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Super Mario RPG Mafia: Hilt lynched, Town wins!


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
What if the redirects are part of Pierce's role. Ya know, he's the "Humble" Vig. It might be a secret thing, I've seen those in OS games.

I want to believe that the last scum is indie, cause that could explain a lot of things, but what I don't understand is why there was no NK twice in a row, especially when it could have ended the game.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
k well, i'm actually mario, town doc.

i chose hilt for a number of reasons. all the evidence seemed to lean towards him as the safe lynch. zac, if you're actually scum, you deserve the win.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Haha, yeah gg town. I was Indy. Luigi. Every night I was able to choose one player and any role that would target me would target them instead. It's how T-Block and Omni both died, haha. Sadly though, I didn't have a kill of my own :X

Oh, and if you died, Bardull, the next day would end with a lynch on any players if they had two votes on them.

Was a good game, sorry for being so inactive/lazy, heh. Nice setup/flavor/game, OS. Enjoyed it.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Hilt (Luigi, Independent Redirector) has been killllllllllled.

Town is WINNAR.

Role PMs in a moment.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Overswarm said:
Mario (town doctor)

Welcome to Super Mario RPG Mafia, Raziek. You are Mario, the mustachioed plumber in red and blue. You’ve got a bit of a hero complex going on with the whole saving everyone, but hey, a lot of people need saving. You’ve got a lot of enemies, but this Smithy guy takes the cake. Go get him.

Active abilities:

Protect – Each Night, you can protect target player. You cannot target yourself.

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Overswarm said:
Johnny – town watcher/tracker

You’re the biggest, baddest pirate in the entire land. You’re a big fan of power, but this Smithy guy is a bit too much. There’s a line man. Plus, who will you plunder with your pirates if there’s nothing left but Smithy and his machines?

Active abilities:

Red bandanna- Each Night, pick a player. You will watch target player and be told who visited them that Night.

Blue bandanna- Each Night, pick a player. You will track target player and be told who they visited that Night.

You may only use one of those abilities per Night.

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Overswarm said:
Booster – Town Bus Driver

Welcome to Super Mario RPG Mafia, ChiboSempai. You are Booster, and you’re really, really weird. You’re also upset at Mario! And Smithy! But mostly Mario! But Also Smithy!

Active abilities:

Train ride – pick two players. Any actions targeting player A will now target player B and vice versa. You may only do this when Mario is dead.

Sniff – Each Night, pick a player. This will tell you if that player is Mario or not.

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Overswarm said:
Toadofsky - town musician

Welcome to Super Mario RPG, Rajam. You are more concerned with music! Yes, Yes, Smithy is bad. But music will be around whether Smithy is or not, and you heard someone play these wonderful tunes a few days ago and you just can’t quite remember.

Each Night, you get to play a minigame. In this minigame , you get to guess a note (defgabc) for each position. I’ll tell you which ones are right and which are wrong. If you get them all right, you get a prize!

Game 1: 0/3
Prize: One-shot protection. You may pick a player to protect the Night you succeed in the game. That player cannot be killed that Night.

Game 2: 0/6
Prize: One-shot bulletproof. You will survive one Night Kill attempt. The killer will be told you have lost your body armor after they attempt to kill you.

example said:
You send in your Night action as “Game 1” and you’d send in three notes. If you said “a b c”, I’d see if the first note really was a, second really was b, etc., and would tell you what you got right or wrong. Then in following Nights, you could guess different notes until you get the right song.
Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Overswarm said:
Jinx – Town humble vigilante

Welcome to Super Mario RPG, Pierce. You’re small, but powerful. So powerful you can kill a man with your bare hands! But… only if they visit someone else. You wouldn’t want to kill someone that was just sitting at home or anything. That’d be rude. You have honor to uphold!

Kill- Each Night, pick a player to kill. You may only kill them if they are visiting another player that Night.

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Overswarm said:
Bowser – Town Distractor

Welcome to Super Mario RPG Mafia, Krystedez. You’re lightning in a bottle! You’re earthquake in a can! You’re Bowser, the king of the koopas! You’ve also been kicked out of your castle and want to get that Smithy. You also definitely want to show up that stupid Mario. He thinks he’s so tough. You’ll show him how tough you are!

