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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
My internship finishes August 4th. So I'll be back in Chesterton :D. Oh yeah then I guess maybe we could car pool or something lol.
That's fine with me, but just remember that, depending on Anthony's schedule, we may be staying down there for some time.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
thx guys, good to know u guys double as friends as well as combo bags =P
Maybe learning this falco tech will cheer you up!
that looks funneh

posting this for bun^2/IHSB

looks like we didnt john out of going to tenesee, but we are johning out of memphis so unless u wanna come see in like pidgeon forge or gattlynburg(idk about spelling) then looks like we arent gonna smash, but if u know someone around my area then hook me up.

well one good thing came out my grandma passing, i can have a social life now instead of being on call to help with ur health care.

also, if i get another xbox360 or a ps3 i will be playing a lot of SSF4, MvC3, and SF x Tekken (it looks good im sorry)
so to the people that play those on line, ill let u know when i get them etc. and we can play those.

thx again.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Does it take long to unlock all of the characters in MvC2?
The PS3/360 versions have everything unlocked for you already. The Dreamcast and PS2 versions require you to play through the game several times to acquire points with which to buy the characters. If you have the new gen consoles, just get the game on one of those.


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2006
Lafayette, IN
The PS3/360 versions have everything unlocked for you already. The Dreamcast and PS2 versions require you to play through the game several times to acquire points with which to buy the characters. If you have the new gen consoles, just get the game on one of those.
Much agreed. Though I suggest you own an arcade stick or getting for the PS3. ****ing 360 controller.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
Much agreed. Though I suggest you own an arcade stick or getting for the PS3. ****ing 360 controller.
is it funky for it?, cuz im planning on getting a 360 so i can play fps/gears of war with my friends, and also fighters for myself
i like dpad for fighters tho, ive never played them on xbox, does it feel really weird? or barely work or something?


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
is it funky for it?, cuz im planning on getting a 360 so i can play fps/gears of war with my friends, and also fighters for myself
i like dpad for fighters tho, ive never played them on xbox, does it feel really weird? or barely work or something?
From what I understand, the general consensus is that if you are going to play pad, the controller layout for the ps3 is preferable for fighters. I've also heard the controller layout for the 360 is preferable for fps. But I can't give any comment from personal experience unfortunately.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
360 Dpad is trash.

But like Corey said, 360 controller is amazing for FPS.

It's like:
360 - FPS and STG
PS3 - RPG and Fighters
GCN - Platformers and Smash
Wii - wakarimasenlol


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
But I can't give any comment from personal experience unfortunately.
As for fighters, I can. PS3 is, IMO, the best default pad for fighters, though the 360 pad has a good analog stick. If you have $30 to splash, you can buy the Mad Catz fight pad for either system, which has six face buttons so you don't get forced to use the shoulder buttons. (NOTE: Fight pad, not arcade stick).

Also, I realize Mad Catz has a bad rap, especially with controllers, but trust me: Their Street Fighter stuff is top notch. I currently use a Mad Catz arcade stick, and it is excellent.It is the most used arcade stick by SF IV players. In fact, Daigo Umehara, champion of Evo, is sponsored by Mad Catz and uses that stick. Vangief, a top 8 placer in Evo, played using the fight pad.


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2006
Lafayette, IN
From what I understand, the general consensus is that if you are going to play pad, the controller layout for the ps3 is preferable for fighters. I've also heard the controller layout for the 360 is preferable for fps. But I can't give any comment from personal experience unfortunately.
is it funky for it?, cuz im planning on getting a 360 so i can play fps/gears of war with my friends, and also fighters for myself
i like dpad for fighters tho, ive never played them on xbox, does it feel really weird? or barely work or something?
I started with the d-pad for fighters. When I played fighters on the 360, you're stupid as hell to play with the d-pad. (see my previous post with the PS3 vs. 360, if you recall it that is). So now I like to play with the joystick (joy... stick *giggle*), and I have been pulling off the turtle style for Guile a hell of a lot easier. Being able to charge sonic booms and flash kicks in one direction AS WELL AS blocking.

Though I've come to favor the arcade stick much more for it to be simply put as, "I can use my entire hand to hit the buttons instead of my ****ing fat *** thumb." Though I will not use a joystick for games like THUG.(tony hawks underground) Also to answer your question Voorhese, the d-pad on the 360 tends input more directions then it should be.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
thx draco, maybe i should just switch to a stick then? so i can play fps with my friends...and play me some fighters at the same time no problem? i mean i dont play ps3 or 360 like at all, and i dont play fighters that often so im sure i can learn the arcade stick pretty easy.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
That's fine with me, but just remember that, depending on Anthony's schedule, we may be staying down there for some time.
I may have to ride seperarte then. I'll probably just come down for Saturday and maybe stay the night. Because I gotta do grad school stuff all the time untill school starts >.<

Voorhese: Use a stick. I used to play pad and it's kinda lame. Also funny story, I got 3rd at a SSF4 because I tried to be a nice guy and play pad because no one wanted to let me borrow their stick lmao and I forgot mine. Fro you would be proud tho. I was down 3 rounds and made an epic 4 round come back with my Dhalsim to make it into loser's finals.


