I suppose that could have changed overtime.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I wish people would shut up about ALBW Link replacing Toony. I'm pretty sure he won't be replaced by another Link. Tingle maybe.

Speaking of ALBW, am I the only one who isn't hyped for it in any way. I thought that Link(I mean appearance:brown hair and sleeves) died after the Oracle games. A cheap attempt to appeal to nostalgia goggled 30 year olds.
1. Toon Link is safe. The people saying he isn't are the same morons who said he wouldn't be in Brawl, who have come out of their caves after 5 years of hiding and licking their balls like a cat.
2. Tingle isn't replacing Toon Link.
3. Replacements don't actually happen in Smash.
4. No, it is not a cheap attempt, considering A Link to the Past is better than anything the Zelda franchise is crapping out now. That game is legendary.
5. That game looks pretty good to me, but so far, it doesn't really have the whole "unique factor" totally shown. Maybe once I play it I'll be more interested.
Anyone who is actually upset about SSE being cut either has no grasp of resource management or seriously needs to reevaluate his or her priorities. Most likely both.
People being pissed about the SSE being cut are proof that some people should never reproduce.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I don't see how it would really be that difficult. He's probably just over thinking the design

Deleted member

This doesn't mean that he was thinking of every fighting game; you know, like Punch-Out Joy Mecha Fighter, etc. I think he was thinking of more the traditional fighters. But again, I think the whole Villager thing was a rouse, so because of that, I will never take anything he says (sans the 3rd party rules/anime character rules) as set in stone.

Heck, by that rule being taken to the extreme, Donkey Kong and K. Rool shouldn't be playable, because they have boxed in Punch-Out!! Wii and DK64 respectively.

One could say the same thing about a plethora of playable characters. Of course, none of it matters if they are a good playable character, which Pac-Man could easily be. The idea of a playable Fox, Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers, Mr. Game & Watch, Snake, and Wii Fit Trainer all sound pretty freaking boring or unfitting (considering what franchise they are from), but they worked, and they worked well (minus the Wii Fit Trainer, which I am sure will work well).

You mean like you thought of and reacted to the Wii Fit Trainer=??? :awesome: You know, the most original character since Snake=???

I thought the same thing about Fox when I first played Smash 64 and saw him on the main menu, as well as Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon, the Ice Climbers, Zelda, Mr. Game & Watch, Marth, and The Pokémon Trainer. That doesn't mean I was right.

Fox borrows a lot from the SF64 Multiplayer, you know where you can fight on foot, and then uses Arwing manevers as inspiration for the rest. It's not hard to see how Sakurai could get inspiration from a Flash Gordon-like character, especially considering that out of the original 12, ALL were very original (barring Luigi ofc).

C. Falcon is has Kamen Rider inspired moves, which makes sense since he's a superhero-like Bounty Hunter.

Ice Climbers are a duo character by nature, and Duo characters are notorious for being the most complex and creative characters in fighters.

WFT and G&W are both very similar in concept from what it seems, and both have plenty of canon material to get creative with.

To top it off, all of those characters are BLANK SLATES, which is the best starting point when building a character. So your point is moot. PacMan is far from a blank slate as he has tons of canon material depicting his movements, and none of it is really exciting.


>boring and unfitting

I would kill you where you stand, but there is a virtual space between us.

