DtJ Hilt
Little Lizard
I went back and looked at Red Ryu's claim. I don't know how to take the information of Mario for sure being in this game. He didn't say that Mario was confirmed town. Judging from the theme of the mafia members so far, Mario being in the mafia wouldn't make sense, but him being the independent is still likely.
I don't like how Bardull, in response to Zac's claim request, just did a name claim, not his character. And while he did claim doctor, he claimed doctor after every single other player had claimed/flipped. A safe doctor claim is extremely powerful and believable. Perhaps he was waiting to make sure I didn't claim doctor before he did, and had a backup claim just in case. YesterDay I was sold on Bardull's claim, partially due to lingering scum vibes from a few day phases ago on UTD.
Question, Bardull. Could you explain more about this gift? Who gave it to whom?
As for your question on if I have any idea of what's going on, just look at everything. I don't particularly like delving into "I think this faction killed this guy!" talk, because it rarely tends to go anywhere productive.. but considering we've had one night phase with two deaths, and all of the others having one or none at all, dying out completely when the third mafia member died, I strongly, strongly doubt that there are A) more than the three mafia members we've killed, or B) a third consistent killing role. Pierce's Vigilante ability was not 1 shot. Having a third reliable killing role could have the game end with town losing in two day phases (even if one of the the vigilante or serial killer were killed off N1, or one of the night kills fail for whatever reason), in a 13 man game! I doubt OS would do something this stupid.
Here's what I think. Either there are no independents and it's a fourth mafia member who failed in his last kill (and most likely a role blocker who's been stopping Pierce's kills), or we're against an independent with either a funky win condition (such as lyncher) or some way to manipulate kills (redirector, busdriver, etc, which would explain why neither of the people that died N1 were Pierce's target (to my knowledge this was the case, correct me if I'm wrong)). My money's on the latter.
Does any of this really matter? Nope. This is the last day phase. The opposing team of whomever we lynch tonight will win.
I have had very little sleep. Pardon me if I don't make another post for quite a few hours. We still have plenty of the day phase left, but we don't have to drag it out too long. I don't know who my vote's going to be on yet, and I'd like to hear opinions from the two of you first on what you think about each of your two lynch options.
I don't like how Bardull, in response to Zac's claim request, just did a name claim, not his character. And while he did claim doctor, he claimed doctor after every single other player had claimed/flipped. A safe doctor claim is extremely powerful and believable. Perhaps he was waiting to make sure I didn't claim doctor before he did, and had a backup claim just in case. YesterDay I was sold on Bardull's claim, partially due to lingering scum vibes from a few day phases ago on UTD.
Question, Bardull. Could you explain more about this gift? Who gave it to whom?
As for your question on if I have any idea of what's going on, just look at everything. I don't particularly like delving into "I think this faction killed this guy!" talk, because it rarely tends to go anywhere productive.. but considering we've had one night phase with two deaths, and all of the others having one or none at all, dying out completely when the third mafia member died, I strongly, strongly doubt that there are A) more than the three mafia members we've killed, or B) a third consistent killing role. Pierce's Vigilante ability was not 1 shot. Having a third reliable killing role could have the game end with town losing in two day phases (even if one of the the vigilante or serial killer were killed off N1, or one of the night kills fail for whatever reason), in a 13 man game! I doubt OS would do something this stupid.
Here's what I think. Either there are no independents and it's a fourth mafia member who failed in his last kill (and most likely a role blocker who's been stopping Pierce's kills), or we're against an independent with either a funky win condition (such as lyncher) or some way to manipulate kills (redirector, busdriver, etc, which would explain why neither of the people that died N1 were Pierce's target (to my knowledge this was the case, correct me if I'm wrong)). My money's on the latter.
Does any of this really matter? Nope. This is the last day phase. The opposing team of whomever we lynch tonight will win.
I have had very little sleep. Pardon me if I don't make another post for quite a few hours. We still have plenty of the day phase left, but we don't have to drag it out too long. I don't know who my vote's going to be on yet, and I'd like to hear opinions from the two of you first on what you think about each of your two lynch options.