I know the SSNM team have been working with a much more updated version, like four month's,? lol, and probably discovered, changed or took care of some of the things I'll mention, but I'll say them anyways. (BTW, I know many others have asked this as well. But I wish to be a beta tester as well. ^^')
I'm a pika main, sooooo...
Pikachu :
The neutral special is glitchy on the lol test stage. I determined that it is supposed to last until it reaches an edge, this is also true if it was performed in the air.
If you are at the top of one of the slopes facing towards the stage and perform a tjolt the tjolt will cancel as if it has hit an edge. I tried getting similar results as it goes up the slope, and discovered that it will only reoccur, acting as if it hit a ledge, if the tjolt was performed far away.
Characters seem to go strangely straight up once hit by pika's seventh single jab, and not take damage. The next jab will do damage, minimal knockback. This is assuming you don't do the (Hold down A) AAA combo for every jab. (Very important!!!) Just do single indepentant jabs, and the seventh one will cause this. Percent doesn't seemingly affect this. If you time it well, you can negate the damage jab, and send him straight back up if you hit 'em with a jab as he's falling down (I'm having a hard time replicating this...)
(While further testing this out, apparently if aimed correctly, pika's tjolt does no damage if you aim at their back as he looks away from you. Wait a minue, he never gets hurt if he has his back to you, just pain animation and stun. I take that back, if you pepper him with enough tjolts, eventually the back become immune to it. lol.
Wait again. It appears that on his third stock he is completely immune to jtolt's damage. You guys go test that out. It's getting really confusing. Somehow they will get damage from tjolt, then the back is immune, then entirely immune. But it seems to be related with the amount of tjolt hits, and somehow the stock as each stock lead to different results.
Okay sorry for bad and confusing typing

. But I accidentally discovered that this only works if you only do tjolts. Other moves will cause this to reset, so this obviously has to do with the staling of the moves. Apparently 9 jolts in a row is what it takes to not hurt someone anymore. Also, if the character was to die and you hit 'em with the same move, the same result happens. This works for all moves that cause knockback, on all characters.
If you do a grounded tjolt so that it expires in the air beyond the ledge/edge, and it's stale, the opponent will be stuck in the hurt animation, until they do anything, except their second jump.
This lead to discovering that if you tjolt so that it falls off the ledge, and you jump right before you're hit, you're stuck on the hurt animation on the floor. This doesn't do much, since anything can escape this, but automatically are invinsible while stuck in this animation.)
Okay, back on what I was saying : The jab thing is actually the same deal as the tjolt stuff in the above parenthesis. ^^'
It kinda makes sense now as to why this is happening. But still, why should a stale move cause that much hitback?
Or not do damage?
Or have both effects after the person dies, or put another way, at any percent?
Quite often a CPU or my sis, if they time it right, will walk into the picture of the electricity from the smash, and not get hurt. :/ I guess you need to lengthen the time that he hitbox is out. ^^
Somehow I "jumped" a smash. Ever since I did it, I've been trying to duplicate it, so maybe I mistook what I saw for something else. But here is the scenario anyways.
I'm pika, cpu is bowser, stage is battlefield. I smash him, he's slightly off stage. I pursue him with the intent to jump through the platform and spike him with the aerial. Well, instead of doing the aerial, I smashed him! Cool and weird huh?
Side B
SB falls through the stage if you aim for the slope.
Quick Attack
I know the QA through the floor has already been taken care of, but it still has it's (VERY) interesting quirks.
1. Why does, QA always go up after any input that isn't up if you don't put any direction for the second part?
2. I was playing around with the special cancel, so I used this train of thought into QA. So I tried to 'buffer' down after up. Well, further testing showed that holdling both buttons simultaneously led to the same result : he QAs in place; he's stuck in the up QA animation wherever he is. After that he QAs whatever direction you're holding, or if there is no input, you go straight up.
Also, if you continue to hold down and up as the first QA ends, the second one never happens and he falls back down in the helpless animation.
This can be duplicated by holding up and down after doing up, or going down. So no matter which QA part it is, if you're holding down at the same time as up, you will freeze. (Pika for God tier! :D)
This also can be duplicated by holding left and right at the same time. Same rules apply.
3. At the base of the slope QA horizontally towards the slope (Left or right), then hold that arrow key. The rules of QA means that you can't go the same direction twice, so the second QA never happens, and you just land and bob your head up, which is an indicator of you landing. So hold the arrow key until he bobs his head up, he will look fine until you move him any direction. If you move him backwards he will be stuck in the standing and/or idle animation. Move him forwards, he will be stuck in the running animation, even after you stopped running forwards. If you move forwards first, even going backwards, he will be in the running animation going the wrong direction. Everything else seems to stop this, so you can always jump.
The same effect can be duplicated if you QA horizontally towards the stage, if you're on top of the slope. But going up the slope if easier to duplicate imo.
Sorry, actually I was wrong. Just plain holding the same direction wherever you are on the floor produces this effect. I trust that this has been found already. Sry.
You probably have taunts in by now, so the weird completely stop moving until hit thing will be fixed. Yeah, in the latest demo at least. Pika's taunt freezes him.
Fox :
Fox has huge distance going up on his up b. I know you said you used cos and sin or whatever, but maybe you accidentally did an oval. I'm pretty sure that this has been looked at too.
ROFLMAO!!! Pikachu's #2 for QA applies to Fox as well, however he cannot escape until hit by an attack. Meaning he continues to float, stuck in his falling animation until he is struck by a move that causes hitback. Actually he techincally CAN move side to side ever so slightly and slowly, but that's it. (Edit : This is upB glitch #1.)
WOW, apperently if you do this while on the floor (Preferbly a platform, just so it's easier to mess around with.) you can do the same thing (Edit : This is #2). If you don't do anything, he looks fine, in fact you can do any move afterward (Except smash), or jump. If you move, he'll be stuck in the running/standing animation. (No surprise there.)
If you don't go off the platform/floor you can still do any move to free yourself, but trying to perform the glitched upB will do nothing except restart the glitch. Only neutral B and shield will not escape the glitch.
(Edit : Here's the kicker!)
BUT if you run off the platform/edge you'll be stuck in his falling (not helplessly falling) animation. (Which hilariously and surprisingly makes him look like he's an all powerful being, floating in the air and such. ^^')
He slides past the platform/floor once you try to 'land' on top of the platform/floor again, and can do anything except A attacks, until airbourn. Doing anything will take him out of this(Except lazar) Well, if you shield, he will, but that's it, he'll still slide. (Waveland properties?) Once airbourne he can perform any move, but you can't smash, just aerial. Side B, airdodging, regular upB and jumping normalizes him, while doing the up B glitch again causes him to be in the helpless kind of UpB glitch. (UpB Glitch #1)
By the way, make the lazars cancel eacg other out.
Bowser :
Bowser jumps higher that pika. ;_; And he jumps horizontally the same distance. ;_; This makes it VERY hard, even with QA, to put distance between me and bowser.
General :
Everyone seems to roll dodge in place at a certain part in the slope.
Lol, why can more than one person hold on to the edge of the stage at the same time?
Well, I'm tired, so I gotta go to sleep. So sorry for the VERY messing typing. Hope it was descriptive enough for you guys to replicate them though. Or you already know them ^^'. I'll try more stuff later.