Active abilities:

Taunt – Each Night, you may pick a player. That player will use their ability on you. You may only use this ability while Mario is alive.

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Overswarm said:
Frogfucius – wise townie

You…. Aren’t very strong. But you are wise. Use this wisdom to your advantage!

Passive abilities:

Wisdom- Because you are so wise, you know much. You know, for example, that Mario is in this game, that Bowyer is not, and the five original party members may not all be who they seem…

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Overswarm said:
Geno (♥♪!?) (town supporter)

Welcome to Super Mario RPG Mafia, Zigsta. You are ♥♪!?, the- er, Geno. You are Geno, and you’re here to help fix star road. You’ve chosen to take the form of a doll for this journey so you aren’t exactly destructive here, but you can definitely help out your teammates.

Active abilities:
Geno Boost – Each Night, you may pick a player. That player gets to use their ability twice the following Night. This does not include any killing attacks.

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.
Overswarm said:
Peach –Town Princess

Welcome to Super Mario RPG Mafia, Padô. You don’t need rescuing this time! Just protection. Because if anything happened to you, people would be so upset they would pause their journey for a bit… and that’d help Smithy. Plan your actions carefully, you don’t want to get killed!

Passive abilities:
Town princess- If you die, there will be two Night phases instead of one. Stay alive!

Win Condition: You are town aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.
Overswarm said:
Smithy – Mafia Boss

Welcome to Super Mario RPG Mafia, T-block. You’re the biggest baddest guy from your dimension and you’ve broken star road. But you don’t care. What you do care about is all those people out there trying to stop you. Stop them first.

Active abilities:

Smelt- Each Night, you must change Yaridovich’s ability for the following Night by choosing from the list below. He may not have the same ability two Nights in a row. If he does use the same ability two times in a row, he will rust and not be able to use any abilities other than a factional Night Kill.

Smelt list:

Roleblock – choose a player, that player cannot use their ability that Night

Publicize – Choose a player. That player’s active abilities will be posted publicly in name only. (example: “(name) has the ability Smelt”

Impersonate – Choose a player. You will assume that player’s identity momentarily, being told what their character name is. (Yaridovich starts with this ability)

Hide – Yaridovich may not be the target of any abilities other than Smelt for that Night.

Night Kill – You control the Night Kill. You may send in one factional Night Kill per Night. If you die, this goes to Yaridovich and then the Axem Rangers.

Safe claim: Mallow, town crier. Any night kill attempt on you will be redirected to another player at random from any faction.

Win Condition: You are mafia aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Your scummates are Omni (Axem Rangers) and Shaya (Yaridovich). You can communicate with them here: http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/PT6net9uhCch4

Overswarm said:
Axem Rangers- Mafia Jack-of-All-Trades

Welcome to Super Mario RPG, Omni. You’re the Axem Rangers! All of them. They each have their own special ability, and they may only be used once each. You may only use one ability per Night.

Active abilities:

Red Ranger- Pick two players. Player A will use his ability on player B instead of whoever he chose. In the event he choose multiple players for an action or multiple actions, they will all be replaced with player A.

Blue Ranger- Pick a player. That player will be roleblocked for that Night.

Yellow Ranger- Pick a player. That player’s Night actions will be posted publicly the following day. (It will say player X visited player Y, or something similar. No specifics as to the action.)

Pink Ranger- Pick a player. That player will no longer be able to use their ability on you for the rest of the game.

Black Ranger- Pick a player. That player will be told they have been granted one-shot bulletproof status by someone. They will not be granted this status. It is a lie.

Safe Claim: Hammer Brothers, town Roleblocker that can only roleblock while Mario is alive.

Win Condition: You are mafia aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Your scummates are T-block (Smithy) and Shaya (Yaridovich). You can communicate with them here: http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/PT6net9uhCch4

Overswarm said:
Yaridovich ¬– Mafia Subordinate

Welcome to Super Mario RPG, Shaya. You’re the master of disguise! You can impersonate whole towns and have some pretty awesome plans in your head! Work with Smithy to get rid of Mario and friends.

