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Social Stuff that ends in fair..... A Sheik Social Thread!

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
My cat would not have stood for that. He would have been like "you little ****er *SWAT* and next time bring me food"


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
well actually, 4 gate isnt the timing but the number of gates. Cheese for protoss in BW would probably be the same as sc2... proxy gateways or canons

edit- and its 6 pool cause you start with 6 workers in sc2. And they changed it so you must build a supply depot before a barracks with terran so early barracks play isn't really feasible except for like the 11/11 (build 2 barracks on 11, its a super strong rush vs hatch first builds)
The proxy templar archives man, THE PROXY ARCHIVES + GATE.

I'm so happy it isn't in SC2 (at least not very viable). Goddamnit protoss... Oh well scbw is still better than sc2 anyway

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
BW is to SC2 as smash 64 is to melee. Both are great games, but the sequel is much smoother, faster, and complex.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
If you meant SC2 is 64 and BW Melee, then I would agree. First I just want to point out I was one of the better players in Sweden in BW, around B/B+ iccup rank. Morrow and Bischu used to be in my clan (best clan in Sweden, BW-) In SC2 I was around top 30 in Europe in the beta, beating White-ra and Strelok a lot (as they were in my division at the time), I lost interest later and picked up when SC2 came out. I was #1 diamond before masters came out. I'm now mid masters, haven't played the game more than a few matches in ages.

SCBW had way more different BOs than SC2 for example, for each race I could easly point out 10 relatively standard builds, and up to 30 semistandard builds. For SC2 it's way way less.

The new AI makes micro easier and some core mechanics that set up for exciting plays were removed (stacking for example). A lot of the awesome part of watching scbw was that what you saw was god level, even if you were a top foreigner. This may of course change and I really hope it does (increasing overall skill levels and such).

A lot of battles were so epic in SC2, it's really hard to describe, but as I said I've played a lot (and I'm still watching sc2 even tho not playing really) and I never really got this epic feeling in sc2...

Also I think the ghost vs infestor / high templar is a really boring concept. Caster micro is not what Starcraft is about, at least it didn't use to, but multitasking and large scale action.

"More polished" I would never agree with, I still feel some parts sucks like sentries for example, they doesn't fit protoss at all. Protoss were supposed to charge into battle with honor, not hide behind some stupid shields with collossus. What happened protoss? D:

SC2 has new graphics, though it's mostly a bad thing except for attracting new players (easier to see stuff in battles and such in BW, tho it's not very hard in SC2, it's mostly in huge battle stuff get cluttery).

Remember I'm not saying SC2 is a bad game, it's a damn good game and I'd play the **** out of it and probably be almost as dedicated to it as I was to BW if it wasn't for smash. :p

I'm pretty tired right now as its 3:37 AM in Sweden but I hope you get what I'm saying. :)

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
If the last time you played Sc2 was the beta, you are missing out, thats all i can say. BW was awesome, but the mechanics of the game are slow because the UI is a severe limit. A player's APM is better spent on unit control, multitasking, positioning, ect than moving back to their base and selecting each building one at a time. Because of what the UI allows, the game moves much faster.

The game is also designed with the purpose of being a spectator sport, which is where the graphics come in. On low settings, which is what players use, I don't think any of the effects are intrusive. On higher settings, built for the audience, the effects tend to make the battles look really cool.

Also, the caster mechanic is somewhat lacking right now, but I would hardly say that battles are about caster micro. Spells are mostly instant so controlling your army to avoid the spells is very important. And if you've seen any of the new HotS stuff that was leaked from blizzcon this weekend, you should be excited. Zerg has a new flying caster with a dark swarm type ability, and there are a bunch of other changes that I am not really sure about it will really make things good.

tl;dr BW was an amazing game. Just like 64 the mechanics were great for their time, which their successors used and built upon to create an even deeper game. Being able to control things smoother allows for much more dynamic and fast paced play.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
Im honored to see such a pro swedish player comparing the games

If only u played sheik =/
I mained sheik for over 1 year, switched to fox a few months ago. Sheik is still awesome and I really enjoy her in friendlies =)

Too bad I suck at smash compared to bw...

Also just pointing out I was nowhere close to pro, I still had a bit to go for the top foreigners, and then there was the koreans o.o but I'd say I was decent to say the least haha

Sveet: As I said the last time I played SC2 seriously was just before masters was implemented which was in january IIRC. About the graphics I'm talking about the viewer experience, I want to be able to see everything at everytime, even at maxed late game battles, which can sometimes get a little too cluttery. Obviously I'm playing at low graphics.


This is amazing in BW, doing the same carpet storming in SC2 is just a few T click T click.. I'm just worried that when SC2 players reach the same multitask, reactionspeed and overall skillevel as BW pros, even if it will take some time, the game will just be perfected, because it lacks really challenging mechanics.

Btw, the same could be said about Melee. L-cancelling could be automatical, short hopping easier, etc. Sure the UI is basically "improved", but at the same time the only thing it does is make the game easier, nothing else. Saying it gives more time for multitasking etc. is just making excuses. I do understand how Blizzard just couldn't let the game be released without a brand new up to date UI because basically every new player would quit in after 2 days, but it does not make the game better.

5 AM... god I have to sleep soon


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
So, I'm going over Cactus's and going to in the first time in ****en ever RECORD vids of us playing =3.

Or stream, but I think I'd rather record. Might do half and half.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Howell, MI
Recording would be sweet. Streams are fun, but the sacrifice in quality is not worth it for only friendlies IMO. Watching you vs cactus whenever we want will likely be more beneficial for both you and you're viewers.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Sveet: As I said the last time I played SC2 seriously was just before masters was implemented which was in january IIRC. About the graphics I'm talking about the viewer experience, I want to be able to see everything at everytime, even at maxed late game battles, which can sometimes get a little too cluttery. Obviously I'm playing at low graphics.


This is amazing in BW, doing the same carpet storming in SC2 is just a few T click T click.. I'm just worried that when SC2 players reach the same multitask, reactionspeed and overall skillevel as BW pros, even if it will take some time, the game will just be perfected, because it lacks really challenging mechanics.

Btw, the same could be said about Melee. L-cancelling could be automatical, short hopping easier, etc. Sure the UI is basically "improved", but at the same time the only thing it does is make the game easier, nothing else. Saying it gives more time for multitasking etc. is just making excuses. I do understand how Blizzard just couldn't let the game be released without a brand new up to date UI because basically every new player would quit in after 2 days, but it does not make the game better.

5 AM... god I have to sleep soon
1) in that BW clip, you can't even see half the battle. That is a huge improvement that sc2 has provided.
2) Ease of use has nothing to do with depth. Automatic l canceling wouldn't increase or decrease depth, it just removes needless clicks.
3) Masters was introduced last fall, not january. Since then the metagame has shifted intensely. A year ago people won consistently with all ins, 1-2 base play, ect, where now it is uncommon to find a game end in less than 3 bases per player.
4) your worries are unfounded. The genre is built on not having enough APM to possibly do everything. Btw, fOrGG joined oGs and just qualified for code A this season (under the name oGsFin)

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
On this note, its coming out right now that a lot of BW pro teams are making the switch to Sc2... Blizzcon had bisu and other top pros (cant remember who off the top of my head) playing each other in SC2 :D


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
i didnt post anything in response cuz i was sre SOMEone would get my joke XD

AoE = area of effect as in

emp, or

corsair's attack, or

tank splash damage, or

psionic storm, aka

psi storm, aka



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