and yeah
1. learn all the hotkeys, a good way to do this is when you're trying to build something you don't know the key for, scroll over it, and instead of clicking on it, use the key on your keyboard. never let yourself click any skill and you'll learn all teh hotkeys really quick
2. use control groups for everything important, the most basic form is having one group for your army, one group for your production facilities (barracks, factory, starport and then use tab to scroll thru them) and 1 for your bases (command center, nexus, hatchery.) this method is fine but you can run into a lot of problems with army control if you use only one group for all of your units, and you can run into problems with production because of how blizzard changed how you cant tab thru addons anymore.
3. have a decent plan. build order seriously isn't that important until gold/plat level so just have a general idea of what you want to do and execute it well. for terran i recommend 3 barracks openings, it's a really simple and effective strat at the low levels that can teach you a lot about unit production, army control and rallly points (constantly adding units to the front.)
4. oh yeah and thumbs down desert oasis if you play 1v1 ladder that map is a piece of ****
5. if you just started playing the game do NOT do your placement matches right away for ladder. it's really easy to get placed into gold/plat off the bat but really hard and tedious to grind from bronze to diamond. play customs or team games until you get decent game sense and then do your placements.