Smelted ability- Smithy creates abilities for you! As long as Smithy is alive, you will receive a new ability every Night. You may not use the same ability two times in a row, or you will be unable to use any abilities afterwards for the rest of the game, not including factional Night Kills.

Current Smelted Ability- Impersonate – Choose a player. You will assume that player’s identity momentarily, being told what their character name is.

Safe claim: none

Win Condition: You are mafia aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

Your scummates are Omni (Axem Rangers) and T-block(Smithy). You can communicate with them here: http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/PT6net9uhCch4

Overswarm said:
Luigi- Independent Redirector

Welcome to Super Mario RPG, Hilt. Always second best, right? Well not here. No one sees you coming! You’ve been plotting and planning all along, and this time you get your revenge. Everything going your way just always seems to turn at the last minute, doesn’t it? Well now you can use it to your advantage.

Active abilities:

Redirect- Every Night, pick a player. That player will be targeted by any abilities that target you, including Night kills.

Passive abilities:

Doomsday- After Mario is killed, you just can’t hold in your joy! The following Day phase will be incredibly short, and it will only take two votes to lynch someone at any point. Things will go back to normal afterwards.

Safe claims: Chancellor, Toad, Croco, Magikoopa, Culex, Boshi, Jagger , Invisbile Guy Behind The House In Mushroom Kingdom Otherwise Known As Luigi, Tadpole, Pa mole, Dyna and Mite, King Nimbus

Win Condition: You are independently aligned and win when all threats to your faction have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this.

I made a mistake with the Axem Rangers and got one of the colors wrong :B

I also originally forgot to tell UTD Zac he couldn't use both abilities in the same Night.

I liked this game, but I don't think it was really special enough to run again. Someone can move this to DGames.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
-_- @ Town Redirector

That single-handledly destroyed Mafia.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
And then my post count dropped dramatically.

Town Redirector? I was scum .-.

And it was my only form of being being able to kill anyone, haha. Pretty weak role imo, but fun nonetheless.

Town having a bus driving was a bit odd, though.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The thing that did scum in was constantly attempting to kill Hilt, you guys probably would have won it otherwise.

Also, the songs were the sound of getting a coin and the 1-up melody.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I am sooooooooooo mad >=(

I still think Rajam's role is terrible, and I wouldn't expect anyone with that role to be anything more than VT for most games.

Other than that, thanks for hosting OS. Wish I could have played more x.x


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Rajam also got hints via youtube clips to solve his riddles. Keep in mind if he had stayed alive til endgame he would have had a whopping 6 chances for both games :B

But his role was supposed to be relatively weak.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Commuter was the first role that came to mind for me to safe claim. It's one of the more believable claims out of what I was pretty sure OS wouldn't put in his game. Felt safe in using it because of that, since I wouldn't expect others to have the same thought that OS putting commuter in his game would seem off, haha. Did some reading up on the characters I had safe claims for, and Dyna immediately came to mind, since she'd fit the role perfectly (pretty much only because she's a mole, lol). I couldn't think of anything believable for Chancellor or many of my other roles. So I'd rather go with a character that fits well with a more believable claim, than make up a bunch of crap for a role, trying to get it to fit a more important character.

Considered just going with Luigi, since I had an idea of what to make up for him, but him barely even being in the game was a problem X: I was surprised he was in the game, actually.

Edit: I targeted you T-Block because I found you suspicious (don't ask me why now, as it was months ago, hahaha). It was an easy way for me to attempt to get someone I found moderately suspicious killed, without putting myself at risk if they do turn up town (something I'm often too cautious of... one of the flaws in my play). It was the same reason I targeted Omni (twice). I didn't want to target my stronger scum picks. I felt it would be better to actually push for their lynch, while leaving the others up to chance, as there was a good chance in my mind that they would be town (oh how I was wrong). Also, if you were town, I would be safe from cop investigations which I was terrified of, lol.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Black Ranger- Pick a player. That player will be told they have been granted one-shot bulletproof status by someone. They will not be granted this status. It is a lie.

I got pretty lucky tracking Shaya on the Night he targeted both Rajam and Pierce lol.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Overswarm said:
Shaya visited Omni

UTDZac said:
Overswarm said:
UTDZac said:
I'd like to track Tin Man.

