booted back to platinum wooooo. I dont have time to practice this game enough for diamond/master level play >_>
what hapepned? you were doing so good
I think I'm going to go random for a while in 1v1 ladder once I hit 500 terran wins and get my thor pic.
-Terran is my most played
-I'm comfortable with toss and play them in team matches
-I've mostly neglected zerg, and Idk why because I love macroing hard and building huge armies.
I actually love zerg, first race main ever. theres alot of situation experience overall you need to gain to play zerg effectively and its a really frusterating race but past that with the current metagame they are the go to race. Infestors right now are so strong its nuts. Lings are good.
Tier 3 is even better.
The macroing part about zerg is the easiest, In 5 days i went from bronze to high diamond on another account last season just macroning and doing ling infestor as zerg in almost every matchup. I setup custom hotkeys to larve inject and droned, saw something coming, made stuff.
I talked to a masters zerg player what he does vs Terran is,
Scout early game for gases
Get up to 48ish drones
Make about 100 lings
continue to drone to 80
Procedes to make infestors while stopping any drops with 2 hotkey grouped lings
When infestors come out Ling infestor destroy any small push.
Counterattack when possible
get 20 ultras
win game
pretty crazy