You shouldn't be getting flash kicked. It's not a great anti-air compared to his cr. Fierce, IMO. As Ibuki, slowly get in by sliding under his sonic booms. Don't go for EX neck breaker since those won't work because of Guile's fast recovery on his projectiles if you're too far away. Once you get in close enough, go for a cross-up or try to set up a vortex. Guile has no free and easy way to get out of cross-ups and rush down so he's pretty much forced to block similar to how Ibuki is on wake up.On another note, Guile is giving my El Fuerte and Ibuki nightmares. I have difficulty getting in without getting flash kicked. I guess I need to put in EX Dash and EX Neckbreaker more in this matchup.
LK to MK target combo in the air is a good cross up (except you have to hold back instead of forward on cross-ups). Pressuring Guile with jabs into neck breaker if the jabs hit or tick throw is good so you can get that good rush down going.