It's not the point that he added Japan Only characters to his interest list, it's that he added some of them several times after saying that he wasn't going to give them much priority, but even still, there aren't THAT many more noteworthy franchises under Nintendo's belt that can join in the Brawl, and expansions in already well established franchises aren't that interesting to me. International appeal most likely means characters that would appeal to people everywhere, just because of their concept, or characters well received everywhere, which is why we OBVIOUSLY got Ike.Well it only makes sense that there would be a plethora of Japanese-exclusive characters mentioned in the selected user comments he posted in his Toukouken considering that it was conducted IN JAPAN. And I didn't say that Sakurai said he was ruling out Japan-only characters altogether, just that he wasn't giving them as high of a priority. Now I understand that Nintendo characters from games released outside of Japan are more likely to be overlooked, but Sakurai did say something along the lines that he was looking to characters with 'international appeal'. Whatever he meant by that is up for debate, but if he is referring to international releases, keep in mind that Star Tropics is in fact an international release. At any rate, as far as Nintendo characters from 'outside of Japan' are concerned, Mike Jones stands the best chance. Now I admit that still makes his chance for inclusion long shot, but I think we all know by now that Sakurai is quite an unpredictable character.
Also, I fail to see how Japan getting their exclusive characters while great characters from outside Nippon remain neglected a win-win situation... Ah well...
The game is made in Japan, it's going to get THE MOST influence from there (and he didn't even bother getting suggestions from other countries), it's not being made here. Would you like it better if they made the game Japan exclusive? So yes it's a win-win, we get characters we want, they get characters they want and THEN some, but the game is made in JAPAN of course we most likely wouldn't be getting any favors. It's like asking for a non-Japan third party character to get in, it's just not gonna happen.