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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
I'd also like to call out NintenGex of Source Gaming as well.

Recently spoke on twitter, and thought Bandana Dee would be more interesting than a "blonde Swordsman throwing Rocks."

View attachment 164545

That is a really dumb assumption on his part. like, really dumb.

(Oh and he also might have a hatred for Dixie in smash apparently. That's an immediate no-no.)
I'd say just ignore them i mean I could say bandana dee is a gomba with a hat who's over shadowed by his own king and the much cooler meta knight not to mention maglor would add more to smash probably but I'm not call characters names (even tho I did right now) I get why everyone was on edge about Isabelle but I think it has to do with the fact that she wasn't worth the wait of one week of build up I love her too death tho
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Too bad he can't be #50.

I've gone back and forth on him being cut from the direct. An AC tease is a good way to close out with some hype, and it would make sense to have just Isabelle since she doesn't have one of those "Smash first" fanbases like Isaac, who would go over many casuals' heads.

At the same time though, that whole vibe and tease would fit much better in the opening since it had a slow build-up. It would still work to have Isabelle in the opening and somebody more hype at the end (like Ridley and K. Rool) since Isabelle is #68. I do believe if they made a major change we didn't know about, it was Isaac being removed rather than something with Torna or another game since earthquakes would be an immediate no-no.
I think the AC/Isabelle reveal was meant to be an opener. It slower paced, and while it's Exciting to have a game like that announced, it's not hype, and it didn't feel like it as supposed to be. It felt like it was supposed to be easing people into the direct. Of coure that's just me.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2018
I actually want Bandana Dee a lot... but I must do this...


also i'm sorry ken but *British Accent* I have a score to settle with BROTHERRR

(This is what I want, not what I think will happen)
Snake Echo should be "The Boss". Camo version and (non sexualized) stealth suit versions.


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2018
Isabelle was clearly made specifically for the Direct; the whole reason the announcement even halfway works is because people aren't sure if it's announcing a new AC or is about Smash. Whether that was seriously all they planned or whether they had anything else planned is up in the air, but if Tom Nook staring at a screen and announcing AC was seriously the last thing they wanted before the end of the Direct it's ridiculous.

It seems people have reverted to pre-K Rool state because of Box Theory. Only relevant characters are possible now, old fan favorites aren't.

Deleted member

I think the AC/Isabelle reveal was meant to be an opener. It slower paced, and while it's Exciting to have a game like that announced, it's not hype, and it didn't feel like it as supposed to be. It felt like it was supposed to be easing people into the direct. Of coure that's just me.
Yeah, it was pretty weird to start with Luigi's Mansion 3. You probably would have had Animal Crossing Switch be the opening announcement that would get people excited. So, while I do not like putting on the tinfoil hat, I still can't resist wondering if this was meant to be the true opening bit in the Direct.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
I'd say just ignore them i mean I could say bandana dee is a gomba with a hat who's over shadowed by his own king and the much cooler meta knight not to mention maglor would add more to smash probably but I'm not call characters names (even tho I did right now) I get why everyone was on edge about Isabelle but I think it has to do with the fact that she wasn't worth the wait of one week of build up I love her too death tho
It's not that i hate the guy or want to ignore him, but it's disappointing to me that a guy that's apart of the group that is supposed to research everything about Smash Bros, and yet he can't even do basic research on Isaac, a Nintendo Charcater.

It's also disappointing because he uses a straw-man for this argument against a character to counter a straw man of his preferred character.

Isaac is more than a "Blonde swordsman".

He's the representative of Golden Sun. A once important franchise to Nintendo.

Anyway, rant over.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Isabelle was clearly made specifically for the Direct; the whole reason the announcement even halfway works is because people aren't sure if it's announcing a new AC or is about Smash. Whether that was seriously all they planned or whether they had anything else planned is up in the air, but if Tom Nook staring at a screen and announcing AC was seriously the last thing they wanted before the end of the Direct it's ridiculous.

It seems people have reverted to pre-K Rool state because of Box Theory. Only relevant characters are possible now, old fan favorites aren't.
This situation feels like Nindies Direct 2: Electric Boogaloo in that the reveal at the end feels a bit odd and done on short notice, as if to compensate for a plan that got swapped out. At least we got actual Smash content this time.

For the box, I blame the untrained interns who have no idea how to do proper marketing material, yet again.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
It's not that i hate the guy or want to ignore him, but it's disappointing to me that a guy that's apart of the group that is supposed to research everything about Smash Bros, and yet he can't even do basic research on Isaac, a Nintendo Charcater.