Blue bandanna: Tin Man

Also, what was the result of my Night 2 action?
That's odd, I sent it to you. o_O

I guess I tried to send too many at once. You're like a lightning rod for mod errors.

Shaya visited Rajam and Pierce.

If you wish to change your action you can.
Oh... well yeah I guess I will change it now :)

Let's track Shaya again, just to be sure...

Blue bandanna: Shaya
This is what overswarm sent me.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile

Raziek / BarDulL - Very well played, to both: Raziek played a strong town game D1, and the reaction to the color thing was super legit, which quickly raised you to the top of my town list. BarDulL was a strong replacement and very helpful indeed; the will to work with me D2 after you did your re-read (which is always painful xD) was very appreciated (sadly I was wrong with Padô :(), and the last call on lylo was amazing, considering Zac was pretty scummy almost the whole game :)

UTDZac - Why are you always so inactive and scummy xD You were incredibly close to getting lynched Day 2, and to be honest I would've probably picked you instead of Hilt in lylo, due to your previous gameplay, and because of your random theories which didn't make much sense... a fourth mafia member was super unlikely, mostly given the setup was only 13 players, and it's not uncommon to see independents that cannot NKill (specially in OS games). You need to step up your Day-Phase gameplay, and be more vocal. Your case on Tin Man was weak considering people was expecting something more than that. Your breadcrums are weird :x (acer = tracker/watcher ¿? xD). Your gameplay in lylo was actually decent, but be more careful on your early gameplay which can condemn you

Hilt - mmmm you never were at the top of any player's scumpicks, and in that sense you played pretty good. Nonetheless, I think you made one scumslip, and one mistake, although both of them weren't much considered in lylo: first, at the end of D2 when we were deciding on either Padô, Shaya or Zac, you threw all the responsibility on others (specially on me) on who should be the lynch target. I didn't notice until that Day was over, but I was dead by then. That was the scumslip. About the mistake, you pushed against BarDulL first in lylo with the "Mario is not confirmed town" thing (and despite it was actually true, it had no effect), and you didn't pressure Zac enough, given his gameplay from earlier Days which was quite easy to push

Zigsta / Tin Man - Ehrm I think Zigsta played well; Tin Man could have played better (although thanks for replacing in; always hard to be a replacement :O), but it wasn't that bad. I had Tin Man pseudo-cleared based almost 100% on what Zigsta did and his interactions with T-block... It seemed like Tin Man was perfect for scum to manipulate, and the fact that Tin Man almost never had a vote around was very hard to work with because is a vote less to pressure or lynch. I was a little afraid Tin Man could've been a liability late game, but it didn't turn like that at the end (despite the mod-kill). Which were your Night actions btw?

Red Ryu - this game was fun fun fun lol. You played well, even if you couldn't revert how scum was pressuring you based on things like the rebecca claim and the random gifs, and the color thing condemned you, you still left several posts and useful stuff to scumhunt later. In another unrelated issue, I'm planning on a setup where I can add Rebecca Black, Friday townie
. 2good

vVv ChiboSempai - I don't remember much your gameplay, and I think you were the player which I most ignored D1. I was ready to specially look at you D2 given that... sorry about this shout-out; I don't recall something more detailed about your gameplay this game :(

T-block - Good job overall. You had most players convinced you were town, and the few ones suspecting you (me, RR?) were on the scummy side so it was impossible D1 to move you closer to a lynch (you were pretty far from that). Since it seems you like to post a lot as scum, I'd suggest leaving fake connections in case you die, so town hunt in the wrong direction later (like I did with Padô; don't know if that was intentional or not, but it seemed to me like a scum-connection). Dying so early was unfortunate; because it provided several connections already early game

Padô - lol your cases and logic were extremely weird... at first I mostly ignored them, but seeing as how you persisted on time with that, plus your random changes and votes made you scummy to me in the end. It seemed you were just agreeing around... When I saw your flip I thought town had the game lost (:mad088: @ beloved princess). The fake connection T-block created with you played against you in the end :( but that was off your hands...

