Welcome to the club. I've made my peace with being disappointed. One of my four most wanted characters, Bowser Jr., has been in the roster since
Smash 4, albeit not how I envisioned him (but the Inklings in
Ultimate come close enough to
my Bowser Jr. concept for my liking). However, things don't look rosy for the other three; Bomberman and Krystal are both Assist Trophies, and Vaati has pretty much been entirely forgotten by Nintendo. The only other three characters I want — Corsola, Dragonite, and Moge-ko — never had a chance to begin with (well, okay, Dragonite
may have had a chance in the early 2000's, but not much of one, considering it had to compete with more iconic Pokémon like Mewtwo, Charizard, and Lucario). All other characters on my wishlist (including Ridley and K. Rool, as well as the 4 you mentioned) are characters I want mainly for the sake of their dedicated fans. Basically, I've only gotten
one bone thrown my way since
Brawl, and that bone was half-chewed to begin with. But that's okay; I've found plenty of new characters to enjoy playing as in each game.
Brawl brought



, and

; Lucario has become one of the primary three characters I use along with Ness and Jigglypuff, while Sonic was pretty much the fifth place on my most-desired characters list.
Smash 4 brought along



, and especially

. Even though I haven't gotten the characters I really wanted, overall I'm happy with the characters who have made it in. I look forward to using


, and