It's also disappointing because he uses a straw-man for this argument against a character to counter a straw man of his preferred character.

Isaac is more than a "Blonde swordsman".

He's the representative of Golden Sun. A once important franchise to Nintendo.

Anyway, rant over.
That's the thing I don't like.

Don't hate MY generic character because there's this Generic character OTHER PEOPLE LIKE

It just comes off as so douchey


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2018
I like Bandana Dee as much as the next guy, but the Kirby franchise already has a protagonist, an anti-hero, and an antagonist. All three of which are unique characters.

I just think that time developing the game would be better spent putting new (Nintendo) franchises in instead of giving a 3-or-more character franchise yet another character.
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
It's not that i hate the guy or want to ignore him, but it's disappointing to me that a guy that's apart of the group that is supposed to research everything about Smash Bros, and yet he can't even do basic research on Isaac, a Nintendo Charcater.

It's also disappointing because he uses a straw-man for this argument against a character to counter a straw man of his preferred character.

Isaac is more than a "Blonde swordsman".

He's the representative of Golden Sun. A once important franchise to Nintendo.

Anyway, rant over.
Some people ain't gonna see it your way my man I say let them think with there ignorant Minds it don't matter what matters is if Sakurai can convince those people that character is interesting Sakurai convince me Isabelle can work and I was mad at first but after sleeping on it for a couple days I love her so anybody can like Isaac no matter what they say it don't matter till they see him


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
Long Island NY
I like Bandana Dee as much as the next guy, but the Kirby franchise already has a protagonist, an anti-hero, and an antagonist. All three of which are unique characters.

I just think that time developing the game would be better spent putting new (Nintendo) franchises in instead of giving a 3-or-more character franchise yet another character.
I agree just like how Waddle Doo is 100000x better then Waddle Dee

(Look at this adorable generic ass anime sword fighter)


So Frog and Waddle Doo for DLC


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
I could see GS switch remastered using amiibo for black smith material and Nintendo equipment
You know, I'd love to see some real beneficial use for a potential Isaac amiibo. Usually, these things just give items, costumes, or stat/health boosts, but I'd personally love to unlock a new Djinn/class or bonus map ala Crossbone Isle when I tap Isaac's amiibo.

I like Bandana Dee as much as the next guy, but the Kirby franchise already has a protagonist, an anti-hero, and an antagonist. All three of which are unique characters.

I just think that time developing the game would be better spent putting new (Nintendo) franchises in instead of giving a 3-or-more character franchise yet another character.
I do support Dee, but he could easily work as DLC. Really, I think any ballot character could, but Dee especially has the notability as a Kirby character (which Japan eats up) to be an appealing DLC choice that both Smash and Nintendo fans alike will want to buy.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
That's the thing I don't like.

Don't hate MY generic character because there's this Generic character OTHER PEOPLE LIKE

It just comes off as so douchey

Yeah. Nothing screams "pretentious" like that.
Some people ain't gonna see it your way my man I say let them think with there ignorant Minds it don't matter what matters is if Sakurai can convince those people that character is interesting Sakurai convince me Isabelle can work and I was mad at first but after sleeping on it for a couple days I love her so anybody can like Isaac no matter what they say it don't matter till they see him
Eh, i just thought the announcement wasn't super great. I'm okay with the character.

Sakurai would convince anyone that Isaac is worth making into a Smash Bros character just by showing him off.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
You know, I'd love to see some real beneficial use for a potential Isaac amiibo. Usually, these things just give items, costumes, or stat/health boosts, but I'd personally love to unlock a new Djinn/class or bonus map ala Crossbone Isle when I tap Isaac's amiibo.

I do support Dee, but he could easily work as DLC. Really, I think any ballot character could, but Dee especially has the notability as a Kirby character (which Japan eats up) to be an appealing DLC choice that both Smash and Nintendo fans alike will want to buy.
There better be a way to get the same rward in game though. You should never need an amiibo to 100% complete a non toys to life game.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
There better be a way to get the same rward in game though. You should never need an amiibo to 100% complete a non toys to life game.
There would be, of course. I don't want it to be thought of as the only option and glorified/overpriced DLC, especially "pay-to-win DLC". I'd just like some memorable utility for the amiibo that I'm paying $15 for, because as cool as it is as a collectible, they are supposed to serve more of a purpose beyond that.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
Long Island NY
View attachment 164548

Yeah. Nothing screams "pretentious" like that.

