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Social Stuff that ends in fair..... A Sheik Social Thread!


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
a/s/l & facepic plz

Doc, Luigi, Mario like to crouch cancel into down smash a la Peach & Samoose because they think they're so clever, preying on weak moves like f-tilt & jab.

Against Luigi:

Use a lot of needles (aerial & ground, depends on how far he is), fair & bair, and d-throw > f-tilt > block at low percent (after like 30% switch to fair or uair [if he doesn't DI away just fair > ??? or uair always]). Run off platform fair. Shield > punish (sometimes WD oos is required) is good against his entire moveset except grab & super spaced f-tilt & some down smashes he'll get enough momentum to be safe from you on (although WD oos needles actually can work on the latter & is ****ing annoying).

Use needles to stop misfires preemptively during his recovery and to prevent him from getting distance from tornado & green missile. Fair > bair if you can hit it on him. Take away all his options & hog him (or hit him away).

You should DI all his throws behind him. CC to block, d-smash, or grab if he does jab stuff.


SH fair. SH bair. Run off platform fair. Use a lot of fair & bair. Space them. Air needles are pretty good too. Grabbing him is really good, too, and your ground movement is better. F-tilt is dangerous against shields if they're good but most of them suck (they can up smash oos but only Shroomed does it). Crouch cancel > block, d-smash, or grab if he jabs (Docs like to jab > d-smash so CC > block > WD oos punish works a lot). His game is mostly centered around crouch-punishes, grab attempts, and getting under you with up tilt, uair, or up smash so if you play to avoid those you'll be fine. Your f-tilt ***** his aerial approaches.

If he camps pills, just charge needles and then prepare to engage him. It's easy to run under them, WD under them, crouch them, nair through them, bair to protect yourself from them, etc.

The combo tree is similar to that of Marth. On DI away, d-throw > dash attack isn't 100% guaranteed (jumpable, possibly even vulnerable to Up+B) but it works enough that I recommend it anyway up to about 45%. After that, f-tilt or fair (or get creative with nair or something).


Treat it exactly the same as Doc only expect Marios to be more aggressive about holding the middle & stuff. If you go berserk with aerials you might get f-smashed so play a bit more grounded. You can also be f-smashed if you go for nooby shield grabs and whatever on spaced moves, so don't do that. They're gonna try to bait you into being f-smashed a lot. So block, stay spaced, etc. It's not a great plan on their part or anything, but it's easy to get complacent when you have a big character advantage. If you deny them their random smash attacks & grabs, there's not much Mario can do about you.


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
a/s/l & facepic plz

Doc, Luigi, Mario like to crouch cancel into down smash a la Peach & Samoose because they think they're so clever, preying on weak moves like f-tilt & jab.

Against Luigi:

Use a lot of needles (aerial & ground, depends on how far he is), fair & bair, and d-throw > f-tilt > block at low percent (after like 30% switch to fair or uair [if he doesn't DI away just fair > ??? or uair always]). Run off platform fair. Shield > punish (sometimes WD oos is required) is good against his entire moveset except grab & super spaced f-tilt & some down smashes he'll get enough momentum to be safe from you on (although WD oos needles actually can work on the latter & is ****ing annoying).

Use needles to stop misfires preemptively during his recovery and to prevent him from getting distance from tornado & green missile. Fair > bair if you can hit it on him. Take away all his options & hog him (or hit him away).

You should DI all his throws behind him. CC to block, d-smash, or grab if he does jab stuff.


SH fair. SH bair. Run off platform fair. Use a lot of fair & bair. Space them. Air needles are pretty good too. Grabbing him is really good, too, and your ground movement is better. F-tilt is dangerous against shields if they're good but most of them suck (they can up smash oos but only Shroomed does it). Crouch cancel > block, d-smash, or grab if he jabs (Docs like to jab > d-smash so CC > block > WD oos punish works a lot). His game is mostly centered around crouch-punishes, grab attempts, and getting under you with up tilt, uair, or up smash so if you play to avoid those you'll be fine. Your f-tilt ***** his aerial approaches.

If he camps pills, just charge needles and then prepare to engage him. It's easy to run under them, WD under them, crouch them, nair through them, bair to protect yourself from them, etc.

The combo tree is similar to that of Marth. On DI away, d-throw > dash attack isn't 100% guaranteed (jumpable, possibly even vulnerable to Up+B) but it works enough that I recommend it anyway up to about 45%. After that, f-tilt or fair (or get creative with nair or something).


Treat it exactly the same as Doc only expect Marios to be more aggressive about holding the middle & stuff. If you go berserk with aerials you might get f-smashed so play a bit more grounded. You can also be f-smashed if you go for nooby shield grabs and whatever on spaced moves, so don't do that. They're gonna try to bait you into being f-smashed a lot. So block, stay spaced, etc. It's not a great plan on their part or anything, but it's easy to get complacent when you have a big character advantage. If you deny them their random smash attacks & grabs, there's not much Mario can do about you.
i had no idea this kinda stuff was that easy ...

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
He's generally very good. How well he does depends in how much practice he has got recently. At P4 he 3 stocked m2k, and nearly knocked him into losers. Conversely, at P5, after a year of near retirement, he didn't get out of pools.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
At pound4 me and over actually had tons of sheik ditos and we went pretty even. He may have won more than me but it was pretty back and forth. We both 3 stocked each other more than once. My fox won most of the friendlies but all games were close. My marth 2-0d him in a close friendly set but then I uber choked in tourney + he was playing even better than usual and i got ***** badly.

pound5 he was super super rusty, i 2-3 stocked him over 5 sheik dittos in a row

rom4 we had like half of a marth sheik match that i got ***** in, and half of a sheik ditto that i was ****** in, but that's like.... not even 1 full friendly so that's not enough data.

I think he has been rusty since pound4 though. His prime was definitely that tournament.

My choice to go Fox vs over was only because he's really bad at the MU. My fox is really bad vs sheik but his sheik is also really bad vs fox. His best MUs seem to be marth and sheik, and those are my 2 mains so I used my 3rd mainFox


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
What are you doing that you had to not play me in cardboard you ******.

Cuz I wanted to play. :<

I wish I played overtriforce, but as usual I was being a scrub and just hanging out at the pizzeria or something.

Everyone told me what defined him over others was his movement and random grab mix ups he does.


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
i responded to Kaffeis sarcastic post with another sarcastic post, Over lost to 2 or 3 foxes in Pound 5 in addititon to a puff

I wasn't being sarcastic...
Over beat Hbox in 2/3 friendlies (I know it's just friendlies but he seemed to know the mu)

then again what do i know


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
Damn straight I would buy cake.

You are not getting **** faced the day before your flight again though, unless you want to be drunk on the plane ride again, lol.
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