SOV came out in 2017 she would be atm a very late addition.
I am just saying for a character like Simon they would share the same code. The person was a lucky guesser. Trust me, if the datamine was real the leaking scene would be all over the place and dmg control would be in effect.
I'm Cuban from NY, but I know a lot of my Hispanic friends going up enjoyed GS more than my white friends. Some are banking for Isaac to be in. Golden Sun helped many of em learn English with its text. However, we knew him as
Coming from 4chan
With now Loz saying Isaac is "in" or has a high chance. Verg and Lozz info would give us this as our roaster
View attachment 158780
Which I think no one will argue with.
With Amazon saying we will get 71 figthers (If not counting the echos which atm = up to 71) we have 4 more fighters and maybe 4 more echos
However, going by this we should be getting more fighters?
The average of "fighters of the day" is 3 for week.
26 weeks x 3 = 78
There are 67 fighters + 6 echoes - 4 (pokemon trainer and Miis count as 3 but share same day) = 69 characters.
78 - 69 = 9 more characters
View attachment 158781
As of now via 4chan
I want to talk about the leaks. I think I've got this figured out.
Let me start off by saying I have no idea if what I'm going to say is true, but I think my guess is reasonable.
+ Ridley at E3
+ Snake, Ice Climbers, Simon Belmont
+ "everyone is coming back from Smash WiiU/3DS"
+ Mimikyu is not the Gen 7 Pokemon.
- Simon's reveal would coincide with the reveal of two Castlevania games: a new entry and a classic compilation
- Donkey Kong isn't getting any new reps on Day 1/at launch (to be fair on this, he never said this one publicly)
>Minecraft may have representation, as a stage/assist trophy.
>Isabelle (Echo, not Unique)
>There is a Gen 7 rep that is not Decidueye or Lycanroc (One source straight up claiming it's Incineroar)
>After the E3 reveal, there are at least half a dozen characters left to reveal, unsure of whether that includes echos or not
+ All characters from past games will be playable
+ You now pick stage before characters
+ Ganondorf has OOT model and uses his sword for some attacks now
+ Accurately revealed Inkling's moveset
+ Link's bombs changed to bomb rune
+ Zelda's model based on ALBW
+ Smash direct in August showing menu screen and options, tournament mode
+ Vergeben's source about no new DK rep was incorrect (he also did say separately that King K Rool was in)
- August Smash direct will show three modes besides All-Star mode (if you count Tournament mode we only saw 2, with Classic being the other). The new mode will be revealed and be the primary way to unlock characters
>There's interesting information in the backgrounds of the fighters and art on official Smash Bros website
>Nintendo is using the newcomers as a way to promote other games in their respective franchises, looking specifically at Switch releases in the next 6-12 months
>Skull Kid is in
>The main theme of the game is Heroes vs. Villains
>Tweet that Isaac might be in
>Recently said that Dixie was highly likely.
We also have the NeoGaf Leak
The OG one with
- Simon Belmont
- King K. Rool
- Isaac
- X
- X
- X
- X
As for the 5 who are based on other fighters I could also just get the name of 3 of them:
- Chrom based on Roy (appearently with other effects than flames?)
- Soren (I don't know about any changes but he willl be based on Robin)
- Ken ( Based on Ryu with Flame effects)
- X
- X
- The Fire Emblem Series won't receive any newcomers but 2 who are based on existing fighters
- The Legend of Zelda Series won't receive any newcomers
- The Pokemon Series won't receive any newcomers
- Something about an addition to Cloud was mentioned, though I don't know for now if it's gonna be another Final Fantasy character or some other Square Enix character
With this leak
Soren could be possible since the Black Knight is now missing from Ike's FE stage
Which means he could be a boss and they could be giving Robin and Echo (Which would ****ing blow my mind)
So the big 3 leaks
Not counting the datamine one, but from my info with people who work at NOA saying that it didn't happen and it was luck guess this is all the info we have.
So with all the cards on the table that is the info we have now.