Isaac legit has the power to summon a god who throws people into a supernova.
I think people downplay Isaac power

Plus Adult Isaac has the power of the Golden Sun, like all the elements at his disposal he legit is walking alchamy

People are like that when it comes to smash.


Dixie is a main star of her own game, so is Isaac. BWD is a sidekick.

I have no opinion on him but if you are going to critique characters give more then the generic reasoning.

During smash time people become obsessed with characters to the point they suck the fun out of spectating

People should be rooting for Nintendo Characters! The more the better! It's a game of history!

"I like BWD, I would love to see him! He would be interesting. Isaac, I might not have any attachment too, would be cool for his fans and Nintendo history! Dixie is the last big DK character! I would love to see my pick first but I want other people happy too"

That should be the mentality people have.

Look, I dislike Xenoblade 2. Pyra and the other titblades just make me uncomfortable. However, Xeno is important to Nintendo. If they get in as DLC that means good things for Nintendo and Xeno fans.

I just want people to be happy man, Smash culture is so draining.

I want Isaac in, I want him in badly, I want GS remastered or GS4 to happen. However I will get what I can take

Que sera sera


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
That's the exact mentality I have. I'll always pull for my boy first and foremost, but I'll be happy for the fans of anyone who enters the fight.

THE 6r

Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2015
Fairfax,VA + Los Angeles, CA
Switch FC
Bandana Dee is one of my most wanted newcomers and the whole "hat Goomba" argument just always bugs me to no end. Bandana Dee is a unique character with unique lines that just happens to be the same species as a basic enemy. That would be the same as someone arguing that Marth shouldn't be in because he's the same species as the enemies in his game (which are humans).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2018
If Isaac was in Smash Ultimate and no work has been put into a G.S.4. yet, would GS4 come out on the Switch or *insert next gen console name here*?


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Isaac legit has the power to summon a god who throws people into a supernova.
I think people downplay Isaac power

Plus Adult Isaac has the power of the Golden Sun, like all the elements at his disposal he legit is walking alchamy

People are like that when it comes to smash.


Dixie is a main star of her own game, so is Isaac. BWD is a sidekick.

I have no opinion on him but if you are going to critique characters give more then the generic reasoning.

During smash time people become obsessed with characters to the point they suck the fun out of spectating

People should be rooting for Nintendo Characters! The more the better! It's a game of history!

"I like BWD, I would love to see him! He would be interesting. Isaac, I might not have any attachment too, would be cool for his fans and Nintendo history! Dixie is the last big DK character! I would love to see my pick first but I want other people happy too"

That should be the mentality people have.

Look, I dislike Xenoblade 2. Pyra and the other titblades just make me uncomfortable. However, Xeno is important to Nintendo. If they get in as DLC that means good things for Nintendo and Xeno fans.

I just want people to be happy man, Smash culture is so draining.

I want Isaac in, I want him in badly, I want GS remastered or GS4 to happen. However I will get what I can take

Que sera sera
Thank you, Pwn.

You summed up my current thoughts quite nicely.


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Western Massachusetts
i actually like bandana dee, but man what a generalization that dude made

i will be honest, isaac is a pretty common / general character, but he's done so well. he's like ryu. he's a plain character, but done super well


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
Bandana Dee is one of my most wanted newcomers and the whole "hat Goomba" argument just always bugs me to no end. Bandana Dee is a unique character with unique lines that just happens to be the same species as a basic enemy. That would be the same as someone arguing that Marth shouldn't be in because he's the same species as the enemies in his game (which are humans).
I understand what you mean I was just saying that we can all say stupid things to undermine characters Pwn was right smash speculation brings out the worst in people


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
Long Island NY
If Isaac was in Smash Ultimate and no work has been put into a G.S.4. yet, would GS4 come out on the Switch or *insert next gen console name here*?
Switch, GS4 won't happen unless they treat it as a prequel

We would need a reboot of the series 1/2 before we get a 4


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Western Massachusetts
I understand what you mean I was just saying that we can all say stupid things to undermine characters Pwn was right smash speculation brings out the worst in people
the worst i have heard was in a comments section, it was a reaction to the announcement of the Belmonts....

"Simon Belmont really? who cares about these washed up geezers anymore?"

it was not exactly that, but something like that. like damn... castlevania is legendary guys. and washed up?

man, imagine a game without captain falcon, little mac, rob, ice climbers, etc...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2018
Switch, GS4 won't happen unless they treat it as a prequel

We would need a reboot of the series 1/2 before we get a 4
Maybe a "Golden Sun Collection" with GS, TLA, and DD all on it (with added features and amiibo support) for the Switch?