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
so to get to this i have to ride I-74 forever. it says 3 hrs 15 mins i bet i can turn it into about a 2 and half hour drive if i can go as fast as i want. **** tha cops


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2006
Lafayette, IN
thx draco, maybe i should just switch to a stick then? so i can play fps with my friends...and play me some fighters at the same time no problem? i mean i dont play ps3 or 360 like at all, and i dont play fighters that often so im sure i can learn the arcade stick pretty easy.
I'm sorry if it sounds stupid coming from me, but I'm just wanting to make sure. You plan on using an arcade stick for a FPS, or are you talking about using the joystick to play games for the 360 instead of the d-pad? I'm just wanting to make sure I'm understanding this correctly cause I just f'n woke up.

Basically what I was stating before is that the PS3 placement with the joysticks are not really a comfortable position for FPS/fighter while the 360 placement for it's joysticks are placed rather well. Comparing the PS3's and the 360's d-pad, the PS3 wins by far cause the 360's d-pad just makes you jump randomly and tends to do additional directions.

If you're talking about fighters separately, an arcade stick is the way to go. You have so much control over what you do with one of those verses a standard video game controller. It might be a different case for most people, but it's all based on perception.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
So who all from Peoria and the Chicago area (and anyone else for that matter) are planning on coming down for a tourney this weekend? I think it would be best to find out beforehand because unless you guys can muster up like 8-10 or so, it may be more advantageous for you guys to come down during one of the subsequent tournies. I say this because I know two of our regulars are going to be at APEX (Lanceinthepants and Deeznutz), one is going back home for the weekend (Rin10-10), and one is going to be at Gencon (Warhippy). So taking that into consideration, along with the fact that two may or may not john out because of work and/or money (we haven't been enforcing the typical entry fee as of late because of attendance), there's a good chance that there will only be like 4 or 5 of us this weekend (I don't even know about Kirk anymore).

Since school is about to start up in a couple weeks, I would suggest coming to the first one of the semester because there would no doubt be a much higher attendance in addtition to a venue that would be more suitable for tournies (we haven't been able to reserve our traditional lounge during the Summer semester).

Speaking of which, you guys, if we do end up having one, where are we planning on running it? Skylar's place is no longer available to us. I would think Anthony's perhaps? This is of course that he's not scheduled for the weekend, and is able to make it down.

But anyway, these are my thoughts on the matter. Assuming Anthony's work doesn't screw him over, we'll plan on being there regardless.


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
Matt stop johning it up. People take a risk by driving to tournaments, theres always a chance attendance will be less than they expect, you don't need to remind people of this simple fact. Its dumb mentioning Scott not being there because he rarely shows up to stuff anymore also. You can't suggest people come down to a tournament in the school year, no one even knows if they are gonna be free then. It doesn't work that way. Honestly summer is the time to travel and do this stuff because everyone has way less free time during the school year. People wanna come down then let them, dont be spouting off all your joonz.

The people who i know are interested are tomacawk, tink, dart and orly(maybe). More might come i dunno.

As for the venue, i wanna talk to CNN and host it at the frat but he isn't answering his phone. Our next best solution would Anthony's place i guess, unless someone has a better idea.


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
Well i still haven't gotten a response from tink aka john wagon so if i hear nothing from him im assuming he doesn't want to team and teaming with ORLY, either way i'm winning teams.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
My apologies for providing everyone with useful details that will enable them to make a more informed decision concerning the tournies.

Given that this may not be the best weekend to run one, overall, if it's better for all of them, then fine--it would probably be best to have it this Saturday. If, during the beginning of the semester, it would be better for more of them (or for about the same), it would be more wise to attend in a few weeks because the turnout would no doubt be larger.

I don't see how it would not be beneficial to know this, but furthermore, I most certainly don't see how this is me "johning it up". But whatever, I guess coming from someone who wouldn't be traveling but 32 seconds to this thing, I wouldn't expect you to take what I'm saying into deep consideration.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
george stop being a george

goose was only trying to forewarn the prospective attenders of your tournament so that you guys don't have to listen to THEM "john it up" when they get to the tournament.

He's actually doing you a favor.

And matt, george is just being a george. most of this stuff he posts is just nonsense anyway haha



Smash Hero
Jan 25, 2004
yo.....i wanna see the purdue ppl that come out and get some great practice this weekend...chicago crews coming to train you *****s.
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