Rajam - When I grow up I want to be like you :O

Krystedez - I think you did a good job. You were pretty vocal which is always helpul, and even if I considered your cases weren't correct, the intention behind the construction of those cases made me realize you were town. You were a useful town member and the will to work in team was very helpful D2

Shaya - lmao OMGUS ftw :awesome: although you were playing quite scummy, and you seem to stuck more than needed on little unsignificant details (like kupo!, or posting restrictions). One of your posts which I red-flagged D1 was very scummy due to how you were basically throwing filth without making a real townie-contribution... fun fact: Omni "suspecting" you in the 1st place made me realize you were quite scummy after a light re-read, and you never dropped from the top of my scum-dar after that

Omni - We clashed a lot this game. I always try to ignore Chrono Trigger (and Mario Kart) when dealing with you and focus only on the actual game actions, but I guess I'll always be specially wary about you in any mafia game. In this game I'd say your flaw was that you weren't giving much reasons or "powerful" reasons when choosing an actual "scum" pick (despite it was harder by nature since you were mafia), and that raised my suspicion on you, but you were doing a good job pressuring people and making disconnections with your mafia partners (I thought you were Indy). Also I think you lost a little in the conviction department D2; I felt like no one was listening to you D2 meanwhile I was able to convince Raz/BarDulL, Krystedez, and kinda Tin Man and Pierce to push in the direction I wanted

Pierce7d - :O You were the player I was most wrong about along with Padô, thinking all game you were scum. lmao at the clear at D2's last moment based on your inactivity. Regarding that, what happened the Day you were lynched :( ? Anyways, you played a strong town game, being always at the top of discussion and taking a leadership on several issues. gg, and yeah I ended up being Toadofsky xD

Overswarm - As usual I enjoyed this game a lot. I was totally clueless with my mini-games lol... I wrote in paper the whole song that was in the background of the youtube link you sent me as hint, but it didn't help at all (only one more note correct xD); the 2nd clue was even more confusing with the coins image... the setup felt pretty well balanced, which is always a plus :) Thanks for hosting!


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Oh Rajam... I thought it was HILARIOUS that you named me, Omni, Shaya as three of your four top scum picks (along with Pierce), with that logic. Seriously... that's too good xD

I was trying to get you guys to jump on Krys in the case that I died, but I guess that didn't work out. I intended to get Zigsta on my side from the beginning.

Pierce and I think similarly too. Uncannily similarly.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Sorry rajam and town for being inactive, but I did it for a purpose. I didn't want scum to NK me. Being an acer I knew I was going to be able help late game. Its true I could have scum hunt D1 or D2, but I was willing to risk that to ensure a mafia kill late game.

Also, I tried playing real active in the last mafia game, but people found that scummy cause it was "unusual" for me or something.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
honestly i really enjoyed this game. i don't think i would have enjoyed it nearly as much though if i didn't fill in raziek's shoes; he was practically god-confirmed town when i came in, and given that he was mario, it was an easy slot to replace into.

@rajam, in retrospect, i should have protected you N2, but i thought you were such an obvious N2 target that i went for omni instead. then you died and i was like "welp, heal omni again." whoops. lol. anyway, your analysis on d2 was amazing, although pado ended up being town...but it's just too hard reading into pado anyway. very well played.

@omni, lol. i am so glad you died when you did; i would have most likely followed you to endgame.

@zac - your play was like -_-but then it got exponentially better out of nowhere on D3, thank god. lylo was a scary moment for the both of us, glad we pulled through on that one.

@hilt - i thought your play was great. if you had put more pressure on zac during lylo things may have been different, but you were still the safe lynch.

@shaya - man, i always get second thoughts about lynching you when you're actually scum. i need to follow my gut.

@rr - i never interacted with you, but wtf dude. lol. i cringed at the color slip. -_-. you did spur discussion though, and given what your role was, you actually played it well...in a weird way.

@pierce, i have so many complaints that i can't begin to count. lol. you left me the evidence i needed to safely lynch hilt though, so i forgive you.

@krys - i liked your play for the most part in the small time span we interacted.

@tinman - -_-

@chibo - i actually felt you were town this game. this calls for celebration!

@pado - oh my god pado you are too hard to read.

@t-block - lol luigi'd. another player that i'm glad i didn't have to deal with!

@OS - fun set up
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