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
DeviantArt, of course. Not that they're ones to talk, but they have a point.

That's the exact mentality I have. I'll always pull for my boy first and foremost, but I'll be happy for the fans of anyone who enters the fight.
That's the spirit! It's good to see a like-minded individual around here.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2018
Switch, GS4 won't happen unless they treat it as a prequel

We would need a reboot of the series 1/2 before we get a 4
just follow up from dark dawn. "aaaahhhh no, bad game bad bad game bad!" they can improve the faults DD had. like sequels should do.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Bandana Dee is one of my most wanted newcomers and the whole "hat Goomba" argument just always bugs me to no end. Bandana Dee is a unique character with unique lines that just happens to be the same species as a basic enemy. That would be the same as someone arguing that Marth shouldn't be in because he's the same species as the enemies in his game (which are humans).
Yeah. BDD is a neat little guy. But some of his fanbase is just...somewhat repulsive. No offense.
i actually like bandana dee, but man what a generalization that dude made

i will be honest, isaac is a pretty common / general character, but he's done so well. he's like ryu. he's a plain character, but done super well
Yeah. It's not about the originality, but the execution. Just like GS.

just follow up from dark dawn. "aaaahhhh no, bad game bad bad game bad!" they can improve the faults DD had. like sequels should do.
I think his arguments is that most people didn't play DD. And most of the new audience wouldn't get most of the plot if they didn't play DD. (They'll need to buy an old DS game.)

What he's proposing is introducing an audience to GS with a remake. That way, it's a fresh start for everyone involved.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I know I haven't popped up in this thread much, but I'm also rooting for Isaac.

Would you guys want him to use multiple Psynergy types or stick just to Earth element and the Hands? Because I could see the one attack were he jumps into the air and crashes down like a burning Meteor as a recovery move.

And I think the hands can act as a tether grab.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
just follow up from dark dawn. "aaaahhhh no, bad game bad bad game bad!" they can improve the faults DD had. like sequels should do.
That's a bad idea, IMO. It's been too long. It would be better to remake 1+2 first, for the Switch. If THAT is sucessful enough then remaster and enchance DD and make GS4

Dropping GS4 right now will all of us reason to buy it, but nobody else is going to want to drop in on a cliffhanger ending from 8 years ago.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2018
Yeah. BDD is a neat little guy. But some of his fanbase is just...somewhat repulsive. No offense.

Yeah. It's not about the originality, but the execution. Just like GS.

I think his arguments is that most people didn't play DD. And most of the new audience wouldn't get most of the plot if they didn't play DD. (They'll need to buy an old DS game.)

What he's proposing is introducing an audience to GS with a remake. That way, it's a fresh start for everyone involved.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2014
Laugh Tale
View attachment 164548

Yeah. Nothing screams "pretentious" like that.
This guy doesn't know what he is talking about. "A Diddy echo and blonde swordsman throwing rocks." Really?

Dixie is the most iconic character left that debuted in the 1990s and starred in two of the original SNES trilogy games and had a huge part in Tropical Freeze. And Isaac is an iconic character from a very well-known GBA series. That guy needs to do some research. I don't believe Dixie will be an echo at all. If anyone from the DK series is getting the echo treatment, it's Funky plain and simple.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Isn't this the guy who said isaac had a chance to be revealed? And now he's being a complete ******* and trying to paint Isaac as "Generic".

He's the same guy who said "I don't know a lot about isaac, so please tell me why Isaac would be a good choice in the comments below."

So much for staying neutral. What ignorance.
I mean there's a chance he ain't talking about Isaac you never know could be rex
No matter who he's talking about, he's clearly biased towards Isabelle.

He says "Cool Dog" to refer to Isabelle and "Generic Anime Swordsman" to refer to... whoever he's talking about... (Isaac, Rex... whoever).

This stuck out to me immediately. It is not the language an unbiased person uses.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
It will likely be done in response to Smash, so new fans really have to be accounted for in Golden Sun's future. You have to give them a chance to get introduced to the lore, characters, and gameplay just like we did so they can get invested for sequels. Look at how we got a Bayo 1+2 compilation on Switch following her Smash inclusion, and those games were originally on the still accessible Wii family of consoles.

It's also a great chance to spruce up the dialogue of the GBA games and fix DD's common complaints.
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