Have you ever played a Metal Gear game dude? Snake is quite possibly the most interesting and unique addition to the Smash Roster. When he was announced for Brawl I had never played a Metal Gear game, and even back then I was interested to see what he would play like, moreso than the coveted Sonic.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Fox borrows a lot from the SF64 Multiplayer, you know where you can fight on foot, and then uses Arwing manevers as inspiration for the rest. It's not hard to see how Sakurai could get inspiration from a Flash Gordon-like character, especially considering that out of the original 12, ALL were very original (barring Luigi ofc).
So basically Fox isn't original, and Sakurai made random crap up like the shine (which came from nowhere) and a freaking Phantom Fox. Gotcha.
C. Falcon is has Kamen Rider inspired moves, which makes sense since he's a superhero-like Bounty Hunter.
He had never been out of his freaking ship before, sans the box art and stuff like that. There was literally nothing to work off of but taking moves from other games.
Ice Climbers are a duo character by nature, and Duo characters are notorious for being the most complex and creative characters in fighters.
They weren't even a duo in Ice Climber. They were just different colored characters so you could play the game as a multiplayer game.
To top it off, all of those characters are BLANK SLATES, which is the best starting point when building a character.
And Pac-Man couldn't be made a largely blank slate sans a few moves from his original appearance=??? You are saying Sakurai couldn't do it=???
So your point is moot. PacMan is far from a blank slate as he has tons of canon material depicting his movements, and none of it is really exciting.
Are you so sure Sakurai couldn't make Pac-Man exciting=??? I dunno, I wouldn't rule out Sakurai making any character exciting.
Have you ever played a Metal Gear game dude? Snake is quite possibly the most interesting and unique addition to the Smash Roster.
He is the most unique character on the Brawl roster, but he got really random moves that looked unfitting, which is what makes him fitting... and yet really campy.

Deleted member

I wish people would shut up about ALBW Link replacing Toony. I'm pretty sure he won't be replaced by another Link. Tingle maybe.

Speaking of ALBW, am I the only one who isn't hyped for it in any way. I thought that Link(I mean appearance:brown hair and sleeves) died after the Oracle games. A cheap attempt to appeal to nostalgia goggled 30 year olds.
You're not alone, it looks like trash to me (well, maybe not trash, but I'm not getting it). It banks too much on nostalgia rehash like the NSMB and SM3DLand titles, so there's not reason to bother imo. In fact, one whole dungeon was a direct copy past of a LttP dungeon (Boss, Item and everything).

I'm only saddedned by the idea that Zelda is going the Mario route. Goodbye Link, twas nice knowing you. I like it better when Zelda explores new ideas.

However there is hope, a while back, Aonuma said that he'd be willing to explore the idea of making Princess Zelda star in a Zelda title, which I hope he follows through as I'd love to see a game built around her and her abilities instead of the usual formula.

1. Toon Link is safe. The people saying he isn't are the same morons who said he wouldn't be in Brawl, who have come out of their caves after 5 years of hiding and licking their balls like a cat.
2. Tingle isn't replacing Toon Link.
3. Replacements don't actually happen in Smash.
4. No, it is not a cheap attempt, considering A Link to the Past is better than anything the Zelda franchise is crapping out now. That game is legendary.
5. That game looks pretty good to me, but so far, it doesn't really have the whole "unique factor" totally shown. Maybe once I play it I'll be more interested.

People being pissed about the SSE being cut are proof that some people should never reproduce.

I didn't know John was working on Smash 4 with Sakurai's team.

Well, since you're here, you mind passing my Lyn moveset by Sakurai? I'd love to see a fighter like that in the game...

Seriously though, what makes you so sure TL isn't getting the axe? Imo, he's most likely to go missing, especially since he's likely to be a low priority character due to lack of originality in his moveset.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
If we wanted a character that can fit into the "dull unwarranted character" archetype, might I suggest Chrom?

inb4 Chrom Defense Force being rump ravaged.
I was gonna suggest any potential newcomers from Mario (sans Wart), Zelda, Metroid (sans Ridley), Yoshi, Kirby, most Pokémon suggestions, most of the F-Zero characters and the ideas behind them, all of the "flavor of the month" Fire Emblem characters and most of the new-ish characters, all of the Kid Icarus character ideas I have heard, a bunch of minor 3rd party characters, etc.

Oh and Palutena just to be a better heel. :)

And while I'm at it, people proclaiming no 3rd party characters need to take off their Nintendo diapers and grow up to be a great heel. :p

So yeah, pretty much all of your guys' suggestions IMO are "dull" and "unwanted" in my book.

Stop thinking your ideas are the best ideas possible, and realize that if Sakurai wants some new character, they will be unique, and they will be great.

Mr. OC

Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2013
egypt land
I was gonna suggest any potential newcomers from Mario (sans Wart), Zelda, Metroid (sans Ridley), Yoshi, Kirby, most Pokémon suggestions, most of the F-Zero characters and the ideas behind them, all of the "flavor of the month" Fire Emblem characters and most of the new-ish characters, all of the Kid Icarus character ideas I have heard, a bunch of minor 3rd party characters, etc.

Oh and Palutena just to be a better heel. :)

And while I'm at it, people proclaiming no 3rd party characters need to take off their Nintendo diapers and grow up to be a great heel. :p

So yeah, pretty much all of your guys' suggestions IMO are "dull" and "unwanted" in my book.

Stop thinking your ideas are the best ideas possible, and realize that if Sakurai wants something, it is unique, and it will be great.
You forgot the people wanting every Sonic character ever.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
So basically Fox isn't original, and Sakurai made random crap up like the shine (which came from nowhere) and a freaking Phantom Fox. Gotcha.
Inspiration is the better word here. All of his specials were based off stuff in the Starfox games. Shine is the Barrel Roll, Fox Fire is is Boost, Fox Illusion is the warp speed, and Laser is Laser.

He had never been out of his freaking ship before, sans the box art and stuff like that. There was literally nothing to work off of but taking moves from other games.
Again, inspiration. Capt. Falcon probably reminded Sakurai of Kamen Rider and he went with that approach. It was obviously a success.

They weren't even a duo in Ice Climber. They were just different colored characters so you could play the game as a multiplayer game.
Perhaps he thought it'd be nice to include both and came up with what they are now. It IS an uncommon concept and it's not like Nana was standing out like Luigi in comparison to Mario.

And Pac-Man couldn't be made a largely blank slate sans a few moves from his original appearance=??? You are saying Sakurai couldn't do it=???
Maybe yes. Maybe no. The big concern is whether you can make it"in character" or not. A lot of the things Pacman has to work with shows up in the majority of the other characters to begin with. Take that into account with Sakurai's concern for diversity this time around, Pacman doesn't have much for him at all. Even eating is something covered by Wario and Yoshi.

He is the most unique character on the Brawl roster, but he got really random moves that looked unfitting, which is what makes him fitting... and yet really campy.
How are the moves unfitting?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Seriously though, what makes you so sure TL isn't getting the axe? Imo, he's most likely to go missing, especially since he's likely to be a low priority character due to lack of originality in his moveset.
Random Smash 4 Developer: "Hey Sakurai! Let's cut a character that totally worked in Brawl and has an easy moveset and data to transfer to another game, and replace him with 15 stickers!"
Sakurai: "You mean the one character that is the 'true' Link that I clearly love?"
"Random Smash 4 Developer: Yeah that guy!"
Sakurai: "Okay, all of you at Game Arts are fired. This is like the Mewtwo situation all over again, except this character actually functioned."

(Sakurai's thoughts)​
"I will troll them with my Crazy Train to think he is de-confirmed again!"
"It will be like the Outset Clothes Wind Waker Link trophy situation all over again!"
"Heck, it might reach Ness "Up Until Now" status!"
Iwata: (laughs)
"Oh God, I'm having that day dream again..."
"I better... I better hire another non-Nintendo company to help me make Smash Bros. again, but obviously not Game Arts..."

Deleted member

So basically Fox isn't original, and Sakurai made random crap up like the shine (which came from nowhere) and a freaking Phantom Fox. Gotcha.
How is he not original? He used a side reference to come up with moves? It's like saying Noel Vermillion isn't original cause she borrows from the movie Equilibrium. That's a fighting game character in its purest form.

The shine comes from the barrel roll, which you know, reflects ****. It even has a barrier around the Arwing when you use it.

The SideB in Melee comes from the Boost, Blaster should be obvious. The only weird one there is the Fire Fox. But a lot of characters get off the wall moves all the time, like Ike and his Eruption, or Mewtwo and half his moveset.

Also, da **** is Phantom Fox? I googled that **** and came up dry.

He had never been out of his freaking ship before, sans the box art and stuff like that. There was literally nothing to work off of but taking moves from other games.
He had comics that depicted his life outside the races, where he was basically very similar to the old-school Kamen Rider in attitude and personality. Sakurai just took it one step further. I mean, if Falcon yelling FALCON KICK and FALCON PUNCH isn't a dead giveaway, I dunno what is. You underestimate the influence of Kamen Rider in Japan. Kamen Rider is basically the Japanese Superhero, the Japanese Batman if you may, even down to the secret lifestyle and everything, something Falcon also has, a secret lifestyle outside of racing, once again, not much of stretch. Especially consdering it's likely Sakurai grew up with that.

Hell, it's not just Falcon's Specials that are Kamen Rider, he IS Kamen Rider, right down to his flips and jumps. And he's able to be that, cause he's a blank slate.

Something once again, PacMan isn't.

They weren't even a duo in Ice Climber. They were just different colored characters so you could play the game as a multiplayer game.
Yeah, where you had to cooperate to get to the top (at least it looks like it... I can't say, I honestly haven't played it myself), much unlike the Mario Bros, who were trying to off each other and beat each others score. And besides, what other classic era character can you think of that work in pairs, I mean aside from the DK and Diddy, and Diddy and Dixie, whom the latter, Sakurai tried to implement in Brawl as a duo.

And Pac-Man couldn't be made a largely blank slate sans a few moves from his original appearance=??? You are saying Sakurai couldn't do it=???

Are you so sure Sakurai couldn't make Pac-Man exciting=??? I dunno, I wouldn't rule out Sakurai making any character exciting.
I'm not saying he can't, I'm saying that given his source material, I don't find him exciting.

He is the most unique character on the Brawl roster, but he got really random moves that looked unfitting, which is what makes him fitting... and yet really campy.
How are they random? The only one that is Random is his UpB, the Cypher, as he's never been able to do that, but Snake now has the Fulton Recovery System since Peace Walker which works identical to Snake's UpB in concept.

Everything else he's canonically seen using and doing. Explosives and granades are common in MGS, and CQC is the main form of combat in the series. Hell, his Tripple Jab combo is directly ripped from MGS1. In addition, his general playstyle is built around the idea of stealth and preperation, something that's central in the Metal Gear franchise. Once again, what may seem random to you, is pretty spot on to someone who's an avid fan of the franchise.

The only thing that was omitted were his Rifles (as those would be too "loud" for a stealth character - see Chris Redfield in MvC), his Stun Knife (which didn't become relevant until MGS4), and his Tranq Gun, which would have been incredibly OP, not even the P:M team bothere to add that in.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Seriously though, what makes you so sure TL isn't getting the axe? Imo, he's most likely to go missing, especially since he's likely to be a low priority character due to lack of originality in his moveset.
They wouldn't cut him just because of an unoriginal moveset, maybe if he's low priority, but otherwise no. But to my knowledge, Wind Waker and the other cel-shaded games are pretty popular Zelda games.

If he's not that low priority, he can easily be given a new moveset.

I have no idea whether they plan to cut him or not, but I personally hope he's stays.
Dr. Mario and Young Link confirmed for unique and great.
Pichu is disappoint in your comment.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Inspiration is the better word here.
...And that... is what I was going for. That inspiration, which caused Sakurai to take crazy concepts and put them in playable character movesets. Sakurai takes crazy ideas and connects them to characters.
Maybe yes. Maybe no. The big concern is whether you can make it"in character" or not. A lot of the things Pacman has to work with shows up in the majority of the other characters to begin with. Take that into account with Sakurai's concern for diversity this time around, Pacman doesn't have much for him at all. Even eating is something covered by Wario and Yoshi.
So you are doubting Sakurai's ability to make a character unique=??? Because if so, that is foolish.

Honestly, I just want Pac-Man now to get under some of your people's skins via your "character standards" and to show you that Sakurai loves to break the mold. It is going so far as to make me want another character that is totally not unique playable as well, like say Birdo, Waluigi, Toon Zelda/Sheik (Tetra?), Pichu, etc.
How are the moves unfitting?
All those projectiles, bombs, grenades, explosives, etc don't seem like they would work in smash... and yet they do. That is why it is fittingly unfitting, which is why Snake was a perfect roster addition. It is the same reason why The Ice Climbers, Mr Game & Watch, and The Wii Fit Trainer are perfect additions.
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